Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Carlow held in the Town

Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Carlow
held in the Town Hall, Carlow,
on Thursday, 25th June, 2015 at 3.30pm
Councillor J. Pender (Mayor)
Councillor A. Ahern (nee Long)
Councillor F. Browne
Councillor J. Cassin
Councillor J. Deane
Councillor W. Lacey
Councillor J. Murnane O'Connor
Councillor B. O'Donoghue
Councillor F. Phelan
Councillor W. Paton
In Attendance:
Ms. B. O'Brien, Director of Service
Mr. P. Harrington, Senior Executive Engineer
Ms. A. Oakes, A/Senior Executive Officer
Mr. E. Brophy, Senior Executive Officer
1. Confirmation of Minutes:
Minutes of Meeting held on 28th May, 2015
Councillor F. Phelan requested that the minutes be amended to clarify that he had no objection to
the transfer of the voting station from Askea School to St. Laurence O'Tooles but requested in the
case of any future moves of voting stations, that appropriate signage be put in place to assist
Proposed by Councillor W. Lacey
Seconded by Councillor F. Browne
And following a show of hands it was unanimously resolved:“That the Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Carlow held on 28 th May, 2015 are hereby
approved subject to the above amendment”.
Councillor J. Murnane O'Connor, advised that in her role as Chairperson of the Housing SPC, a
special meeting is to be held on Thursday, 2nd July 2015 at 3pm, for all elected member, when
management will update on the implementation of the Housing Assistance Payments Scheme
Councillor F. Browne requested an update in relation to Montgomery Street parking and P
Harrington advised that the issue had been discussed with the Senior Engineer from the
Transportation Section and it was his understanding that public consultation would be sought
through advertisement in local press. Cllr. Browne queried timescale and P, Harrington advised he
could not commit.
Councillor J. Murnane O'Connor enquired about the possibility of extra staffing for the Town Park
as it was expected there would be increased use during the holiday period. P Harrington advised
that Gateway staff and maintenance staff work in the Town Park but not on a full time basis.
The Meeting was adjourned at 3.45pm to facilitate the Annual Meeting of the Municipal District
of Carlow and resumed at 4.15pm, when Councillor Cassin, following his election as Mayor at the
Annual Meeting, presided over the remainder of the Ordinary Meeting:
2. Transportation
P Harrington circulated a schedule and map detailing the Surface Dressing works which have been
carried out to date and advised that it was envisaged that the programme would be completed by
the end of the year.
P Harrington circulated map showing proposed grass cutting areas at strategic junctions within the
Carlow Municipal District Area.
P Harrington circulated map outlining the proposed pedestrian crossing at Askea Boys School.
The Elected Members individually thanked P Harrington and his team and complimented him on
the Surface Dressing Programme. Members raised the following issues:
Tobinstown Cross
Potholes at Fr. Cullen Terrace, Rathvilly
Line markings at Brownshill Cross
Possibility of a pedestrian crossing at Dr. Cullen Park
Concerns regarding the Green Lane/St. Joseph's Road junction
Moyle Little
Concerns re the informal crossing at LIDL
Pothole between St. Dympna's Hosptial & the Seven Oaks Hotel
Concerns re the right turn from the Kilkenny Road to Granby Row
P Harrington responded to the queries raised by the Members.
3. Planning
B O'Brien advised Elected Members of report and further information received from Architect on
behalf of the owners of property known as ‘Pembroke House’, located at Pembroke Road, Carlow,
which included request to have the property delisted from the Record of Protected Structures
(Reference RPS No. CT 14 – Joint Spatial Plan for the Greater Carlow Graiguecullen Urban Area
2012 – 2018). Ms. O’Brien also referred to assessment/report commissioned by the Council from
Carrig Building Fabric Consultants, appointed by Carlow County Council to carry out further
assessment of the protected structure, together with report of Ms. Arlene O’Connor, A/Senior
Executive Planner. Members noted that in accordance with Section 54 of the Planning &
Development Act 2000 (as amended), the making of an addition to, or a deletion, from a Record of
Protected Structures shall be a reserved function. Members were advised that, having regard to
the reports and recommendations to hand and having regard to the proper planning and
sustainable development of the area, it is recommended ‘Pembroke House’ (Reference RPS No.
