Patient Survey Results Report 2011-12

CONNAUGHT SURGERY: Patient Participation Report
In 2011/12 Connaught Surgery initiated a Patient Participation Group.
Patients were invited to attend Group meetings held at the Practice. We invited
a diverse group of patients that represented different age bands, ethnic
backgrounds and health needs.
We received positive feedback on the introduction of this Patient Participation
Group and developed a patient questionnaire based on issues arising on matters
that the Practice/patients felt needed addressing :
o GP / Nurse Appointment availability and times
o Clinical care
o Urgent Care
o Services available
o Complaints
The questionnaires were distributed and the results collated. Patients have been
asked for their feedback from these results.
It was derived from these results that clinical care is not an issue but the
availability of appointments and the length of waiting times for the GP
appointments are.
We noticed that a small percentage of patients were not aware of some of our
facilities offered – telephone consultations, late night appointments so marketing
needs to be addressed.
It was also highlighted that patients are attending A & E or Walk-in Centres
when the Practice is open – this matter needs further investigation as to why
this is happening.
Although the Complaints were low a few patients felt like making a complaint but
never did - this highlighted that maybe the Complaint system needs to be more
accessible and available for patients to feel comfortable to do as a complaint in
our eyes may be a learning tool for us as well as a tool for patients to respect
our operating protocols.
Connaught Surgery would like to take this opportunity to thank all those
patients who have joined the Group for their time and input.
New Members Welcome ….
If you are a patient at this Practice and would like to join this Group, please
contact us and we will inform of the next Group meeting.