Renisix Constitution Revised January 2012 Contents 1.0 Organization of the Assembly 2.0 The Powers of the General Assembly 3.0 Operation of the General Assembly 4.0 The Objects and Purposes of the Council 5.0 The Power of the Council 6.0 Operation of the Council 7.0 The Council Positions 8.0 Elections 9.0 Recall and Replacement of Councillors 10.0 Amendments Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Page 10 Page 11 Preamble In order to promote the general objectives of Renison Residence as a community, which provides for the scholarly and cultural development of its members, it is indispensable that the members of such a community participate in the governing of the community's affairs. To this end the constitution has been created. 1.0 Organization of the Assembly 1.1. The organization of the student body of Renison Residence, constituted September 1, 1982, reconstituted January 1, 2012, shall continue to uphold and promote the principles for which it was established. 1.2. For the purpose of this constitution the following definitions are to be used: "Member" means a Renisix fee paying person of the Assembly. “Membership” means the community formed by the Members of Renisix. “General Assembly” means the group of Members assembled as in Section 3 "Councillor" means an elected Officer of the Assembly. "Council" means the group of Councillors. “Lecture Days” refer to days during which all faculties of the University of Waterloo have lectures. 2.0 The Powers of the General Assembly 2.1 The General Assembly can assume all the powers of Council. 2.2 The General Assembly may provide directives to Council, which shall be binding upon it. 2.3 The General Assembly may call any Councillor to reelection by a majority vote. 2.4 The General Assembly shall have the power to amend this constitution according to the process described in Section 8. 3.0 Operation of the General Assembly 3.1. Each Member shall hold one vote at the General Assembly 3.2. A General Assembly of the Members shall be held when, and only when, at least one of the following occurs: (a) A Councilor receives a written petition of at least 20% of the Members (b) Council deems such an Assembly necessary by a simple majority 3.2.1 General Assembly must be called at least once per term 3.2.2. The President of the Council will set a date for a General Assembly meeting not less than 3 days or more than 7 days upon the necessity for such a meeting arising as outlined in 3.2, unless the date is otherwise specified by Council. 3.2.3 Upon the decision for a General Assembly meeting a public notice must be posted not less than 3 days before the meeting. 3.2.3 A quorum shall be 20% of all the Members. 3.2.4 No person who is not a Member shall have the privilege of the floor at General Assembly, except as the General Assembly will allow. 3.2.5 The President shall chair the General Assembly. 3.2.6 General meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent version of Robert's Rules of Order. 3.2.7 Unless otherwise provided in Robert's Rules of Order, all questions before the General Assembly shall be decided by a simple majority of all the Members present. 3.2.8 The official minutes of the General Assembly will be available to any Member, upon request to the Secretary. 3.2.9 Minutes of the General Assembly must be publicly posted within 48 hours of the meeting and copies must be supplied to all Councillors, Dons, the Principal, the Director of Residence, the Student Life Coordinator, the Chaplain, the Librarian and the Executive Officer of the College. 3.2.10 Residents not able to attend a General Assembly may vote by proxy. Requests to vote by proxy must be received in writing by the President prior to the meeting, and must be signed by both the absentee and the proxy holder. All proxy holders must be Members of Renisix, and each member may hold at most one proxy. For the purposes of quorum, Members voting by proxy will be counted in the number present at the meeting. 3.2.11 The General Assembly may, in the place of or in the addition to the disciplinary power exercised by the President, by the concurrence of 2/3 of the Members present expel anyone present at a meeting for an act of gross misconduct committed in a meeting, for the balance of that meeting (according to Robert's Rules of Order). 4.0 The Objects and Purposes of the Council 4.1 The objects and purposes of the Council shall be: To strive for the achievement of the principles and goals set forth in the Preamble of this constitution. To implement the directives of the General Assembly To represent the expressed interest of the membership to the Administrative authorities of the college and of the University. To promote and co-ordinate scholarly, cultural, social and athletic activities for the Membership, and the Members’ participation therein. To encourage the active, direct involvement of residents in student government and the community. To promote the welfare and interest of the Membership. 