INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS IN LANGUAGE ARTS BRITTANY MEEK SECTION I INTRODUCTION In the upcoming year Rush County School Corporation will be adding interactive whiteboards to all classrooms, grades four through six. With the introduction of these new technologies come questions as to how students will react to the new technology and how the interactive whiteboards will increase or decrease student performance and engagement. Rather than have a broad focus, including all areas of the curriculum, this research focuses on language arts. Currently it seems that students are not always engaged and focused during reading lessons. The students also perform lower in the area of language arts than they do in mathematics. Focusing this research on language arts seems appropriate. AREA OF FOCUS STATEMENT The purpose of this study is to determine whether the use of interactive whiteboards will improve or decrease student performance and engagement during language arts. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student focus during language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student achievement in language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards and additional technologies improve the learning environment for elementary aged students? RELATED LITERATURE According to Brown (2009), when using technology in education you should remember that teaching should be “a balance of direct, personal interaction and technology.” This view of technology used in the classroom seemed to be a view I saw throughout all of my research. Technology cannot be used successfully if it is not used appropriately. Brown (2009), mentioned above, worked with a group of fourteen students to determine whether technology made a difference in their learning. He found that, “too much or unfettered technology is bad and directly hinders learning” and “the use of technology should not come at the expense of personal interaction both in and outside the classroom.” Brown’s (2009) research seems to focus more on how not to use technology and that the focus of a lesson should be on learning, not on the technology being used. Marzano (2009) also found similar results. In research he conducted, he found “that in 23 percent of the cases, teacher had better results without the interactive whiteboards” (Marzano, 2009). Some of the things teachers were doing that had a reverse effect on their results were: o “Using voting devices but doing little with the findings.” o “Not organizing or pacing the content well.” o “Using too many visuals.” o “Paying too much attention to reinforcing features.” While many of these findings seemed discouraging, while using good teaching practices when using technology, positive results were seen. The use of interactive whiteboards “was associated with a 16 percentile point gain in student achievement” (Marzano, 2009). Other research showed not only an improvement in student achievement, but also improvement of students with special needs (Becta, 2003). Becta (2003) also found that “increased motivation is seen as a key benefit of whiteboards.” Overall, I found through my research that interactive whiteboards are a successful addition to the classroom if the teacher focuses first on the lesson and then on integrating technology with the lesson. INTERVENTION To continue to understand the results of using interactive whiteboards during language arts lesson, I will be completing observations, doing surveys, and looking at test results. The results of these will be used so that I can determine whether interactive whiteboards improve academic results and engagement of the students. SECTION II DATA COLLECTION STRATEGIES In order to collect data, I will be using a passive observer, standardized testing results, and participant surveys. By using these three strategies, I should have reliable results. I can compare results of the passive observer to results of the participant survey to determine the validity of the results. The passive observer will be a person from within the schools and will be required to keep all information confidential during the observation. I will also make sure that the survey remains anonymous. After collecting all of the data, I will be reviewing the data to determine the results of using an interactive whiteboard in the classroom during language arts. DATA SOURCES PASSIVE OBSERVATION Observations will be completed by an adult from within the school corporation. This observer will be focusing on student engagement, performance (during the lessons), and participation. There will be at least one observation without the use of an interactive whiteboard and with an interactive whiteboard. The observer will be given a form to complete during the observations so that the information is consistent from one observation to the next. STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES The students will be taking a standardized test before and after the use of interactive whiteboards during language arts. These results will provide me with information of their academic achievement with and without the use of an interactive whiteboard. STUDENT SURVEY The students will be completing a survey after a lesson without an interactive whiteboard and after a lesson with an interactive whiteboard. This survey includes questions with scales and a short answer question. DATA ANALYSIS PLANS To help determine the value of interactive whiteboards during language arts, I will be using the results from each form of data collection. The observations and surveys will be compared to determine if there are any discrepancies. This information will also help me to analyze student involvement and engagement in the lessons. The standardized test scores will be helpful in determining if there has been an increase in academic achievement and to see which areas of language arts have improved the most. SECTION III ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Will there be other people involved in your action research project? If so, who are they and what would be their responsibilities? Yes, there will definitely be one other person involved in my action research project. This person will be responsible for completing the observations during language arts lessons. 