Job Description [DOCX - 55 KB]

Manager of Financial Services
AD Grid Level 7(k)
NOC CODE: 0111
STANDARD HOURS: 35 hours/week (management)
Director of Corporate Services
AD Grid Level 8(h)
Corporate Services
Financial Services
Main Administration Building
The Financial Services Department provides financial stewardship and management services for the
County, including financial support to all departments in the areas of budgeting and finance.
Services provided include:
 centralized accounting services, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, utilities,
collections, interim financial reporting, payroll and benefits and property taxation.
 administrative customer service including cashier and reception services.
 technical services for financial systems including online web services, database management,
upgrades, support and training on systems and equipment.
 financial services including financial analysis, cost recovery calculations, management of cash
and investment portfolios, annual and interim financial reporting, capital asset accounting and
reporting, operating and capital budgets, long range financial planning, reserves and debt
management, financial policy, grant application and reporting, and other financial management,
information and advice
 liaison with the public and property owners regarding taxation, water and sewer accounts,
accounts receivable and payable, local improvements, budget and financial information, and
other services
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Reviewed Date: January 2015
This position leads the major administrative duties related to financial and taxation responsibilities per the
Municipal Government Act. The position is responsible for providing a leadership role in all aspects of
financial management including directing the Financial Services Department, interpreting operating
results as they affect financial position, ensuring departments are provided timely and accurate financial
information on a regular basis for decision making and budgeting purposes, and continuously monitoring
and improving financial related organizational policy and Financial Services Department policies and
processes, financial systems, and procedures. Provides information and recommendations to Council,
County Administrator, Directors and departments on financial issues, analysis and long range financial
Key Responsibilities and Job Duties:
1. Financial Management, Leadership and Direction
Leads and directs all Financial Services Department operations
Ensures appropriate financial and stewardship policies and practices exist within the County
and function effectively
Advocates the use of sound fiscal principles and researches best practices to improve
processes and reporting
Evaluates and analyzes County initiatives from a financial impact perspective
Provides financial expertise for a variety of projects, long range financial plans and strategic
Provides financial information, analysis, statistics and support to the development of Council
reports, policies, budgets, contracts, County newsletters and news releases, County web site
and other documents
Keeps abreast of municipal legislation, new technologies and systems as they relate to the
Financial Services, ensuring systems are current and effective.
Develops policies, procedures and management strategies for financial services, including
reserves, debt levels, asset management and safeguarding assets, and internal controls.
Approves all investments of operating and reserve funds and financial accounting and
reporting for County shares and asset transfers to Aquatera Utilities Inc.
Manages and forecasts the County’s reserve funds (restricted surplus)
Application and reporting of Provincial and Federal grants
Authorization and approval of Financial Services Department related purchases in accordance
with policy.
Authorized cheque and financial instrument signing authority in accordance with policy,
including approval of payroll electronic fund transfers.
Maintains effective communications and professional relationships with Council, Senior
Management, co-workers, members of the business community, consultants, banking and
audit officials, government departments, residents and members of the public at large.
Participates in internal and external committees.
Member of the Department Management Team, which collectively includes problem solving,
innovation, leadership and fostering of effective communication and cooperation for the
entire organization
Liaises with CAO, Directors, Human Resources, and Payroll accounting unit staff on issues
and proposed changes affecting payroll processing, with a goal of reducing the number of
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manual transactions, increasing efficiency in processing and ensuring exceptions to policy are
approved by the CAO
Participates in other financial projects and initiatives
2. Staff Management
Plans and provides overall direction to the Financial Services Department
Supervises and directs the next level of management positions in the department and the
property taxation section of the Financial Services Department
Provides leadership, support, mentoring, feedback and coaching to direct reports
Monitors and evaluates the performance of direct reports
Provides for ongoing professional development and training for direct reports
Assigns and utilizes staff and resources to meet annual departmental and organizational goals
Promotes and facilitates team building and cooperation with other departments
3. Financial Reporting
Ensures financial systems are maintained and that accurate, reliable and timely information is
provided for decision making
Ensures Council, County Administrator, divisions, departments and work units are provided
with the financial reports they require on a timely basis to effectively facilitate organizational
decision making
Monitors the overall County budget variances, including yearend results, and analyzes,
identifies and reports findings, highlighting variances requiring immediate attention or action.
