4-9 Minutes

Student Services Committee
Look at the color key below to understand the color format of this document:
April 9, 2012:
Blue color is the agenda for the meeting
(OAR), Tandy
(OAR),Memo (FAO), Marcelly (SHC), Lucille (SAC),
Date: April 9, 2012;
is the Committees
Date: April 10, 2012: is the color of the response of the Student Services Management committee
Marleen (PC)
from all of the campuses
(e.g. Pohnpei, Yap, Kosrei, National, Chuuk)
1) Maika’s Report: The following items were discussed in the last SS Management council held on April
5, 2012. The agenda for that meeting was presented to the local SS committee and the following
points were presented to the committee to get their input so that their input may be represented in
the SS Management council that was held on April 10, 2012. The results are as follows:
a) Get everybody’s input about: (commencement, student residence life, robust student
activities,) No comment has been given on the above issues.
b) Commencement:
Problem is that students don’t come to participants. A lot of students sign up but last
minute they drop. We currently have just one student signed up to walk. 14 are graduating.
ii) No comment was made in response. Just that we need to check with OAR director to find
out Chuuk campus’s commencement.
iii) We need to have our commencement speaker picked ASAP.
College wide activities calendar,
We should organize on sports event for all campuses to come together. Or some event that
brings us together as one. Has happened before, all campus sports game. Taped into
FSMNOC , and national government. Castro Joab organized it before. Even Xavier
participated. Each campus champion team goes to national.
ii) Castro is present, as soon as national campus finished their calendar it will be forwarded to
the other campuses and we added to them.
Student handbook:
We haven’t got a student handbook for our current year. Please provide us with an updated
handbook so that we can distribute during our registration. Make it available to students;
it’s not on the COM-FSM website.
ii) They will send a hard copy, and they have a PDF that they said they will send us. They only
have the 2010, and in the summer they will work on a new edition and have it on the
website by fall 2012.
Enrollment management plan and retention plans:
Joey will send out the PDF of these plans.
Supposedly we are supposed to have this for all of the high school. But we haven’t done this
yet this year. We feel like we have no direction in this matter. It feels unorganized. We lose
students interest when we are not organized by personal experience. We need to improve
our image, especially because of probation status.
ii) We do it we include parents, include financial aid work shop.
g) Marketing/advertising:
We need professional media, to take to the High-Schools. We need one for our local
campus. It’s like national is separate from us. The campuses are not represented on the
college website.
ii) Use the recruiting tapes, most of our videos don’t show the outer campuses because they
are slow to send material. Chuuk can make their own media, but it needs to be approved by
public information office under the Presidents Office.
iii) This media production of material has been week. We can utilize local radio stations.
h) Related materials and training of parents, students, and community.
We need to educate parents about FASFA and why we need their personal information that
they sometimes don’t want to share.
ii) Ringlen also mentioned this too, and commented that we should do a FASFA workshop
during our outreach.
Monthly reports will stick to our old report until the new Institutional strategic goals are
finished. Chuuk Campus staff will submit their reports to Maika at the end of the month, and
Maika will send the report by the first week of each month.
Accreditation team:
They are sending two members, the head of the teams background is in finance. So they will
be focusing on our finances.
2) The following items represents the Committees current status of work here in Chuuk:
3) FAO
a) Announcements about SEG have been posted.
b) Did Berikita debrief Memo?
Yes, Berikita has informed Memo, of what has been done in her absence.
c) Memo report on her training and vacation.
I need to review my notes; I will do that on Monday.
3) Peer Counselor:
Marleen is absent; she is off island due to family situations. Marcelly will cover the activities on behalf
of Marleen.
Whats the status on the following activities?
1- Pick and Kick Butts Day: Staff will clean up on Tuesday with the students.-games for each region
2. Health Screening-diabetics screening, high blood, health and emotion screening.
3. CRE
4. Male /Female Risk Behavior Reproductive Education
-2 groups (one for male & one for female)
* Request…ask Staff to donate $5.00
-all staff will bring $5.00 on this Friday April 13th, including Director and IC.
4) Student Activities
Future events:
(1) Volleyball championship and fun night
ii) Lucille will have a town hall meeting w/students and invite, public safety to speak. She will
also inform the students of their responsibility to help keep the campus clean and explain
that if the campus is maintained clean through the end of the semester, then we will end
the semester with a final activity that will be called “Fun Night”
iii) Lucille has also proposed that the Grafiti be painted over. And have artist paint on it. I need
cleanliness proctors. We need awareness people. Staff to bring in list of students that can be
proctors by next Monday. Two per staff.
iv) Report on results of founding day, and cultural day
5) OAR
a) OAR File
Maika remember to bring up to Management about the OAR files.
ii) Response from management council: Get pro-formas, use your supplies budget and get
iii) We will use SSC supplies to buy file cabinets. OAR is going to get pro-formas this week.
6) SHC
a) Report on activities.
Speakers have already been requested.
ii) Activities will be April 17-20