FFT Results Mar 2015

Partner Meeting Review: April 2015
Patient Group Review: June 2015
Published: On noticeboard in sub-waiting and on website June 2015
Entered onto CQRS Reporting Software: 9th April 2015
RESULTS (from website, text messaging and paper surveys)
How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to your friends and family if they needed similar
care or treatment?
Extremely likely
Neither likely not unlikely
Extremely unlikely
Don’t know
Total responses
To wait 4 weeks for an appointment was less than ideal, but that’s one for the government
and not any practices fault. If they put it before the people to pay £2 more a week to hire
more GPs, surely the answer would be an overwhelming yes? Some people think they have
a devine right to rule, but true democracy is divined from the populous.
They are very good.
Some doctors need to take care how they talk to the patients.
On Wednesdays when the doctors are in meeting (**), it would be great if there is one
doctor available for emergencies in the afternoon, to save going to A&E. (** think patient
means during PLT.)
Appointment system can be tricky. Sometimes I feel bad saying its an emergency in case my
problem isn’t and I take somebody else’s spot but if I try to book in advance I’m told I can’t –
so everything has to be an emergency!
It will improve if you were to reinstate Saturday surgery.
To have more than one doctor trained to give steroid injections to a patient.
It can be difficult to get an appointment at times.
Very little facility to arrange appointments outside of working hours. As a school master I
find this very frustrating.
Please get a new system to call patients into surgery. I cannot hear someone murmur a
name – what if I didn’t hear my name being called? A clock would also be a good idea in the
waiting room.
Bigger waiting room, more staff available.
GP Discussion: It was felt the comment regarding being unable to book in advance related
to emergency or red appointments. These are book on day only and sometimes if all
appointments for that day are gone a receptionist will give the option of ringing the next day
to book one of these slots that only open on the day itself. This is completely separate from
pre booking normal routine appointments, in fact this is actively encouraged!
GP Discussion: It was suspected the comment regarding GPs being unavailable during
meetings on a Wednesday probably referred to the monthly training afternoon (PLT) when
the surgery is closed. All surgeries partake in this study afternoon and it is a way of keeping
up together with the latest guidance for both medical and administrative staff. The out of
hours staff cover this closure and the surgery has recently displayed a list of these dates in
the sub waiting area and on the website so that patients are aware in advance.
GP Discussion: Only Dr Morrell administers joint injections. The doctors discussed this
during their April partner meeting and all felt there wasn’t sufficient demand for the other 2
doctors to be trained in this practice. Not least because regular administration is required to
keep skills up to date and as demand is so low if the patients were shared between the 3
doctors in would be difficult to ‘keep their hand in’ so to speak.
Historic GP Discussion: The GPs have frequently discussed whether to use a patient call
system and all agreed they didn’t want to lose the personal touch by going out to the
waiting room to great the patients themselves. In fact the patient call systems are often
harder to hear than a human voice and in order to catch the visual name on the board you
would need to be constantly watching, so it could easily be missed.
Clock: Practice Manager to see if it’s possible to put the time on the information screen in
the sub waiting area.
Patient Group Discussion: In general the group felt no actions were required, generally
because many of the comments via the FFT are not factually correct. However this in itself
was deemed to be a problem ie if the patient comments are not factually correct it is
because of communication problems between the surgery and its patients. For example the
comment this month regarding difficulty booking out of hours appointments when we offer
late clinics Wednesday and Thursday evenings which are already advertised around the
surgery and on the website. It was felt perhaps the website information on extended hours
could be more clearly visible, so Practice Manager to add this information to the scrolling
‘noticeboard’ on the home page. It was also felt Twitter/Facebook are fast becoming a good
communication tool, especially for the younger generation, so all agreed the surgery to start
with a Twitter account advertising all the latest surgery news and then progressing to a
Facebook account if demand warranted it. A link should also be put on the surgery website
to the Twitter account.