2. What negotiations would you need to undertake prior to beginning your project? I would need to get permission from the principal in my building and from the superintendent of the school corporation. I would send home a letter to parents informing them of the research. I would not have to ask for their permission (unless the principal or superintendent requested I do), since all information will be anonymous and focused on the class more that individual students. 3. What is the projected timeline for developing your recommended actions? Collect Data – Data will be collected at the time of the fall Acuity test through the time of the winter Acuity test. These tests usually take place at the beginning of October and at the beginning of December. Analyze and Interpret Data – The data will be analyzed and interpreted in the weeks following the December Acuity test. I will have this done prior to Christmas vacation. 4. What is the projected timeline for developing your recommended actions? I will have my recommendations compiled by the end of Christmas vacation and will present them to my principal at the beginning of January. 5. What would be your overall strategy for implementing any recommended actions resulting from your project? Since all teachers, grades four through six, will be receiving interactive whiteboards, I would plan on preparing my recommendations and presenting them to this group of teachers. The results that I receive could help the other teachers determine the best use for interactive whiteboards in their classrooms. 6. What would be your process for ongoing monitoring of recommended actions? I think that the best way to continue monitoring the effectiveness of interactive whiteboards in language arts would be in analyzing the standardized test scores and continuing to have occasional student surveys. REFEREN CES Becta. (n.d.). What the research says about interactive whiteboards. ICT Research. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from Brown, M. (n.d.). Learning and Technology : In That Order. EDUCAUSE. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from LearningandTechnologyInThatOrd/174198 Marzano, R. J. (n.d.). Educational Leadership:Multiple Measures:Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards. ASCD Home. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from ng_with_Interactive_Whiteboards.aspx APPENDECIES APPENDIX A LITERATURE MATRIX Area of Focus Elementary students lack focus during reading and language arts textbook lessons. Research Question Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student focus during language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student achievement in language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards and additional technologies improve the learning environment for elementary aged students? Author(s) Marzano Brown Becta Cogill Manzo Kollie Year 2009 2009 2003 2002 2010 2008 Variables Considered in the Study Student Achievement √ √ √ √ √ √ Student Engagement √ √ √ Using Additional Technologies √ √ √ Different Types of Learners √ √ √ √ √ Teacher Use of Technology √ √ √ √ APPENDIX B TRIANGULATION MATRIX Area of Focus Elementary students lack focus during reading and language arts textbook lessons. Research Question Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student focus during language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student achievement in language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards and additional technologies improve the learning environment for students? Research Questions Data Source 2 3 Active Participant Observations Passive Observations Videotaped Lessons Student achievement? Standardized Test Scores Teacher-Made Tests School-Generated Report Cards Learning environment? Student Survey Rating Scales Student Interviews 1 Student focus? APPENDIX C DATA ANALYSIS MATRIX Area of Focus Elementary students lack focus during reading and language arts textbook lessons. Research Question Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student focus during language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards increase student achievement in language arts? Will the use of interactive whiteboards and additional technologies improve the learning environment for students? Data Collection Technique 1 Data Analysis Strategy 2 3 Observations will be linked to information gained from the student survey to look for discrepancies. Passive Participant Observes Student Focus Before and After Use of Technology Time samplings will be taken of student involvement throughout the lesson. Observations will be used to see if students are focused during times with and without technology use. Standardized Test Scores Assessed to Determine if Student Achievement has Improved Standardized test scores will be viewed before and after using technology during lessons. Differences will be compared to see what areas have improved through technology use. Students Surveyed to Determine if Learning Environment has Improved Surveys will be given to students before and after using technology during lessons. Average scores on the Likert scales on the surveys will be assessed to see if improvement has been made. *Standardized Test Scores will not be state testing scores. Short answer portions of the surveys will be compared. APPENDIX D STUDENT SURVEY The same survey will be given to students before and after using the interactive whiteboard for reading lessons. READING LESSON SURVEY Decide how you feel about each statement. Please circle a thumbs up if you agree, a thumbs down if you disagree, or the confused face if you don’t know. Statement I pay attention during reading lessons. Your Rating I think that reading lessons are fun and exciting. I enjoy learning different reading skills. Reading is one of my favorite subjects during the day. If you gave a thumbs down to any of the statements, what do you think would help to improve the reading lessons?