5.0 The Power of the Council 5.1. The Council may implement its objects and purposes of the Assembly as set forth in part 4.0. of this constitution in any manner lawful in Canada and in the Province of Ontario, and consistent with the directives of the General Assembly. 5.2 Council shall primarily be the executive branch of Renisix, but it may assume a legislative role in the absence of directives from the General Assembly. 5.3. Council may enter into agreements of federation and affiliation with other organizations. 5.4. Council may make policies and take action within the limits of this constitution. 5.5. Council may make By-Laws within the limits of this constitution. 5.6. Council may hold, pay, and receive monies, and may own, control, maintain and safeguard property in any manner lawful in Canada and in the Province of Ontario. 5.7. Council may establish and collect Membership fees. 5.8. Council may amend this constitution in the manner provided in part 8. of this constitution. 5.9 The Council may make By-Laws, creating other Officers of the Council who shall be subject to election by Members of the Assembly as in Section 8 5.10 The Council may make By-Laws, creating other Officers of the Council. Such Officers shall be subject to election by Members of the Assembly as in Section 8, and to the recall procedures of Section 9. Such Officers must be Members of the Assembly. They may have a vote on Council. 5.11 The Council may make By-Laws, creating Servants of the Council. Such Servants shall be nominated by the Councillors and shall assume their offices upon the advice and consent of the Council. Such Servants must be Members of the Assembly. They shall hold their offices at the will of the Council. They shall not have a vote on Council. 6.0 Operation of the Council 6.1 The Councillors shall be the elected Officers of the Membership and serve as Representatives of the Membership. Council positions shall be as described in Section 7. 6.2. The Council shall meet at least once a month from September to April and must post a public notice of all meetings not less than 3 days in advance 6.2.1. A Quorum shall be 2/3 of the Councillors elected. 6.2.2 Meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent version of Robert's Rules of Order, except as amended by the Council. 6.2.3. Unless otherwise provided in this constitution, in the By-Laws of the Assembly, or in Robert's Rules of Order, all questions shall be decided by a simple majority of the Councillors present. President will not vote unless to break a tie vote. 6.2.4. All Members shall have the privilege of the floor at all meetings of the Council upon request and consent of the President. Refusal of such a request must be justified to the Council at the meeting in question. Non-members may have the privilege of the floor only as Council will allow. All Council meetings will be open to all Members of the Assembly unless it is voted closed to the Members by a simple majority of the Councillors present. A meeting shall only be voted closed when confidentiality is required by law. 6.2.5 A meeting of Council shall be held when, and only when, at least one of the following occurs: (a) The President calls such a meeting (b) The President receives a written petition from at least 30% of Councillors Timings for meetings are up to the discretion of the President of the Council. Meetings shall be held not less than three days nor more than seven days after Section 6.2.5 has been invoked. 6.2.6. The official Minutes of all Council meetings will be available to any Member, upon request of the Secretary. 6.2.7. Minutes of Council meetings must be publicly posted within 48 hours of the meeting and copies must be supplied to all Councillors, Dons, the Principal, the Director of Residence, the Student Life Coordinator, the Chaplain, the Librarian and the Executive Officer of the College. 6.2.8. The Council may, in the place of or in the addition to the disciplinary power exercised by the President, by the concurrence of 2/3 of the Councillors present expel anyone present at a meeting for an act of gross misconduct committed in a meeting, for the balance of that meeting (according to Robert's Rules of Order). 6.3. The official Minute book of the Council, official copies of collections and codifications of By-Laws, all contracts and other legal instruments to which the Assembly may be party to and all other papers and records relative to the Council shall be in safe-keeping of the Secretary. 7.0 The Council Positions 7.1. There shall be the following elected Officers of the Council: President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, two Social Convenors, Male Athletic Coordinator, Female Athletic Coordinator, Publicity Director, and two First Year Representatives. 