Submitted Fall 2010 to SPA (ACEI); further development required Key Assessments 1. Content M.A.T. Elementary Education (506) PRAXIS II content test-Elementary education (0014/5014) 2. Content NSU Classroom Observation form-ACEI rubric for elementary education 3. Ability to Plan MAT Elementary education developing portfolio; entry 4: Planning and Instruction 4. Field or Clinical Practice NSU final evaluation form-clinical practice 5. Student Learning MAT Elementary education competency portfolio; entry 2: Instructional Unit Plan 6. Other Required Content Professional dispositions and characteristics scale 7. Optional Professional content and pedagogical standards review Revisions made fall 2011; will resubmit to ACEI in spring 2012 The primary issue with ACEI submission was lack of data. This has been corrected and will be resubmitted in spring 2012. Assessment 8 will be added as a transcript analysis of undergraduate coursework. Submitted to SPA (NMSA) in Spring 2011, Further development required Key Assessments 1. Content M.A.T. Middle grades Education, grades 4-8 (507) PRAXIS II content test-English 0049, Social Studies 0089, Science 0439, or Mathematics 0069 2. Content MAT MS Professional Standards Checklists 3. Ability to Plan MAT MS Developing Portfolio entry 4: Planning and Instruction (EDUC 5410) 4. Field or Clinical Practice MAT MS final evaluation form: clinical practice (EDUC 5410) 5. Student Learning MAT MS Competency portfolio entry 2: Instructional unit plan (EDUC 5410) 6. Other Required Content MAT MS Professional dispositions and characteristics scale (completed multiple times throughout program) 7. Optional MAT MS reflection paper (EPSY 5490) Assessment 1: We will keep PRAXIS II as the first key assessment, but include a better analysis of the results. Program faculty will provide a more thorough evaluation of candidates’ test results from the middle school content knowledge exam to determine areas where candidates need supplemental instruction. In combination with value-added results, the unit will provide professional development to candidates in need of additional growth for the content standards in their field. Assessment 2: The second assessment is a professional standards checklist. Program faculty will be revising the assessment to make it more specific to candidates’ program of study and background knowledge, as a transcript analysis is completed. Assessment 3: Program faculty believe that the work sample in the developing portfolio for assessment 3 is a strong indicator of candidates’ knowledge and skills. We will keep the developing portfolio and work sample as a key assessment, which includes samples of candidates’ planning and instruction. The evaluation rubric will be updated to better align it with the language of the NMSA standards. We will also be including content specific elements in the rubric to assess candidates’ pedagogical content knowledge. Assessment 4: Assessment 4 is the final evaluation form for the clinical practice. We will keep this artifact as a key assessment. We will be changing the checklist to a detailed, analytic rubric with assessment indicators for content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, effective teaching and assessment skills, and other elements that are important to the Unit (e.g. conceptual framework). Assessment 5: The competency portfolio includes a unit assessment plan for assessment 5. We will keep this assessment, in which candidates submit a work sample. Instead of focusing only on the instructional unit plan, we will be using the larger competency portfolio to assess candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Evaluating the competency portfolio will help the program ensure that the NMSA standards are met throughout the assessment. Assessment 6: The assessment of candidates dispositions will be removed a as key assessment. Self-reported and otherreported dispositions will continue to be assessed throughout candidates’ programs of study; however, a course-based assessment will be replacing assessment 6 that better aligns with the NMSA standards. The assessment will include be a written artifact addressing candidates’ approach to teaching students in the middle school grades. Assessment 7: Candidates complete a course reflection paper of pedagogical knowledge. The assessment will be expanded to include a reflection and analysis of candidates’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. The rubric will include program specific indicators to ensure that candidates are meeting the NMSA standards, as well as demonstrating their specific content knowledge. Submitted to SPA (IL/PB) in spring 2011, Further development required Key Assessments 1. Content M.A.T. Secondary Education, grades 6-12 (508) PRAXIS II content test- determined by content area 2. Content Transcript analysis 3. Ability to Plan Lesson planning (EDUC 5610) 4. Field or Clinical Practice Internship observations (EDUC 5430) 5. Student Learning Competency portfolio, work sample (EDUC 5430) 6. Other Required Content Safety assessment (science areas only; EDUC 5600) 7. Optional Oral Proficiency Instrument (OPI) [foreign languages only) Revisions were implemented in fall 2011; will be resubmitted in spring 2012 1. Assessment 1: PRAXIS II content test, continued use as it is a state requirement. More detailed information provided for analysis particularly for NSTA and ACTFL. 2. Assessment 2: Transcript analysis will be continued with the added emphasis with deficiency areas for lesson planning/instruction for EDUC 5600 and 5610. 3. Assessment 3: same but added requirements added for content pedagogy within rubric 4. Assessment 4: same but added clarification concerning rubric in both overall and content specific areas 5. Assessment 5: same but added information specifically aligned with content areas. ACTFL will be included. 6. Assessment 6: safety assessment for science only 7. Assessment 7: Oral Proficiency Instrument for foreign language only 8. Assessment 8: NEW content test administered within methodology course (EDUC 5610). Submitted fall 2010 to SPA (NCTE); further development required Key Assessments 1. Content undergraduate secondary English Education, grades 6-12 (3113) PRAXIS II content test-English Language, Literature, and composition (0041) 2. Content RDG 4080 final exam 3. Ability to Plan Student teaching portfolio (EDUC 4980) 4. Field or Clinical Practice Classroom observation forms: Secondary ELA content (EDUC 4980) 5. Student Learning Professional Dispositions and Characteristics Scale (completed multiple times throughout program) 6. Other Required Content Content Literacy lesson plan (RDG 4080 7. Optional Issue overview (ENGL 4610) 8. Optional English pedagogy unit plan (ENGL 4610) Revisions made in fall 2011; will resubmit to NCTE in spring 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assessment 2 has been changed to reflect content course grades. Assessment 3 has been changed to lesson plan (ENGL 4610) Assessment 4 remains the same but language has been added to NCTE items for more clarity. Assessment 5 has been changed to the Student Teaching work sample (EDUC 4980) Assessment 6 remains the same but language has been added for clarity. Assessment 7 remains the same. Assessment 8 has been changed to another content assessment for a 3000-level survey course required for all English education majors (ENGL 3150).