Chemistry 332 Analytical Chemistry Spring 2015 Instructor: Renee Beeton Office: Porter Hall, Room 303 Office Hours: M,W 9:00-11:00, R 2:00-3:00 Office Number: 587-7383, cell – 785-760-2489 Email: Course Description Chemistry 332 is designed to develop the students’ understanding of instrumental methods/analysis. Topics covered in this course include fundamentals and applications of electrochemistry, spectroscopy, separations, chromatography, thermal methods, surface analysis, and calibration methods. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to properly use and interpret calibration curves, standard addition curves, and the method of internal standards. 2. Students will be able to discuss basic methods of electrochemical analysis. 3. Students will be able to discuss and correctly apply Beer’s Law. 4. Students will be able to explain the phenomena associated with the absorption of light by molecules. 5. Students will be able to perform spectrophotometric calculations. 6. Students will be able to identify and explain the principal components of a spectrophotometer. 7. Students will be able to interpret simple mass spectra for the identification of functional groups. 8. Students will be able to discuss the principals of chromatography including quantitative descriptions of separation efficiency. 9. Students will be able to identify and explain the principal components of both a gas chromatograph, and a high-performance liquid chromatograph. 10. Students will be able to compare and contrast normal-phase and reverse phase liquid chromatography. 11. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of ion-exchange, ion, molecular exclusion, and affinity chromatography. Textbook Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th edition by Daniel C. Harris ISBN: 1-4292-1815-0 Tentative schedule of topics: Dates Topic/Text Reference/Event 1/21 1/23 1/26-1/30 2/3 – 2/9 2/11-2/23 2/13 2/25 – 3/2 3/4 – 3/20 3/6 3/11 3/23-3/27 3/30 – 4/6 4/8 – 4/13 4/10 4/15– 4/17 4/20 4/22 – 4/24 4/27 – 4/29 5/1 5/4 5/6, 5/8 5/14, 1:00 pm Introduction to course Ch. 5 – Quality Assurance Ch. 16 – Electroanalytical Techniques Ch. 17 – Fundamentals of Spectrophotometry Ch. 19 – Spectrophotometers Exam 1 Ch. 20 – Atomic Spectroscopy Ch. 21 – Mass Spectrometry No Class – Science Fair Exam 2 No Class – Spring Break Ch. 22 – Intro. To Analytical Separations Ch. 23 – Gas Chromatography Exam 3 Ch. 24 – HPLC Ch. 25 – Capillary Electrophoresis Thermal Methods (hand-outs) X-ray Methods (hand-outs) Surface Methods (hand-outs) Exam 4 Presentations Final Exam Assignments, Evaluation Procedures, and Grading Policy: 1. Attendance and participation at all class meetings is expected. 2. Quizzes: Short, ten minute quizzes will be given every Wednesday. These will be closed book, closed notes. The lowest quiz of the semester will be dropped. 3. In-Class Activities: We will occasionally do worksheets and POGIL-type activities in class. You will receive credit for the completion of these activities. Some may require work outside of class. 4. Presentation: A short PowerPoint presentation over an analytical journal article pertaining to an instrumental analysis technique will be required at the end of the semester. More information will be given closer to the date. 5. Examinations: Four hour-long exams will be administered during the semester. A comprehensive final exam (standardized ACS) will be given at the end of the semester during finals week. Exams will consist of true/false, multiple choice, short answer, long answer, and calculation problems. IF your final exam grade is higher than your lowest hour exam grade, the final exam score will "replace" your lowest hour exam grade. Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Final Exam 6. Friday, Feb. 13 Wednesday, March 11 Friday, April 10 Monday, May 4 Thursday, May 14, 1:00 – 2:50 PM Grading: Your final course grade will be determined as shown below In-Class Activities Weekly Quizzes Four Hour Exams Final Presentation Final Exam 5% 10% 50% 15% 20% Letter grades are assigned according to the following scale: 100.0% – 93.0% = A; 92.9% – 90.0% = A-; 89.9% - 87.0% = B+; 86.9% - 83.0% = B; 82.9% - 80.0% = B-; 79.9% - 77.0% = C+; 76.9% - 73.0% =C; 72.9% - 70.0% = C-; 69.9% - 67.0% = D+; 66.9% - 60.0% = D Cheating, Withdrawals, Incompletes and Special Consideration Cheating: Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. If you are caught intentionally cheating, you will receive as a minimum penalty an F for the course and may be subject to additional discipline from the college. Withdrawals, Incompletes, and Technical Fails: The last day to withdraw from this course and receive a grade of W is April 3. After that date, a W may be given only with special approval and for extenuating circumstance. Poor performance in class does not constitute an extenuating circumstance. A grade of incomplete is given only for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances, to be determined by the instructor. Poor performance in class is not an acceptable reason for an incomplete. If you stop attending the course before the withdrawal date, you will receive a technical fail, TF. This may affect your financial aid, so it is better for you to withdraw if you are no longer attending the course. Special Consideration: If you require course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need particular arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. Evacuation Plan: Should it be necessary to evacuate the classroom, the quickest way to exit is by the stairs directly to the south of the classroom and out the main door. Following an evacuation, we MUST meet. This is important as we must notify emergency personnel if someone is potentially in the building. Our meeting location will be outside the main door to Porter Hall. Beware that emergency vehicles will be using the parking lot and the drive around Porter hall; be alert to this movement. If you feel you might need assistance in quickly evacuating the building, please notify me.