7.1.1 The Members who fill these positions shall be chosen by the Members in the General elections. Such elections shall be held according to the rules laid down in part 8 of this constitution. 7.1.2 All Councillors shall be Members of Renisix, and living at Renison University College concurrently with their terms of office. 7.1.3 No person shall hold more than one position on Council. 7.2 The following Council offices shall be held by Members appointed by Council, upon the advice of the President and Vice President: Yearbook Editor, Webmaster and RASC Liaison, Floor Representatives 7.3 Two Don Liaisons shall be appointed by the dons 7.4 Duties common to all Councillors shall be as follows: (a) To conduct one’s office in the best interests of the Assembly, and to make oneself available to the Members at regular and reasonable times. (b) As the end of one’s term of office, to submit a report of yearly activities to the Secretary to assist one’s successor. (c) To chair subcommittees of Renisix as necessary. Chairs of subcommittees shall report regularly to Council, and act as a liaison between Council and the subcommittee. (d) To be responsible to, and follow the directives of, Council and the General Assembly 7.5 The powers and duties of the President shall be as follows: (a) To be the Chief Officer of the Assembly and carry out the policies and directives of the Assembly and the Council. (b) To be the Chief Officer of the Assembly in dealings and communications with other organizations, corporations, the faculties and administrative officers of the College and the University. (c) To act as an advocate on behalf of residents, both individually and collectively, in dealings with the administrative officers of Renison University College. (d) To represent the Assembly at College Council meetings, the Renison University College Board of Governors, and the Committee of Presidents, or make arrangements for the Vice-President to attend in his/her place. (e) To present reports to the General Assembly on the actions of Council (f) To chair all General Assembly and Council meetings. (g) To prepare and post agenda for General Assembly and Council meetings at least three days prior to the meeting, and to notify all Councillors of Council meetings. (h) To vote only to break a tie vote. (i) To make sure that each and every Councillor has read and understood this constitution and fully understands their responsibilities. 7.6 The Powers and duties of the Vice-President shall be as follows: (a) To have once vote on the Council. (b) To represent the Assembly on the Renison University College Board of Governors and to act as a liaison between the Renison University College Board of Governors and the Assembly. (c) To be prepared to assume the President's position if the President resigns of for any other reason cannot continue as President. (d) To be prepared to attend any meetings the President cannot attend. (e) To chair all meetings the President cannot attend. 7.7 The powers and duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on the Council. (b) Upon assuming office, to update all financial statements and give a current financial report to the Council. (c) Upon assuming office, to present any irregularities in the financial records to the Council for appropriate action. (d) To take great care that financial records may be examined and understood by any Councillor or by any Member at any reasonable time. (e) To prepare a report on the income and expenditures of Renisix on the first of October and as of the first of January and as of the first of April, and to publicly post the same reports and statements no later than the 15th day of the respective months. The Council shall provide funds for such publications. (f) To co-operate with any auditors in any way they may require in their examination of the records and in their preparation of their reports. (g) To collect Damage fees, Membership fees and Yearbook fees from the Accounting Supervisor of Renison University College. (h) To keep accurate records of all fees paid and received, and to maintain a running balance of cash on hand (i) To co-operate with other Councillors in the running of any Renisix event involving monetary exchange, and to keep Financial records for the event. 7.8 The powers and duties of the Secretary shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on the Council. (b) To be responsible for the keeping of accurate Minutes of all Council and General Assembly Meetings. (c) To be responsible for the public posting, within 48 hours of the meeting, of the Minutes of all meetings. (d) To supply copies of the minutes to all Councillors, Dons, the Principal, the Director of Residence, the Student Life Coordinator, the Chaplain, the Librarian and the Executive Officer of the College. (e) To be responsible for the safekeeping of the official Minute book of the Council, official copies of collections and codifications of By-Laws, all contracts and other legal instruments to which the Assembly may be party to and all other papers and records relative to the Council. (f) To request, in an ethical manner, contact information from residents leaving, and to maintain the security of any information gathered. 