Name: Period: ______ Unit #4: Ancient Empires *Study Guide

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Period: ______
Unit #4: Ancient Empires
*Study Guide – Thursday, 10/22/15*
Review the following notes:
 the Han
 Ancient South Asia
 the Phoenicians
 the Persians
 the Greeks
 the Romans
Review the following quizzes:
 Quiz #4 – the Han and Ancient South Asia
 Quiz #5 – the Phoenicians and the Persians
Review the following handouts:
 Unit #4 Maps 1-3
 Great Wall of China
 India and China Establish Empires
 Guided Viewing – the History of the Phoenicians
 Battle of Thermopylae
 Warring City-States
 Peloponnesian War
 WebQuest – the Philosophers
 Guided Viewing – Alexander the Great
 RQ – Early Roman Republic
 The Roman Empire
 Fall of the Roman Empire
 Summarizing the Gothic invasions of Rome
 Guided Viewing – Attila the Hun
Answer the following:
What does the Han’s social hierarchy look like?
Why are peasants above artisans and merchants?
Define artisans.
What three things do the Han share in common with their predecessors, the Zhou?
Define assimilation.
Why do the Silk Roads develop?
Where does Han culture spread? How come?
When does the Mauryan Empire begin? How come?
How does Chandragupta rule his empire?
10. What religion does Ashoka follow? Why does he convert?
11. As a result of his faith, Ashoka promotes what two policies?
12. What happens to the Mauryans when Ashoka dies?
13. What three ethnicities pour into South Asia over a period of 500 years?
14. How does the Gupta Dynasty start?
15. Who tells the Guptas about the Silk Roads? How do they respond to this economic opportunity?
16. Define middlemen.
17. List some products that the people of the Mediterranean want from the Guptas and Han.
The Han
The Guptas
18. Han and Gupta merchants transfer their respective cultures, religion, and customs to what region? (hint: it’s a melting pot of
everything South and East Asian.)
19. Where are the Phoenicians from? (hint: yes, they migrate from Mesopotamia… but where do they settle and thrive?)
20. How do the Phoenicians organize themselves?
21. What three locations outside of the Mediterranean Sea do the Phoenicians go to trade?
22. What raw materials do they get from the British Isles? From West Africa?
23. What products do the Phoenicians trade with?
24. Define entrepôt.
25. What is the wealthiest and most profitable Phoenicians entrepôt from 814 – 146 BCE?
26. What is the greatest legacy of the Phoenicians?
27. Who founds the Achaemenid Empire? Where does he settle the capital?
28. What religion do the Persians follow?
29. Why is Cyrus so popular?
30. What is the significance of the Cyrus Cylinder?
31. Where does Dariush expand the empire? What does he (re)develop to aid in communication?
32. Who destroys Persepolis? As a consequence, who do historians get most of their information about the Persians?
33. Define polis.
34. Define oligarchy.
35. In which polis does democracy develop for the first time? About what year is this?
36. Define democracy.
37. What kind of government does Sparta have?
38. Who fights in the Greco-Persian Wars (546 – 475 BCE)?
39. Who launches as second invasion of Greece in 480 BCE?
40. Who wins the Greco-Persian Wars? Why?
41. What are some consequences of these wars?
42. Why does Sparta dislike the Delian League so much?
43. What war do the Spartans start as a result of the Delian League?
44. Compare the Athenian and Spartan strategy.
45. Define armistice.
46. What motivates the Athenians to question democracy?
47. Complete the chart.
His Philosophy
48. What Greek territory is Alexander the Great from? Who is his tutor?
49. Who are the first people that Alexander attacks as he makes his way east?
50. Why do the Egyptians crown him a pharaoh?
51. Why are Alexander’s soldiers upset with him?
52. Why does he turn around after conquering the Indus River Valley?
53. Why is Rome a great place to headquarter an empire?
54. How does Rome organize itself at first? What type of political system do they develop in 509 BCE?
55. Define republic.
56. Why do Rome and Carthage fight the Punic Wars (265 – 146 BCE)?
57. What occurs during the Second Punic War?
58. What are two results of the Punic Wars?
59. Why does the republic start to fall apart? Who fills the oncoming power vacuum?
60. Complete the chart.
First Triumvirate
Second Triumvirate
61. Why does Julius Caesar declare himself emperor in 46 BCE?
62. Why is he so popular?
63. Why do several senators orchestrate his assassination in 44 BCE? What happens to the empire for 3 years?
64. What starts up again once the Second Triumvirate breaks down in 31 BCE?
65. Who does Octavian defeat at the Battle of Atrium?
66. What is pax romana?
67. Define lingua franca. What is the lingua franca in the western and eastern empire?
68. Why are the Romans annoyed by the Jews and Christians?
69. Why is Christianity so popular?
70. When does Constantine convert to Christianity? What does his Edict of Milan do?
71. Why do Roman Christians hold the First Council of Nicaea in 325 BCE? What modern Christian church officially begins during
this council?
72. When does Christianity become the official state religion of the Roman Empire?
73. Define inflation.
74. Which emperor divides the empire? When and why does he do this?
75. Which emperor reunites the empire in 312 BCE? He moves the capital from Rome to ___________________________.
76. Who are Goths?
77. Central Asian nomads known as the ___________ begin pushing several Gothic tribes into the northern portion of the Roman
Empire. Who is their leader?
78. The western portion of the empire falls in ________ CE. The eastern portion survives and continues for another
hundred years as the _________________________ Empire.