Living Systems

Living Systems I Check 1 Study Guide
What is the purpose of the following body systems: circulatory, digestive,
respiratory, and excretory.
What organs are part of the excretory system? (small intestine, bladder, kidneys,
stomach, arteries)
Why is it important for blood to circulate through the lungs?
How are waste products in the blood removed from the body
Where does the most digested food enter your blood?
Why does your heart beat faster when you are running?
Why is it important to filter waste materials from blood?
Be able to label a diagram of the digestive system
Why is blood pumped through blood vessels all over your body?
What part of the circulatory system carries oxygen to cells?
Which side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body?
Which side of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs?
What happens as blood passes through the capillaries in the small intestine?
Living Systems: I Check #2 Study Guide
Refer to our Celery Experiment. Be able to answer questions based on a table like
we created for our celery experiment. (ex: how much water was lost to evaporation
in vial #1?)
How are the circulatory system in animals and the vascular system in plans similar
to each other? How are they different?
Be able to tell whether leaves are pinnate, palmate, or parallel. Also, there will be
questions regarding classification in terms of which two leaves came from the same
type of plant?
How does water from the ground travel to leaves at the top of a tree?
Which part of the celery stalk was red? Why? (Hint: phloem or xylem)
Living Systems I Check #3 Study Guide
What are the products of photosynthesis? ( water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, phloem,
Where do each of the products of photosynthesis go?
Food is anything that people eat that provides _______________________.
How do plants use the food produced during photosynthesis?
How do animals use the food produced by plants?
Know how to decide if a product has as much sugar as pure sugar based on the yeast
Know how to read a chart and decided what conditions are necessary for a plant to
grow based on the information on that chart (and what you know about
Based on our yeast experiments, how would we find out which food contains the
most sugar? Be able to answer questions on a similar experiment.
Living Systems Posttest Study Guide
What organ keeps the blood moving throughout your body?
What is sugar?
What characteristics could help classify a collection of leaves? (color, size, blade
shape, venation, mass, leaf margin)
How do water and minerals get to each cell in a plant?
What is sap?
Why do plants need sap?
What is the purpose of the following organs or tissues in the body?
Small intestine:
Why do plants produce their own food?
Which must be present for plants to make their own food? (CO2, O2, N2, H2O, light)
Write the names of the circulatory system on a diagram like on your I Check
How do your body’s cells get the things they need to survive?
Which of the following foods contain sugar? (water, apples, regular soda, raisins,
diet soda, frosted cereal)
What is the purpose of the kidneys?
What is the name of the process where plant cells and animal cells break down
How is sunlight important for food? Be able to defend this argument.
Which system found in animals is similar to the vascular system in plants?
Where does the first step of digestion occur?
What happens in the first step of digestion?