The average American eats:
1. Protein 1.6 pounds per day
2. Vegetable group ½ pound a day
3. Carbohydrate group ¾ pound per day
4. Sugar group ½ pound per day
5. Chemical group 6/100's pound per day
Add it up and we eat a whooping 3½ pounds of food per day (over 1,200 pounds
per year) or a little under 3,200 calories per day. That's a lot of food! 3,200
calories is maintenance for an almost 300 pound person. We can come to one
immediate conclusion, the average American is eating too much.
Your Soda Pop Is Killing You 9 Ways
A Brief review of the Hazards of Drinking Carbonated Beverages
1. Dental caries. The sugar in regular soda stimulates bacteria which lead to
tooth decay. The acid in all pop attacks the tooth enamel speeding up decay.
Eventual loss of teeth leads to impaired digestion and nutrient malabsorption.
2. Obesity. A 12-ounce can of regular pop has 41 grams of sugar; that is 4½
tablespoons! That is also 164 extra calories. One can will lead to the gain of 1 to
2 pounds a month in extra weight.
3. Vitamin depletion. The high sugar and acid load of carbonated beverages
places an obligatory metabolic overload on the body, leading to depletion of
Vitamins B Complex, Vitamin C, and the minerals zinc, potassium and
4. Embalming fluid!!! Artificially sweetened soda containing Aspertame
("Nutrasweet") breaks down in the body into formaldehyde and methanol (wood
alcohol). Formaldehyde is embalming fluid and in even minute amounts is a
deadly poison to the nerves, liver, brain, kidneys and endocrine glands. Wood
alcohol leads to blindness. Nutrasweet also has been shown to stimulate the
appetite in lab animals. There are also reports of pilots grounded due to eye
problems directly related to Nutrasweet. Finally, commercial beer contains
5. A Patented Poison. The black color in colas, etc. is a chemical known as THI:
2-acetyl-4-tetrahydroxybutylimidazole. This chemical is patented by Coca-Cola
Company because of its ability to suppress the immune system. One would
suppose it is more an agent of chemical warfare than a nutritional additive.
6. Battery Acid. The ph (acid level) of pop ranges from 2.9 to 3.6. By contrast,
the body is set at 7.4 (mildly alkaline). In order the balance the acid in ONE 12
ounce can of pop and return the body to a ph of 7.0 would requires 4.374
GALLONS of water with a ph of 8.0 (if you could find such high quality water!).
7. Slow Death. In addition to the acid present in the drink itself, the sugar is
metabolized into vinegar by the body, which has already burned up its alkaline
minerals to metabolize the sugar. Chronic cellular acidosis leads to inactivation
of the immune system and hormones (cancer and diabetes), deposition of fats in
the arteries (heart disease), and melts the bones (osteoporosis). Chronic
metabolic acidosis also promotes the absorption of toxic heavy metals from the
environment (e.g. aluminum in Alzheimer's Syndrome).
8. Coke is also a good ant killer.
9. Diet Coke is used to clean battery terminals. (Diet, because the sugar makes
things sticky, although some use regular Coke.)
After reading all of this, does anyone really want the Real Thing? Notice the
extremely low PH indicating this is a high acid solution.
Just looking at this one list one can easily see one of the main causes of the
Sickness Crisis in America today.