Call For Papers - Utah Valley University

Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Moral Responsibility
March 27, 2015
Utah Valley University
Orem, Utah
Moral responsibility has consistently been a salient issue in disciplines such as
the law, psychology, psychiatry, and philosophy. The questions about social,
cognitive, and psychological constraints on legal and moral responsibility are
ever-evolving with advances in technology and knowledge. This conference
seeks to address cutting-edge applied issues in moral and legal responsibility.
Confirmed speakers:
Keynote: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Invited: Teneille Brown, William Hirstein, David Polizzi, Adina Roskies,
Katrina Sifferd, Chandra Sripada, Nicole Vincent
We invite papers that fall under two broad themes.
1. Understanding moral responsibility based on changes in what we know:
Examples of questions under this theme include, but are not limited to the
following: What are the legal implications of fMRIs in the courtroom? Can
neuroscience aid the courtroom in assessing moral responsibility? Do advances
in understanding how the mind/brain works change our moral responsibility
practices? How do practitioners’ underlying assumptions about moral
responsibility inform their disciplinary practices?
2. Understanding moral responsibility in applied contexts: Examples of
questions under this theme include, but are not limited to the following: Do
personality disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, or attention-deficit disorder
affect moral or legal responsibility? What are the implications for how we draw
the distinction between addiction and compulsion? Between weakness of will
and compulsion? Are we morally responsible for implicit biases? Are we legally
and/or morally responsible for unconscious thought processes?
To submit, please send a 1000-1200 word abstract prepared for blind review to
the gmail account: MRConf2015. The deadline is October 1, 2014.
Please address questions to Chris Weigel to the gmail account: weigelch.