Emerging Major Themes for Shared Activities I. Academic Transparency and Flexibility Expand online course offerings and more flexible course scheduling Accelerated, flexible, and completer programs II. Student Engagement Promote financial literacy including assistance with financial aid applications and debt management Regional campus advising for prospective transfer students III. Education Quality and Assessment IV. Regional Community Connections V. Regional Campus Collaboration and Administration Financial aid analysis on affordability and student debt Raise awareness of available financial aid resources with work and local partners Evaluation of financial aid policies and guidelines on regional campuses Degree completion analysis of factors which impeded student attainment of degrees Shared degree program opportunities Develop educational programs that meet regional and state needs Synergies with transfer to research campuses Increase research applicable to regional and state needs Online and hybrid programs with formal IU structure with special opportunities for regional campus collaborations Online and hybrid programs with formal IU structure with special opportunities for regional campus collaborations High school-to-College programs for transition and concurrent enrollment Outreach to adults and stops outs Encourage stop outs to return and complete degrees. Engage with LEAP Expand outreach efforts by engaging with alumni in the region Establish quarterly forums for regional campuses to communicate about current engagement efforts Provide new and expanded collaborative opportunities for campuses to develop more flexible learning environments Collaborative degree programs and faculty exchanges Encourage transfer from other institutions (i.e. develop master course inventory; liaison with Ivy Tech) Degree articulation agreements and transferrable general education core curriculum Review transfer admission standards with goal of consistency among all regional campuses Holistic student support (i.e. orientation, advising, roadmap to graduation, early major declaration) Define the distinctive education experience (i.e. brand the regional campus experience) Establish a center for regional campus excellence Develop collaborative active and applied educational programs and experiences Outreach to underrepresented groups (i.e. targeted recruitment activities) Collaborative degree programs and faculty exchanges Career development for all students including nonprofessional degree majors Targeted student support services (i.e. expand supplemental instruction courses) Financial education and incentives (i.e. regional campus “GradPact” and flat rate tuition) Identify synergies between cost-saving measures and “green” initiatives Establish a center for regional campus excellence Early warning system Promote a culture of innovation Early feedback system Expanding qualified tutor base to utilize retirees and alumni Recognize faculty research on regional campuses and establish office to improve multicampus support for research. Create centralized governance for coordinating regional collaborations Expand academic and personal support (including required academic advisor meetings for those with 2.3. GPA).