Oedipus Rex vs Norman Bates Writing Prompts

Oedipus Rex vs. Psycho
Answer the question fully and make sure you elaborate on your answers. Use evidence
and examples from the text to help you accomplish this!
1. Anthony Perkins’ performance as Norman Bates is justly considered one of the
great screen performances of all time. Why? What are some of the ways in which
he brings the character to life in a memorable, intimate way? Be specific!
2. One of the most memorable scenes in the film is the one in which Norman and
Marion have supper. Norman talks here about a number of things, but particularly
about being trapped in a cage. Discuss the theme of entrapment and the way it
functions in the film. How does the same theme function in Oedipus Rex?
3. In regards to Oedipus Rex and Norman Bates, who do you think has the biggest
issues with their mother? Explain. Did fate play a part in both men’s lives?
Go back and check to make sure you have elaborated on your answers and used support!