Developing Viable ‘Value Co-Creating’ Systems Models for Service Transformation Prof. Irene Ng Service Transformation is the journey of the service provider from selling exchangeable offerings to an outcome-focused co-creator of value with the customer. For an established organisation, the move to being an excellent service and manufacturing firm can be a difficult one, involving unnecessary cost and risk. Indeed, up to 57% of businesses see lower profits from ‘adding’ services. Underlying these problems is that the capability of a manufacturing firm is fundamentally different from the capability of a service firm, from the way the firm delivers its core value proposition to the way the entire firm is configured and coordinated for a hybrid value proposition of manufacturing and service, therefore creating problems in the viability of the provider system. The Viable Systems Model (VSM) describes the necessary conditions for viability. Viability is defined as the ability to maintain an independent existence within a specified environment. In business, a firm that is viable is able to obtain funding or revenues for its offerings such that it is above the cost of delivering such offerings. The VSM is made out of five subsystems/elements: 1) Primary activity (part of key transformation) 2) Regulation/Tactical – interface between 3 and 1 3) Operations planning and control /audit – rules, resources, rights, responsibilities – interface between 4/5 and 1/2 4) Management (and R&D), strategy, environment scanning (for adaptability) and 5) Policy (decisions to maintain entity, balance demands from all parts, steer the organisation) It has been argued that the move to service is therefore the re-specification of system 1 of the service provider, the boundary between the customer and the service provider and the corresponding system 2,3,4,5 and homeostats supporting the change of the service provider’s value proposition from selling exchangeable offerings to contribution to value creating activities towards value-in-use. Through the investigation of three Business-to-Business service contracts, this project will empirically investigate the transformation of the organization from a manufacturer into a serviceoriented firm able to co-create value with the customer. VSM will provide a framework and guidance to: (1) visualize the traditional manufacturer system model, including subsystems 1,2,3,4 and 5 (2) visualize the potential future state of the organization’s value co-creating service system model, including subsystems 1,2,3,4 and 5; and (3) analyse and assess the factors affecting viability of the system transformation.