7.9 The powers and duties of each Social Convenor shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on Council. (b) To be responsible for the co-ordination of all social activities of the Assembly. 7.10. The power and duties of each Athletic Coordinators shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on the Council. (b) To be responsible for the coordination of the Athletic activities of the College. (c)To keep the Assembly informed of all athletic events and provide sign-up sheets for all teams. (d) To approach the General Assembly or Council for any monies required for the admission of any Renison team or event. (e) To be responsible for the promotion of sports activities between floors and within the College. (f) To maintain the Assembly’s supply of sports equipment 7.11 The powers and duties of the Publicity Director shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on the Council. (b) To assist other Councillors and subcommittees of Renisix as necessary to publicize the activities of Renisix. Those requiring publicity assistance shall notify the Publicity Director at least 48 hours prior to the need for such publicity. (c) To coordinate the production of a residence newsletter at least once per month. (d) To maintain the Renisix bulletin board, and to remove all unapproved postings. (e) To consider for approval any potential postings on the Renisix board. (f) To maintain supplies needed for publicity activities, and to request funding from the General Assembly or Council as necessary. 7.12 The powers and duties of each First Year Representative shall be as follows: (a) To have one vote on the Council. (b) To chair subcommittees of Renisix, and to assist other Councillors in completing their duties. (c) To represent the Assembly at College Council meetings. 7.13 The powers and duties of the Yearbook Editor shall be as follows: (a) To be responsible for the publishing of the Yearbook. (b) To assist the treasurer in keeping record of all monies spent and received. (c) To give a progress report at every Council meeting. (d) To recommend a staff as to be appointed by Council. 7.13.1. The Yearbook Editor does not have a vote on the Council. 7.14 The powers and duties of the Webmaster shall be (a) To ensure that the Renisix website is maintained and updated regularly. (b) To assist the President and Secretary with posting agenda and minutes on the website (c) To assist other Councillors as necessary with posting promotional material on the website. (d) To give a progress report at every Council meeting. 7.14.1 The Webmaster does not have a vote on the Council. 7.15 The powers and duties of the Don Liaisons shall be as follows: (a) To sit on all Council meetings (b) To act as a liaison between Council and the Dons 7.15.1. No Don Liaison can be a Chief Returning Officer. 7.15.2. The Don Liaisons do not have votes on the Council. 8.0 Elections 8.1 There shall be two Chief Returning Officers of the Assembly who shall be Dons, nominated and chosen by the Dons themselves at the beginning of each academic year and they shall hold no other elective office within the Assembly. 8.2. They shall be prepared to do this duty and to conduct elections on any lecture day during the fall and winter terms, and also to conduct by-elections within twenty lecture days of being given notice by the President. 8.2.1. The exact day of the election shall be decided by the Chief Returning Officers after consultation with the Council. Under no circumstances should the election be held on a Saturday or Sunday or statutory holiday. 8.3. The Chief Returning Officers shall conduct elections as needed by providing for the casting of secret ballots by the Members in a General Poll during all meal times on the day appointed by the Chief Returning Officers after consultation with the Council. 8.3.1. They shall not vote in any election. In the event of a tie, the Chief Returning Officers shall call a new election. A second tie shall be decided by the flip of a coin. In the event of a tie, the new election shall consist only of those candidates who are tied for first and shall be held on the next lecture day. 8.4. They shall make ample provisions, with the advice and consent of the Council, for advance Polls and absentee ballots, so that all Members will have a reasonable opportunity to vote. They may defer the declaration of the election of any Officer, if need be, until 10:00 pm on the day of the General Poll, but candidates at that time shall be declared elected, and any legitimate vote not received by them at that time shall be declared void. 8.5. They shall call for nominations and publish the rules of nominations, campaigns, and election by notices posted throughout the premises of Renison Residence within 24 hours of the announcement of the General Poll. 8.6. They shall accept no nominations within 24 hours of the announcement of the General Poll. 8.7. They shall accept no nominations after 6:00 pm on the day specified by the Chief Returning Officers as the close of nominations. 