
DBQ on p. 168
1) State the most common number of differences in base sequence between pairs of
8 differences in base sequences
2) Humans and Neanderthals are both classified in the genus Homo and chimpanzees
are classified in the genus Pan. Discuss whether this classification is supported by the
data in the bar chart.
This classification is supported by the data in the bar chart because the most common
number of differences in base sequences between humans and Neanderthals, 27, is a
lot smaller than the number of differences in base sequences between humans and
chimps, 56. This suggests that humans are more similar to Neaderthals than chimps,
thus, it makes sense that humand and Neanderthals are both classified in the same
genus. Furthermore, the number of differences in base sequences between humans
and Neanderthals and the number of differences in base sequences between pairs of
humans are very close, suggesting that the two species are still very similar.
3) Suggest a limitation to drawing any conclusion from the human-Neanderthal
A limitation to drawing any conclusion from the human-Neanderthal comparison is
that the DNA used was only from one Neanderthal, which means that there isn’t
enough basis to effectively support any conclusions drawn.