The University of Edinburgh College of Humanities and Social Science Undergraduate Learning & Teaching Committee 9 October 2014 Paper 14/15 1G Enhancing Student Support (ESS) Student Support Implementation Group (SSIG) Meeting on Thursday 10 July 2014 in the Torridon Room, Charles Stewart House Notes Present: Professor Ian Pirie (Convenor), Assistant Principal Learning and Development Mr Brian Connolly, Project Manager (ESS), Academic Services Professor Allan Cumming, Dean of Students, CMVM Mr Gavin Douglas, University Deputy Secretary, Student Experience Ms Shelagh Green, Director, Careers Service, SASG Dr Paul Jackson, Senior Tutor, CSE Ms Nichola Kett, Head of Enhancement Team, Academic Services Ms Sarah McAllister, Communication Lead (ESS), Student Support Team, CSE Dr Geoff Pearson, Senior Tutor, CMVM Mr Dash Sekhar, EUSA Vice-President (Academic Affairs) Mr Tom Ward, Head of Academic Services Apologies: Dr Arianna Andreangeli, Senior Tutor, CHSS Ms Debra Black, Student Support Team, CMVM Dr Adam Bunni, Academic Advice Co-ordinator, EUSA Ms Lorraine Edgar, Student Support Team, CHSS Dr Tina Harrison, Assistant Principal Academic Standards & Quality Assurance Professor Peter Higgins, Dean of Students, CHSS Dr Fanney Kristmundsdottir, Student Support Team, CMVM Mr Simon Marsden, Director, Applications Division, Information Services Ms Lindsey Miller, HR representative Professor Alan Murray, Dean of Students, CSE Mr Barry Neilson, Director, Student Admissions & Curricula Systems Dr Sue Rigby, Vice Principal Learning and Teaching Dr Jon Turner, Director, Institute for Academic Development 1. Notes of the last meeting The notes were approved. 2. Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda There were no matter arising. Key items for discussion: 3. Evaluation and Monitoring – Staff Survey SSIG received and noted a report on the key findings of the Personal Tutor (PT) system Staff Survey. The findings had previously been presented to the joint meeting of the Senior Tutor 1 Network and Student Support Team Network held on 16 June 2014. It was noted that findings were broadly in line with the evaluation of the PT system for undergraduate (UG) students conducted earlier in the session. The following key points were noted: Smaller tutee groups are preferable - whilst 78% of staff who are the personal tutor for fewer than 10 students think that this is the optimum size for a tutee group, just 6.3% of staff who are the personal tutor for 51 or more students are satisfied with the size of their current tutee group. High use of, and confidence when using, IT tools - of the 89.9% of staff who do not use EEMeC or EEVeC, 70% use the Personal Tutor IT Tools. Of this sample, 88.7% of whom are confident in doing so (25% Very confident, 63.7% Somewhat confident). Of the 93.8% of respondents who gave an opinion on the topic, 80.2% of are satisfied with training provisions available for the Personal Tutor IT Tools. Nearly 9 out of 10 tutors have fewer than 3 meetings with each student per semester - 87.6% of respondents have either 1 or 2 meetings with each of their tutees in a semester (46.9% said 1, 40.8% said 2). Tutors want long term contact with their tutees, but are split on whether mandatory actions are desirable - the idea of students staying with the same personal tutor throughout their University career was received positively, with 91.1% of tutors saying that this would be helpful. Staff were less enthusiastic about ideas that imposed mandatory requirements on both tutor and tutee, with ideas such as a compulsory mid-semester one meeting for first year students and tutors being provided with a structured template on how the meetings should run being met with sub <50% levels of perceived helpfulness (49.5% and 48.6% respectively). Members noted that students had expressed a desire (during the UG student evaluation) for more scheduled meetings in order to build a relationship with their tutor. Tutors are confident in dealing with student issues, but are less confident when the issues involve other members of staff - 92.2% of tutors said that they feel confident enough to deal with a student approaching them with a personal problem. Slightly fewer staff felt confident in dealing with a student who is clearly anxious and distressed (84.4%), although this is still a high rating. However, only 75.3% of tutors feel confident in dealing with a student who wishes to make a complaint about another member of staff. Whilst staff are confident enough to run group