J - LifeMAPP

So I will give you some lessons about personalities and masking which will help you with your members
in your group and with you and Tusty, because I want you to apply these principles to your own life of
Coaches who don't live what we teach aren't coaches. You have an ideal personality profile for coaching
and doing what we're doing - very entrepreneurial as does Nawaal and Elsbeth and of course myself.
How the results for me here are a snapshot in time, highlighting my needs the day I took it.
Of course, our needs change and our personalities are based on our needs.
The problem with most personality assessments is that they box people into types either purposefully
or unintentionally. We're not inventing this personality typing. This is based on many theories and
assessments on the market since the 1930s, namely Myers-Briggs. The book you have focused on
Myers-Briggs types as do I - but with a twist. I focus on something called Interaction Styles and each
personality is grouped as such by Interaction Styles
M at the top, blue
A to the left, purple
P to the right, red
P at the bottom, gold
M = Maestros, they like to conduct and like to be experts, usually in a leadership capacity
A = Adventurers, they like to push the envelope and love entertaining people and ideas
P (red) = People Pleasers, they like to follow systems and leaders, they like routine
P (gold) = Perfectionists, they like systems (sometimes to create) and like to follow (and they insist
others follow systems too)
MAPP for us also originally stood for Motivation And Personality Profile
There is also a 3rd meaning which pays homage to a typing system developed by David Kiersey. If there
are 16 core types there exists a matrix of 4 Interaction Styles and 4 ViewPoints, a 4x4 matrix resulting in
16 types. Viewpoints are related to Keirseys 4 core types to which I've also assigned MAPP. Those are
present in the LifeMAPP matrix but hidden because where most of the psychology world focused on
Keirseys types (or temperaments as they are called).
I turned the tables because my research and coaching has shown Interaction Styles are MUCH more
prominent and origins of conflict/connectivity in people/teams so the temperaments are present
forming mapp (small letters).
m = movement, these people like to see change and be part of it, future-minded
In the LifeMAPP matrix, movement-focused people are the top position of all 4 quadrants; entj, entp,
intp, intj. Keirsey called these "Rationals" or NTs.
a = activism, these people are idealists focused on causes related to people and needs
They are found on the right side of each quadrant; enfj, enfp, infj, infp those are a – activism.
p = protection, p's focus on protecting traditions, assets, routines etc
They are at the bottom of each Interaction Style; estj, esfj, istj, isfj. Keirsey called these "Guardians"
Rationals - first to have new technology, top side of each quadrant
Guardians - last to have new technology, bottom side of each quadrant
p = pleasure (seekers)
They are on the left side of each quadrant; estp, esfp, istp. isfp
Old school focused on those ViewPoints but I flipped it and focused on Interaction Styles. There are
some references in your book, that are wrong, they just don't stack up because their focus is on
ViewPoints. Most of the book is spot on in dealing with each individual type and is ESPECIALLY valuable
in comparing two types.
A function we will actually build into our website allowing two friends to compare their personalities and
see common interests and areas of conflicts. Years ago I developed and used a complicated algorithm
for determining successful pairings with success rate over 96%, that soon will become part of our site :).
Keep in mind I started LifeMAPP on these theories/models personality and then eventually I connected
them to Needs and HON/BOL became our central focus and what I teach and have discovered is that if
you tell me someones needs, I can tell you their personality, spot on, AND if you tell me their
personality, I can tell you their Needs, spot on.
One last thing on personalities by filtering personalities by Interaction Styles, a pattern emerged and my
genius lies in pattern recognition that is where you see the margins in the matrix. You can see, we have
2 columns that divide personalities into 8 types concrete and another 8 types abstract. People will have
a preference for one or the other as well as in crisis, people will follow their instincts or follow the team.
Two more columns, dividing whole into 2 more groups of 8 each they are extrovert & introvert.
So people can take the 72 question profile OR we can ask just 4 questions.
1. Concrete or abstract?
2. In crisis, instincts or team?
3. People focused/centered or project focused/centered?
4. Introverted or extroverted?
But here is the thing immature people will land in one box pretty solidly in one box. A developed,
balanced, mature person, will develop other areas and as their needs go down, their empathy and
Significance goes up and their personality will broaden, because personality is a reflection of needs
nothing more, nothing less.
I for an example, will profile anywhere between ENTJ, ENTP, ENFJ and ENFP, all 4 are abstract, 2 are
instincts in a crisis, 2 are team in a crisis, all 4 extroverts BUT you will see a little of all 16 in me. I am
highly developed. I do very well in the design/giver (red) area. I do very well too in the perfectionist gold
area depends on my needs and those around me. Most of the time though, I stick to those core 4 that's
where I am my best, because that is what I can naturally sustain the longest. You can also see, 2 are
task-oriented, 2 are people-oriented, in time, you will learn to see me and know where I am operating
and you will learn how to adjust to me in those frames. Nawaal does it to perfection there are times
where I drive hard and I don't tolerate excuses and there are times when I stop everything to make sure
our team is ok.
Your profile indicated you have the same ability as I do which is VERY impressive IF you tap it.
So, do you remember my core personality if you had to narrow me to one type?
(Instead of "wait" which sounds like a command better to say "thinking" or "processing" which better indicates
your intent)
When the crap hits the fan, I go with my instincts and people follow. I am what people call a "bornleader". Were you present when I told the story of me in the US Navy? My friend told me to avoid
leading and I did, because I was tired and drained when I went in for training but 5 days later, where was
I? Leading, because I have great instincts (experience breeds this) and great confidence so people
follow me always have always will. For many years, I profiled as ENTJ which confused me it wasn't until
I developed this system that I rang true to my real personality, and the fact is, I care more about people
than tasks in most cases BUT due to masking and life experience/survival I have developed a STRONG J
and I easily come off as an ENTJ and I play the role very well and between the two ENTP (great starter,
great innovators) and ENTJ (captain, field generals, great finishers) I have always succeeded in anything
I've worked at.
So I want you to use this new knowledge to think about your personality over the weekend because
you profiled as an ENTJ but you are not. ENTJs can be ruthless you're not
Nobarun Dey: I need to know what I am actually.
Dave Darby: Here is your challenge, you profile yourself as
a) Project-centered and
b) Instincts under stress/crisis
One of those is true, one is false, figure out which is which and you will know your core personality and
your core needs.
We'll also talk about your rainmaker index and creative index
Go back to my results I sent you a second look at my creative and rainmaker both very high this is
unusual and it speaks to my abilities and successes, creative 436 rainmaker 70, yes, look at the bar
charts you can see where those ranks in the top third of both. This is the sign of a very gifted person,
some say genius and, no coincidence, my IQ scores and intelligence scores have all be genius level - since
2nd grade in school.
("How come" is bad English it is a VERY common expression but also very bad instead just say "why")