CT14) be retained on the Record of Protected Structures. Ms. O’Brien also advised that a decision
to delist the property could have significant implications for the administrative area of the Planning
Authority. Councillor Lacey requested clarification in relation to the process to be pursued should
the Members decide to commence the process for delisting. B. O’Brien advised that Section 55 of
the Act outlines the statutory procedure required for making a proposed deletion from the Record
of Protected Structures, which includes statutory public notice, notification of prescribed bodies
etc., prior to the Planning Authority making a final decision on proposed delisting. Councillor
Murnane O’Connor enquired if the Council would be contacting the property owner involved. B.
O’Brien confirmed the property owner was aware of the report commissioned by the Council and
had been given a copy of same.
4. Notice of Motion
Standing in the name of Councillor W Paton
“Following on from the announcement that the European Challenge Golf Tour is to take place in
Mount Wolseley, October 8-11, that the Carlow County Council undertake the construction of a
new footpath from Tullow Town to Mount Wolseley (as per this year’s programme of works) and
complete the footpath in advance of the commencement of the Tour”.
Mr. P. Harrington, Senior Executive Engineer, confirmed works were commencing on new footpath
from Tullow Town to Mount Wolseley. Councillor Paton welcomed the update and referred to
forthcoming European Challenge Tour which will take place at Mount Wolseley Hotel Spa and Golf
Resort from 8th to 11th October, 2015. Members welcomed the Challenge Tour and referred to the
significant economic impact the event would have for Tullow town and the entire county.
Councillor F. Browne referred to the Pan Celtic Festival which will take place in 2016 and requested
that the Council pursue property owners of buildings in Carlow Town, which have been allowed to
deteriorate by the owners and which are detracting from the presentation of the public realm,
with a view to having improvements carried out in advance of the festival.
5. Any Other Business
Carlow Scouts
Councillor J. Cassin referred to the Carlow Scouts’ current accommodation needs and advised they
had requested that a deputation from the Scouts be facilitated at the next meeting. Councillor
Cassin also requested an update on the provision of a playground at The Plots. The Elected
Members all supported the request for a deputation from the Carlow Scouts and agreed same
would be received at the September meeting of the Municipal District. Cllr. Browne suggested that
representatives from the Parish Council should also be invited, in context of the community
facilities at Green Lane.
Derelict Properties Barrack Street & Carlow Courthouse
Councillor Ahern (nee Long) stated that a plan was needed in relation to the derelict properties
purchased by the Council, under Compulsory Purchase Order, at Barrack Street, Carlow and also
enquired in relation to the maintenance of the Courthouse railings. B. O’Brien updated on both.
Relay for Life
Councillor Phelan referred to the recent missing person case in Carlow and offered his
congratulations to An Garda Siochána and the Civil Defence on their handling of the case.
Councillor Phelan referred to his attendance at the Relay for Life event, recently held at Duckett’s
Grove, and complimented the Council on making Duckett’s Grove available for the event.
Councillor W. Paton offered congratulations to the organisers of the Relay for Life and also referred
to correspondence received relating to the Review of Local Government Boundaries.
St. Mary’s Cemetery Mass
Councillor J Murnane O'Connor referred to the Annual St. Mary's Cemetery Mass which will be
held on 13th July 2015 and also spoke in support of the Boundary Review as announced by the
Review of Local Government Boundaries
Councillor B O'Donoghue referred to the Boundary Review recently announced by the Minister for
the Environment, Community & Local Government and expressed his disappointment that the
Review did not include the East Carlow constituency. He referred to the fact that people living in
County Carlow found themselves unable to vote in the recent Dáil Bye Election. It was agreed that
a letter will issue to the Ministers office advising of the member’s disappointment and concerns.
Part 8 - 14 Houses, St. Patrick’s Park, Tullow
P Harrington circulated details of amended Part 8 drawings for 14 houses at St. Patricks Park,
Tullow, which had taken account of previous concerns raised by the elected members and
residents in the area. Members noted this item will be included on the Agenda for the Council
Meeting of 6th July, 2015.
Northern Relief Road Extension
P. Harrington referred to correspondence received from Laois County Council and informed
members that the extension to the Northern Relief Road was going to tender on 22nd June 2015
and it is envisaged that principal contractor works will commence during September 2015.
Temporary Road Works Speed Limits
B O'Brien informed the Members of proposed reduction in speed limit from 80kms to 50kms from
the Dolmen Hotel to Munnellys Garage, to facilitate works on the new ETB school development.
Members were also advised of proposal to impose a 60kph zone during the construction of the
Ballinacarrig Roundabout on the N80, extending from the existing 50kph at Ballinacarrig Bridge tot
to a point c 200m south of the new roundabout.
This concluded the business of the meeting.