Foundation English Scope and Sequence READING AND VIEWING LANGUAGE Text Structure & Expressing & Sound & Letter Organisation Developing Ideas Knowledge Story/text forms & Sentence express Recognize lower purposes ideas. and upper-case Concepts of print Word-grammar to letters screen make meaning. Features of print Words & Images leading to meaning. READING AND VIEWING LITERATURE Literature & Responding to Examining Context Literature Literature Compare authors N/A Features of texts. to own Retell events. experiences (connections to self). Writing Language READING AND VIEWING LITERACY Texts in Context Interpreting, Analysing, Evaluating Texts Identify familiar texts/contexts Writing Literature Difference between imaginative and informative texts. Phrasing and fluency in predictable texts. Use strategies to understand texts (read and viewed). Writing Literacy Text Structure & Organisation Expressing & Developing Ideas Creating Literature Texts in Context Difference between written and oral language. Capital letters & full stops. Sentence & Cause level grammar Word level grammar Vocabulary Letters make words. Record sight words, onset and rime to spell words. Retell familiar texts through performance, illustration and image. Create short texts. Shared editing – meaning, spelling, capitals and full-stops. Produce some upper and lowercase letters formations. Language Variation & Change -English one of many languages (even by classmates/community) Speaking & Listening Language Language for Expressing & Interaction Developing Ideas -Formal/Informal -Everyday language experience & -Home vs. School personal interests language. vocabulary -Expressing needs, likes & dislikes. Experiment & adapt Sound & Letter Knowledge -Recognize rhymes, syllables (spoken) Literature & Context N/A Speaking & Listening Literature Responding to Examining Literature Literature -Identify favorite N/A stories, authors & illustrators. -Share feelings about events and characters. Interpreting, Analysing, Evaluating Texts Constructs texts using word processing including images. Texts and contexts in which they are used. Examining Literature -Replicate rhythms & sounds -Patterns -Rhymes, poems & songs from a range of cultures. S & L Literacy Interacting with Others -Listen/respond to texts & classmates. -Informal/structured -Voice level, articulation, and body language. -Give short oral presentations.