Kirkheaton Primary School long term learning overview for Year 4 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 6 Topic title/question Why is the River Calder so important to Huddersfield? What would you have done after school 100 years ago? Could we ‘live off the land’? Why is London such a cool place to live? Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? Fun/memorable learning in this topic? Real life purpose? Quality end products? Mirfield river visit/boat trip Kite making day Den building day Pastimes from the past day Catapults and marbles Creating an allotment area Selling the things you grow Trip to London? A ‘London’ experience Day in school? Trip to Skipton Castle Archery day Be a Roman for the day What happened in Pompei? Geography Why is the River Calder so important to Huddersfield? - - Why is London such a cool place to live? - - History - What would you have done after school 100 years ago? - - Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? Science How would we survive without water? How could we cope without electricity for one day? Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality? What happens to the food we eat? Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ makes enjoyed by so many? - - Literacy genre Can you write an explanation of how a river forms and grows? Can you write journalistic style writing about pollution in rivers? Can you write non-chronolgical information about pastimes in the past? Can you learn poetry off by heart like they did in the past? Can you write ‘Fox’ in a different setting? Narrative Can you present information about plants and animals in an organised way? Can you write a leaflet to persuade people to visit attractions in London? (Which is best Rome or London?) Can you recount a trip to London? (imaginary) Can you explain why castles were built? Can you write a narrative set in a Norman castle? Can you write as a gladiator persuading the emperor to excuse you? Which is best Rome or London? Literacy books Tales of Wisdom and Wonder Hugh Lupton The Tinderbox – Hans Christian Handerson Fox by Margaret Wild and Ron Brookes Into the Forest by Anthony Browne Varjak Paw by SF Said Krindlekrax by Philip Ridley Roman non fiction books Maths Temperatures Perimeters of puddles – evaporation Quantities of water Conversions of capacity Problems about water consumption TV timetables/hours spent watching Birthday party costs/greeting card costs Timelines Measurements for best location for a wind turbine/solar panel Light usage Roman legion number fun 24 hour clock Symmetry in Roman architecture Kg and g - recipes Data logging Dimensions of buildings Distances Populations Problems with costs of tourist attractions Data collection – pop groups Fractions Using a programme to record music and manipulate it? Radio blog Count back to 1066 M and cm in archery Dimensions Compare army sizes Computing Weighing food Dividing food Calories Perimeters and areas Decline of animals Data representation Spread sheets Art and design How can we change the colour of that fabric? Would people buy our greeting cards? How can we bring our drawings to life? Which famous artists lived near here/in London? How will w make our museum exhibits? How will mosaics improve the look of our school? Design and Technology Will our bag for life last that long? (link to polluting the rivers with plastic bags) Can we all go and fly a kite? What is your favourite kind of pizza? How will we take our pizza home? How can we catch a thief? (link to crown jewels kept in London?) Can we design and make a replica of a Norman castle defence system? How will our tiles stay on the roof? PE Dance – river inspired dance Using maps - orienteering ‘Old’ style games, cricket, tennis, bat and ball, hoops, football Gymnastics Dancing to current ‘pop’ music Attack and defence games Athletics Music Are we off the scale? (water theme) Can you improvise a musical pattern? (use/make instruments of 100 years ago) Does it really sound like a zoo in our classroom? Could we be soundtrack editors in the film industry? Could you cope if someone passed you the baton? Can we be musical code breakers? PSCHE - - Keeping your body healthy, making healthy lifestyle decisions. Being ‘cool’ – peer pressure and decision making - - SMSC The journey of a river – pure to polluted - Who is our community and how can we grow together? The importance of following the laws of the country What was life like in the Norman times? Would we cope? - British Values - What would have been the ‘rules’ after school 100 years ago? Can we grow things to eat with our community? Parliament – the importance of London The Royal family and parliament from Norman to today - RE -Which celebrations are important How is Christmas celebrated in other countries? What do we mean by commitment? What is Judaism? What does worship mean? Why did Jesus tell stories? Toys Food/animals Getting around town Languages – French