8.7.1 Nominations must be open for a minimum of 4 days. 8.8. The election process should take no longer than two weeks from the call of nominations to the General Poll. 8.9. They shall publish at the times prescribed in this constitution and at all times enforce the following rules for all elections, by-elections and re-elections. 8.9.1. Only written nominations will be accepted. 8.9.2. Nominations shall be presented to the Chief Returning Officers within the time limits prescribed by this constitution and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee and by a written declaration by the nominee that he/she has read this constitution. No nomination shall be declared valid if the nominee does not state that he/she has read this constitution. The nomination must be dated, timed and then signed by a Chief returning Officer upon acceptance. Any nominated candidate may withdraw from the election at any time prior to the start of the General Poll. A withdrawal notice must be given in writing to the Chief Returning Officers. 8.9.3. Candidates for Council positions must be nominated by at least two Members of the Assembly. Chief Returning Officers cannot nominate any candidate. 8.9.4. Candidates who fail to have the required number of nominators by the prescribed time cannot either contest the election or be acclaimed. 8.9.5. The Chief Returning Officers shall judge the validity of and the adequacy of the number of signatures of nominators affixed to each nomination. A Member may only nominate one candidate for each position up for election. 8.9.6. Campaigns must end and all literature and posters be removed by Midnight of the day immediately preceding the General Poll. 8.9.7. Each candidate may identify one person, not a candidate, to the Chief Returning Officers as their scrutineer. Such scrutineers may at any reasonable time inspect the nominations of the other candidates and the measures taken to ensure the secrecy of the ballots and the security of advanced polls and absentee ballots. 8.9.8. Each candidate may have one scrutineer at all polling stations while the polls are open, but such scrutineers may not under any circumstances reveal any vote they may happen to learn. They may not solicit votes in any way. 8.9.9. Each candidate may have one scrutineer at the counting of votes who may inspect any and all ballots cast. Any complaint of invalidity or spoilage must be made immediately upon such inspection. The Chief Returning Officers' judgments are final. Scrutineers are sworn to secrecy, with the exception of reporting of irregularities. 8.9.10. Any complaint about the conduct of other candidates, the Chief Returning Officers, or their personnel should be made by the candidate or their scrutineer to the Chief Returning Officers. 8.9.11. If any candidate or their agent(s), knowingly or by gross negligence violates any rule concerning campaigns or conduct near a polling station, then he/she shall be disqualified from election by the Chief Returning Officers. 8.9.12. The Chief Returning Officers shall proceed to investigate and try any case of misconduct on either their own observation or the complaint and evidence of others, but no candidate shall be disqualified from election unless it can be established that misconduct was deliberate or occurred through gross negligence. Ignorance of the rules laid down in part 8.0 of this constitution shall be judged to be gross negligence. 8.9.13. If, by their observation or by the complaint and evidence of others, the Chief Returning Officers learn of irregularities in campaigning or the conduct of the scrutineers or their own poll clerks or other personnel which cannot be punished by disqualification, AND if it can be established that such irregularities might have affected the result of the election, then they shall declare the election void and shall arrange for a new election to be held within one week after their decision. The slate of candidates shall not be changed for such a new election. 8.10. They shall publish and enforce in like manner the necessary information and rules governing the use of advance polls and absentee ballots as established by themselves with the advice and consent of the Council. 8.11. They shall be provided with the funds necessary to the execution of their duties by the Council. 8.12 The number of votes received by each candidate shall be made available to any Member upon request to the CRO. 8.13. Validity of ballot markings shall be determined according to the most recent version of the Elections Canada rules for federal elections. 