Natural Resources Project Rubric Category& Description Scientific Knowledge (Did you use 3 natural resources and 3 recyclable items?) Construction Materials (Were all your materials you used a natural resources and recyclable items?) Construction (Care taken; does your design show that you took time on your project and your design meet the requirements of looking like a snowman for Winter, a heart for Valentines, or a flower for Spring.) Writing Component 25 Points 20 Points 15 Points 0 Points Design indicates a clear and accurate understanding of 3 natural resources and 3 recyclable items. (6 total) Appropriate materials were selected and all materials were natural resources and recyclable items. Design indicates some clear and accurate understanding of 4-5 natural resources and recyclable items. Appropriate materials were selected and 1 material that was not a natural resource or recyclable item was included. Some care taken in the construction process so that the structure is neat and follows most requirements. Design indicates 1-3 examples of natural resources and recyclable items. Design shows no evidence of natural resources or recyclable items. 2 materials do not represent natural resources or recyclable items. More than 3 materials do not represent natural resources or recyclable items. Little care was taken in the construction process. The structure of the project follows only 1 of the requirements. No care was taken in the construction process and the project does not meet requirements. Writes 4-5 complete sentences describing your project and the materials you used. Writes 1-3 sentences describing your project and the materials you used. Does not write any sentences about project. Care taken in the construction process so that the structure is neat and attractive and follows requirements accurately. Writes 6 or more complete sentences describing your project and the materials you used. Name: ________________ Date: __________ Score: _______________