Name: Fatima S. Khalil Hassan ID: 20900094 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Shannon and waver communication model .................................................................................. 3 2.1 Adapted ahannon and waver ..................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Purpose of shannon and waver ................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Elements of adapted shannon and waver ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.0 Think pink bahrain........................................................................................................................... 7 4.0 Sorces of noise ............................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 8 6.0 References ...................................................................................................................................... 8 1.0 Introduction This report will talk about Shannon and waver communication model; it will show the diagram of adapted Shannon and waver. It will talk about breast cancer from organizational web page. The report will illustrate source of noise .Also, it will discuss how can be affected the process of communications and how can be avoid the noise. 2.0 Shannon and Waver communication model Noise Sender Noise Encoding Noise Channel / Message Decoding Noise Decoding Noise Noise Feedback Noise Encoding Noise Receiver 2.1 Adapted Shannon and Waver First of all, the sender will send a message. Then, the message will receive it from the sender to the receiver; it will write their feedback and send it to the sender. This is a transactional model of communication. According to Shannon and Weaver's model as it seen above, first the sender write a message at information source. Then, transferred the message to the blades through the encoding, it relayed the message through the decoding, the message have to go through noise before it receive from the sender to the receiver. The message will arrive to the receiver, it will be read it then the receiver will write feedback, it will transmit to the sender. 2.2 The purpose of adapted Shannon and waver: The purpose of Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver was to ensure the maximum efficiency of telephone cables and radio waves. They were not social scientists but engineers working for Bell Telephone Labs in the United States. They developed a model of communication which was proposed to assist in developing a mathematical theory of communication. (Chandler, 1995) 2.3 Elements of adapted Shannon and waver 8 elements: Sender, Encoding, Message, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Noise. Sender: it could be human or technical machine that send a message to the receiver. Encoding: The transmitter which converts the message into signals by using symbols and numbers .through satellites and cables the message will transmit by send it like wave into signal. For instance: In blackberry the writing messages through BBM is converted into wave signals and it transmits through cables. (Model, 2010) Channel: it is a device or program that uses an intermediately to communicate information. Message: it is information that the sender writes it to inform the receiver about important things or remind him about something. Decoding: it is a place for reception of signals and codes, and turns them into concept message. Receiver: it is a person or machine who receive the message from the sender through many steps Feedback: when the receiver receive the message ,it need feedback to answer the message he received ,by writing some answer of questions or write some information , also his opinion of the message . It is approximating reaction for active that by using emails, or advertise. Noise: The message are transferred to from encoding to decoding, during this technique the message have affected by different kind of noises, like; physical noises. For example, if the network connection has expired for a moment, the noise affect on the message to not send or receive, it has distracted of channel to not complete. (Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication, 2010) Think Pink Bahrain PC monitors colors , photo breast Cancers E-mails photo , words PC monitors members ,people 3.0 Think Pink Bahrain breast cancer: It is an organizational to breast cancer in Bahrain. It is also nonprofit organization .they can help families by educating informed their decisions. They help them to save their life and have access to the best healthcare with a holistic approach to the breast cancer. (Think pink bahrain breast caner charity, 2011) First of all, think Pink Bahrain will send a message, it will transmit to convert the message into a signal by send it like wave. The message is about breast cancer in Bahrain from the picture in face book page, the organization want to inform people in Bahrain to save their family life from breast cancer by education. That’s to save Bahrain society. From this web page their message could receive to their members and people who would to protect their society, that’s by using different photos with a recommendation, reflect breast cancer. Members could contact them and give their opinion; also emails could be using it. Think Pink Bahrain available to receive member’s feedback. 4.0 Sources of Noise: 4.1 Noises 1. The most source of noise is the picture of the organization has dark back ground and it is does not suggest breast cancer. 2. Using different kind of font size with bright colors. 3. There is lots of advertisement in their web page. 4.2 Affects source of noise: 1. It is not identified breast cancer organization; it is illustrating an education organization by using the lights. 2. This problem affects the reader to unconsintrate to the main idea, and read the headlines big font size and leaves the other subject. 3. Members and people do not like reading a lot once time. 4.3 How to minimize the effects of noise? 1. Bright colors can be used for back ground of pictures and slogan of organization could change to be more illustrators, the main slogan of breast cancer could be used. 2. Font size has to be integrated, in titles and subheading. 3. Each day’s web page has two or one advertises. By reducing number of advertisement and make it easier to the reader and members. 5.0 conclusions This report was talked about Shannon and waver communication model. Second, it was describe eight elements of adapted Shannon and waver and identified each one of them. Finally, it was talked about think pink Bahrain web page and some of noises, and their affects on communications, some solutions to minimized these noises 6.0 References 1. Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication. (2010). Retrieved from 2. Think pink Bahrain breast cancer charity. (2011). Retrieved from 3. The Transmission Model of Communication. (1995). Retrieved from