Ensures accurate collection of all financial data as required to produce sound financial
Provides financial direction and assistance to County departments
Oversees the coordination of year end accounting functions and annual external audit.
Oversees the preparation of the County’s Corporate Financial Statements and Financial
Information Return for the Provincial Government and reviews for accuracy prior to external
Prepares financial statements, schedules, and notes, particularly those related to surplus and
reserves , reviews discrepancies and asset and liability accounts for accurateness
Ensures that required Aquatera Utilities Inc. equity, government business enterprises, and
partnership financial information is correctly consolidated into the Corporate Financial
Presents financial statements, including budget variances, key results and trends
Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Oversees coordination of the County’s annual and forecasted operating and capital budget
Analyzes and identifies financial impacts, trends, and areas where cost savings or efficiencies
may be attained and provides financial information related to budget
Calculates property taxation rate scenarios and impacts for budget
Analyzes County reserve funds available for budget and long term reserve requirements
Manages and analyzes long term debt levels and impact on budget
Reviews and prepares various bylaws including annual property taxation, local improvement
taxation, borrowing and Schedule of Rates and Fees
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Presents budget information including analysis and impacts
Develops business plans and goals for the Financial Services Department, incorporating
strategic direction from Council
5. Property Taxation
Oversees property taxation maintenance and operations, including annual update of
assessment, tax penalty, collection including seizures of assets and tax recovery process
Calculates final taxation rates and oversees the creation of tax and assessment notices
Proposes options, calculates scenarios and drafts bylaws for local improvement taxation and
ensures that properties are charged accordingly
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I have read this job description:
Incumbent’s Signature
Name (print)
This job description is an accurate statement of the position’s assigned duties, responsibilities, and
reporting relationships, as indicated in the preceding organization chart, effective _______.
Supervisor’s Signature
Name (print)
This Job Description is in the appropriate format and contains sufficient data for its evaluation in the
County Job Evaluation Plan:
HR Manager’s Signature
Name (print)
Attachment: Organization Chart
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Reviewed Date: January 2015
Education and Experience:
 Post secondary diploma or degree in Accounting, Business or Commerce.
 A Professional Accounting Designation is mandatory - CGA, CMA, or CA, and financial
experience in a local government setting.
 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
 Public Sector Accounting Standards
 Municipal Government Act, in particular as related to financial administrative duties, financial
administration, including: budgets, authorized investments, borrowing, loans and guarantees,
financial statements and audit, expenditures, local improvements, property taxation and recovery.
Skills and Abilities:
 Ability to ensure all work related information is kept confidential as per policy and in accordance
with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
 Ability to comply with records management practices as stated in the Records Management
 Advanced computer system skills, supervisory experience and superior organizational and
communication skills.
 Management and Leadership skills including decision making, planning, problem solving, ethics,
creativity and innovation, systems thinking, delegation and communication
Training Matrix:
 National Advanced Certificate in Local Authority Admin (NACLAA) Level 1 (Local
Government, Local Government Finance, Municipal Law I, Organizational Behavior, Public
Administration Professionalism plus 3 electives) or equivalent program (e.g.. Local Government
 Advanced Skills for Leadership Certificate (6 modules including leadership, team harmony,
communication, facilitation skills, setting team goals, getting things done)
 Disability Management / WCB Return to Work
 Essential Skills for Supervisors Certificate (9 modules including managing time, leadership,
supervision, communication, working together, performance management, intervention, resolving
conflict, staying positive) or equivalent program
 Leadership for Safety Excellence (4 modules – Supervisor’s Role, Hazard Assessment,
Inspections, Investigations)
 First Aid including AED
 Workplace Violence Prevention
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Reviewed Date: January 2015