Guide to Understanding Population Ecology To receive credit for this assignment, you must complete a minimum of 70 points worth of activities after you have watched the 2 short presentations on Population Ecology found at Ecology Crash Course, video #2 and #3 . You should not begin the work on these activities until you have watched the videos. You must choose at least one activity from each column. You may earn up to a maximum of 100 points. All work must be original – no copying / plagiarism. The assignments you select for this guide to understanding are due at the start of class on 4/15/15. 10 points: Level 1 Activity 1 Complete the guided reading for sections 53.1 to 53.6. Worksheets can be found in the Population Ecology folder. 20 points: Level 2 Activity 2 Regulation of Predator-Prey Population Dynamics. Describe the specific role of the regulator and discuss how the process will be altered if the regulation is disrupted. See the Population Ecology folder for the prompt. 30 points: Level 3 Activity 3 Evaluate “The Return of Canis lupis,” a case study of the gray wolf packs of Yellowstone National Park. Prepare answers to questions concerning this very real example of disruption to the predator prey cycle. With this activity you could decide to work alone – complete parts I, II, and III – OR – with a partner – complete all four parts. Case information can be found in the Population Ecology folder. Activity 4 Complete exercise 2 (Survivorship Curves), exercise 4 (biotic vs. abiotic factors) and exercise 5 (life history strategies). Exercises can be found in the Population Ecology folder. Activity 5 Calculate answers to the Population Growth Rate problems. Problems can be found in the Population Ecology folder. Activity 6 Compose an answer to a free response question on the topic of Population Growth. See the Population Ecology folder for the prompt. Activity 7 Describe the life history strategies of r-selection and kselection. Give an example of organisms that use each strategy and in a brief paragraph, explain the modes of nutrition, reproduction, and environmental role. (There is no handout for this activity.) Activity 8 Interpret information from two populations, provide explanations to the corresponding questions. See the Population Ecology folder for the questions. Activity 9 Compose an answer to a free response question on the topic Population Growth Rate. See the Population Ecology folder for the prompt.