2012/13 Patient survey report


Garlinge Surgery

Patient Satisfaction survey and Action plan


Questions about services

97% rated satisfaction with receptionists with 86% rating satisfaction as good to excellent

98.5% were satisfied with the opening hours with 77% rating it good to excellent and 17% fair (national average 80%)

85% felt that they were able to see a particular doctor when needed with

79% rated it as good to excellent

73% said that if they needed to see a doctor urgently they can normally be seen on the same day

90% felt able to phone through to the practice with over 61% saying good to excellent and 29% fair

98% were satisfied with the continuity of care with 81% saying that it was good to excellent (national average 73%)

79% patients were able to see a doctor on the same day or within 48 hours in line with the national average.

Questions about the doctors

94% felt that the doctors were good at questioning

91% were satisfied with the doctors listening to them with 77% rating their listening skills at very good (national average 88%)

90% patients felt at ease with the doctors

85% felt the doctors involved them well in their care (national average 72%)

91% were satisfied with the doctor’s explanation

97% were happy with the amount of time the doctors spend with them

92% felt that doctors were patient with them 79% rating them as very good.

92% felt that the doctors were caring and concerned.

Questions about Nurses

96.5% considered that the nurse’s listen very well.

97% felt that the quality of the nursing care was very good.

The questionnaire also asked for suggestions for improvements and comments and 63 were offered. Most of these were very complimentary and two were personal comments. The main suggestions for improvement were:


Better building and more toilets


Longer appointments with the doctors


Ability to see GP sooner, more on the day availability to see GP.


Would like on-line appointment system like some other surgeries.


Piped music in doctor’s waiting room too loud.


Text messaging appointment times

Action Plan

The practice to:


Increase book on day appointments by 10% to make more GP appointments available on the day from 1 st March 2013


Use of new surgery website for communication with the surgery, decrease load on phone lines, make on-line appointments available and repeat prescriptions by May 2013


Reorganise reception area for improved access to reception staff for better confidentiality to announce dates as soon as available to us.

Other things we will consider

Keep patients updated on the new build.

Music player could be moved to the waiting room for patients to be able to control volume.

Use text messaging as a way of reminding patients of their appointments.
