nov 30, 2014 cell outline

Cell Outline 58 - 2014
Date: Nov 30, 2014
Main Text: Numbers 13:17- 14:1-9 (Please read for context’s sake Numbers 13 and
God promised the Israelites a land flowing with "milk and honey". A rich and fertile
land He covenanted with Abraham and his offspring. Let's see how it applies to our
present life and the promises of God in Christ are ours to enjoy.
Questions to the Group:
1. Do you have “giants” in your life?
2. How do you think these “giants” will make us swell?
1. There are giants in between us and our promise land.
satan, the world and the flesh will stand in our way.
2. God will not bring us to our promise land without our cooperation.
It is as good as ours; we just need to possess it. Because the Israelites did not rest
in His promises, they wandered in the wilderness till a new generation with a
mindset to "posses" were ready.
3. God shows up when we confront the giants.
When we follow God's ways in the direction of His destiny/promises even if it is
contrary to our natural senses, He will show up in mighty power as we are in
harm's way confronting the giants that stand in our way.
well - in a good,
or satisfactory manner, commendably, excellently adequately or suf
swell - to grow in amount, degree, force,
Conclusion: The Old Testament stories are type and shadows of the New Testament
truths. Jesus finished the work of forgiveness and freedom from our sins and the hold
of the enemy. But we need to appropriate or apply it in the face of our personal
giants. When we trust the Lord Jesus, with whom the promises of God are yes and
Amen, the giants and walls will fall and we will enjoy abundant life.