COURSE OUTLINE SPANISH I FIRST SEMESTER Etapa Preliminar: The Hispanics in the USA Greetings;introductions;saying where you are from;Numbers 1-10;exchanging phone numbers; Days of the week; the weather; classroom expressions and the Spanish Alphabet Unidad 1: Leccion 1 Discuss afterschool activities; snack foods and beverages Grammar aspects: subject pronouns;Gustar + infinitive Unidad 1: Leccion 2 Describe yourself and others Grammar aspects: definite and indefinite articles; noun-adjective agreement Unidad 2: Leccion 1: Mexico Discuss daily schedules;telling time;numbers from 11-100 Grammar aspects: the verb tener and present tense of –ar verbs Unidad 2: Leccion 2 Describe your classes,location and to be able to express feelings Grammar aspects: the verb estar and ir Unidad 3: Leccion 1: Puerto Rico Talk about meals and food, and ask questions Grammar aspects: Gustar + nouns, present tense of –er and –ir verbs SECOND SEMESTER Unidad 3: Leccion 2: Puerto Rico Discuss your family members, give dates and numbers Fromm 200 to 1,000,000 Grammar aspects: Possesive adjectives and comparatives Unidad 4: Leccion 1: Espana Talking about going shopping and clothing Grammar: Stem changing verbs e-ie and direct object pronouns Unidad 4: Leccion 2 Getting around town; places and events and going to the restaurant Grammar: stem changing verbs o-ue and e-i Unidad 5: Leccion 1: Ecuador Describe a house, household items and furniture Grammar: ser and estar; and ordinal numbers Unidad 5: Leccion 2 Planning a party and discussing household chores Grammar: Affirmative familiar commands and more irregular verbs Unidad 6: Leccion 1: Republica Dominicana Talking about sports Grammar: the verb jugar; saber and conocer; the personal a Unidad 6:Leccion 2 Staying healthy and parts of the body Grammar: preterite of regular –ar verbs; and preterite of –car,-gar,-zar