APPENDIX A mathematical method for extracting cell secretion rate from affinity biosensors continuously monitoring cell activity Yandong Gao*, Qing Zhou, Zimple Matharu, Ying Liu, Timothy Kwa, Alexander Revzin* Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. * Corresponding authors. Address: Yandong Gao and Alexander Revzin, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA E-mail :; Principle of Aptamer-based electrochemical sensor The sensing strategy of aptamer-based electrochemical sensor for IFN-γ is shown in Figure A1. It is based on binding of cytokine to the electrode surface which results in the displacement of the redox reporter and the decrease in signal measured by square wave voltammetry1-3. The hairpin aptamer molecules are thiolated at the 3’ end on gold electrode. A redox label (MB) is linked at the 5’-end of each aptamer. In the absence of target, the aptamer is thought to fold and the MB molecules are close to the electrode. Upon binding of target molecule, the hairpin changes conformation and the MB molecule moves further away from the electrode, altering electron transfer and decreasing the observed reduction peak. FIG A1. Schematic of aptamer-based electrochemical detection principle for IFN-γ. (a) The hairpin aptamer molecules were immobilized on gold electrode. (b) Upon binding of IFN-γ, the hairpin changes conformation and the redox label (MB) moves away from the electrode. (c) Voltammograms of the IFN-γ electrochemical sensor. A signal decrease is observed upon binding of IFN-γ to aptamer on gold electrode. The measured signal was defined as ‘signal suppression’: the ratio of SWV peak current loss to the initial SWV peak current in the absence of target4,5. We assumed that the immobilization of aptamer molecules is homogeneous and the binding and report ability of each molecule are equal. Therefore, the initial SWV peak has a linear relationship to the total immobilized aptamer molecules and the ‘current loss’ reflects the total amount of IFN-γ bound on the electrode. As the result, the ‘signal suppression’ was written as Eq. (5) in the paper. S= Pšš¢šš ∫ šµ(š”)šΩ = Pšššš” ∫ š“0 šΩ where Pcurr is the reduction peak measured at current time point and Pinit is reduction peak measured at initial. Reference 1 F. Ricci, A. J. Bonham, A. C. Mason, N. O. Reich, and K. W. Plaxco, Anal Chem 81, 1608 (2009). 2 R. Y. Lai, K. W. Plaxco, and A. J. Heeger, Analytical Chemistry 79, 229 (2007). 3 B. R. Baker, R. Y. Lai, M. S. Wood, E. H. Doctor, A. J. Heeger, and K. W. Plaxco, J Am Chem Soc 128, 3138 (2006). 4 Y. Liu, N. Tuleouva, E. Ramanculov, and A. Revzin, Analytical Chemistry 82, 8131 (2010). 5 Y. Liu, J. Yan, M. C. Howland, T. Kwa, and A. Revzin, Analytical Chemistry 83, 8286 (2011).