meetings, there is confusion about how to do so successfully - of the 93.9% who expressed an opinion, 82.2% of tutors feel confident in their ability to facilitate a group meeting. However, the group is split on how to best do so: 58.7% thought a meeting where all students are studying the same subject would be the best option; whilst 33.6% believe that a meeting where all students are from the same year is preferential; the remaining 7.7% believe that another structure altogether would be a better option. Staff are relatively unsatisfied with student awareness of their SSTs - just 46.7% of staff are satisfied with the level of student awareness of Student Support Team in their School. Just 1 in 3 tutors feel that they receive sufficient recognition for their work as a personal tutor - of the 93.9% who offered their opinion, only 35.5% of PTs expressed the opinion that they feel they receive sufficient recognition for their work as personal tutors. SSIG noted that the Staff Survey formed the second of three elements of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Enhancement process for the ESS project (along with evaluations of the PT system for UG and PGT students). All three elements will be compiled into a final Monitoring, Evaluation and Enhancement report on completion of the ESS project (and 2 thereby the implementation phases of the PT system) and mainstreaming preparations for the start of the 2015-16 academic session. 4. ESS Project – Final Year Plan SSIG received and noted a paper summarising plans for the final year of the ESS project. The following main tasks for 2014-15 were agreed: Monitoring and Evaluation PGT – Project team to conduct a student survey at the start of the second semester to capture the opinions of a PGT cohort. Report – Project team to produce a final Monitoring, Evaluation and Enhancement report compiled from all three evaluation elements (i.e. UG, PGT, and Staff). Mainstreaming Change Management – SSIG to consider options for enhancing the value of the PT system across the University (given that approx. 20-25% of students are dissatisfied with their experience). Senior Tutor – SSIG to review status of role. Staff Networks – SSIG to consider longer term function and home. IT Tools – SSIG to review mainstream function (i.e. should the use of the IT Tools be compulsory and should the IT Tools be used as a line management tool?). Notes – SSIG to review status (i.e. should preparation and writing-up be compulsory?). Meeting Requirements – SSIG to review requirements (i.e. varied according to year with additional scheduled meetings required in years 1 & 2 when students are most in need?). Training Package Project team to produce a package of resources establishing mainstream roles and responsibilities, providing guidance to staff and highlighting good practice. ESS Final Report Project team to produce a final reflective report making recommendations to Colleges and Schools with regard to good practice and to the Senate Committees with oversight responsibilities for the PT system (i.e. the Quality Assurance Committee in relation to annual QA monitoring and the Learning and Teaching Committee with regard to periodic strategic reflection and enhancement). Standard agenda items: 5. Project Deliverables SSIG noted that a new Project Deliverables report would be produced to reflect the recent planning discussions for the final year. 6. Risk Register SSIG reviewed the status of the Risk Register. It was noted that the register had been updated to reflect the transfer of Phase 3 activities to REC. No issues were raised. Members were invited to contact the Project Manager in regard to any other issues omitted from the Risk Register. Strand updates: 7. Personal Tutor system 3 7.1 School PT Statements 2014-15 SSIG received and noted the School PT Statements for 2014-15. The Project Manager noted that the statements were all generally in line with the template (as approved by SSIG last year) and therefore there was no reason to review each statement in turn. With this assurance, SSIG approved the PT statements for publication. 8. IT Tools SSIG noted that there was nothing to report. 9. Training and Resources SSIG noted that there was nothing to report. 10. Communications SSIG noted that the next ESS bulletin would focus on plans for enhancements to support for PGR students and the transfer of Phase 3 activities to REC. Meeting details: 11. Next Meeting Wednesday 17 September 2014 between 2-4pm in the Cuillin Room, Charles Stewart House. 4