
Livestock Health, Management and Production › Animal Health Management › Managing animal health
for trade
Animal Health Management
Managing animal health for trade
Author: Dr Mary-Louise Penrith.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
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Chapter 2.1 Import risk analysis
Chapter 3.1 Veterinary services
Chapter 3.2 Evaluation of veterinary services
Chapter 3.3 Communication
Chapter 4.1 General principles on identification and traceability of live animals
Chapter 4.2 Design and implementation of identification systems to achieve animal
Chapter 4.3 Zoning and compartmentalisation
Chapter 4.4 Application of compartmentalisation
Chapter 5.1 General obligations related to certification
Chapter 5.2 Certification procedures
Chapter 5.3 OIE procedures relevant to the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization
Livestock Health, Management and Production › Animal Health Management › Managing animal health
for trade
Chapter 6.1 The role of veterinary services in food safety
Chapter 6.2 Control of biological hazards of animal health and public health importance
through ante- and post mortem meat inspection
Chapter 6.9 Responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine
Chapter 8.5 Foot and mouth disease
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Livestock Health, Management and Production › Animal Health Management › Managing animal health
for trade
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24. Thomson, G.R., Tambi, E.N., Hargreaves, S.K., Leyland, T.J., Catley, A.P., van t’Klooster,
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