8.14. All candidates shall be notified in writing as to the outcome of the election. 8.15. If no nominations are received for a position, then Council may choose either to hold a new election or to appoint Members to the unfilled positions. Members appointed in this manner shall not vote in Council meetings. Council must receive written consent of any member appointed in this manner. 9.0 Recall and Replacement of Councillors 9.1. Any Councillor shall be called to re-election upon written petition of 30% of the membership made to the President of the Council or the Chief Returning Officers. Upon receipt of such petitions, the President AND/OR Chief Returning Officers shall satisfy themselves of the validity of and the adequacy of the number of signatures thereunto affixed. Arrangements shall then be made with the Chief Returning Officers for such a re-election to be held according to the rules in Section 8 of this constitution within twenty lecture days of receipt of the petition. The Council shall be informed of this action at the next meeting. 9.2. The Council may, by a two-thirds vote of all the Councillors of the Assembly, call any Councillor to re-election by the Members of the Assembly, and the President shall make arrangements with the Chief Returning Officers for such a re-election to be held within twenty lecture days of such a call for re-election according to the rules laid down in Section 8 of this constitution. 9.3. Between the time of the call to re-election and the declaration of the results of the reelection, a Councillor called to re-election as per Sections 9.1 or 9.2 shall take no action whatsoever in the name of the Assembly except with the consent of the Council. 9.3.1. If that Councillor fails to receive the vote of confidence in the re-election, he shall cease to hold office immediately upon the declaration of the election, at which time the successful candidate shall assume the position. 9.4 If vacancies occur for any reason other than recall, then the following apply: (a) If the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer fall vacant, then the Chief Returning Officers must conduct a by-election according to the rules laid down in Section 8 so that the vacancies may be filled within twenty lecture days of their occurrence. (b) If any other office falls vacant, Council may decide whether or not to hold a byelection to fill the position. If Council decides to hold a by-election, then the Chief Returning Officers must conduct a by-election according to the rules laid down in Section 8 so that the vacancies may be filled within twenty lecture days of Council’s decision to hold an election. 9.5 If the office of President falls vacant the Vice-President will take over the position of President for the remainder of their term in office. 9.5.1. The Vice-President will at that time have only one vote, to be used only to break a tie vote. 9.5.2. The Vice-President will at that time to notify the chief Returning Officers for the election of a new Vice-President according to the rules laid down in Section 8 of this constitution. 10.0 Amendments 10.1 Amendments to this constitution must be approved by either the General Assembly or in a referendum of all Members of Renisix. All amendments adopted in this manner must be incorporated into this constitution. 10.1.1 If the constitution is to be amended by the General Assembly, then it must be approved by two thirds of the Members present at the meeting of the General Assembly. Such a meeting must be legitimately called and conducted as in section 2 of this constitution. 10.1.2 If the constitution is to be amended by a referendum, then it must be approved by more than fifty per cent of the voters in a referendum with at least 50% voter turnout. Such a referendum must be conducted according to the rules of section 8 of this constitution. A referendum can only be called by the General Assembly or Council. 10.1.3. Proposed amendments must be publicly posted at least one week prior to either the General Assembly vote or referendum by which they are to be approved. 10.2. Once an amendment has been accepted by the procedure of section 10.1, the changes and additions will be published and posted and all official copies of the constitution will be replaced with new copies incorporating these amendments. 10.2.1 All copies of the constitution shall bear the date of the most recent amendment. 10.2.2 The official copies of the constitution shall be held in the Renison library and by the President. 10.2.3 If a discrepancy arises between the official copies, then the official copy must be determined by the General Assembly by agreement of two-thirds of the members present. 10.3. Every resident of Renison University College, upon becoming a Member of Renisix, shall be provided with a physical copy of the most recent official version of this constitution. 10.4 Council must conduct a review of this constitution at least once per year.