Curriculum Planning Sheet 2015-2016

FREN A302 Advanced French II
GER A101 Elementary German I
GER A102 Elementary German II
Fine Arts:
AKNS/MUS A215 Music of Alaska Natives and GER A201 Intermediate German I
Indigenous Peoples of Northern Regions
GER A202 Intermediate German II
AKNS/MUS A216 World Indigenous Music
GER A301 Advanced German I
ART A160 Art Appreciation
GER A302 Advanced German II
DNCE A170 Dance Appreciation
HIST A101 Western Civilization I
MUS A121 Music Appreciation
HIST A102 Western Civilization II
MUS A124 History of Jazz
HIST A121 East Asian Civilization I
MUS A221 History of Western Art Music I
HIST A122 East Asian Civilization II
MUS A222 History of Western Art Music II
HIST A131 History of United States I
THR A111 Introduction to the Theatre
HIST A132 History of United States II
HIST A341 History of Alaska
HNRS A192 Honors Seminar: Enduring Books
AKNS A101A Elementary Central Yup’ik I
HUM A211 Introduction to Humanities I
AKNS A101B Elementary Tlingit I
HUM A212 Introduction to Humanities II
AKNS A101C Elementary Alaska Native I
JPN A101 First Year Japanese I
AKNS A101E Elementary Alutiiq I
JPN A102 First Year Japanese II
Natural Sciences:
AKNS A102A Elementary Central Yup’ik II
JPN A201 Second Year Japanese I
ASTR A103/L Solar System Astronomy
AKNS A102B Elementary Tlingit II
JPN A202 Second Year Japanese II
ASTR A104/L Stars, Galaxies & Cosmology
AKNS A102C Elementary Alaska Native II
JPN A301 Advanced Japanese I
BIOL A102 Introductory Biology
AKNS A102E Elementary Alutiiq II
JPN A302 Advanced Japanese II
BIOL A103 Introductory Biology Lab
LING A101 The Nature of Language
BIOL A108 Principles and Methods in Biology AKNS A201 Alaska Native Perspectives
ART A261 History of Western Art I
PHIL A101 Introduction to Logic
BIOL A111 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
PHIL A201 Introduction to Philosophy
BIOL A112 Human Anatomy & Physiology II ART A262 History of Western Art II
ART A360A History of Non-Western Art I
PHIL A211 History of Philosophy I
BIOL/GEOL A178 Fundamentals of
ART A360B History of Non-Western Art II
PHIL A212 History of Philosophy II
ASL A101 Elementary ASL I
PHIL A301 Ethics
BIOLGEOL A179 Fundamentals of
ASL A102 Elementary ASL II
PHIL A305 Professional Ethics
Oceanography Lab
PHIL A313 Eastern Philosophy & Religion
BIOL/CPLX A200 Introduction to Complexity ASL A201 Intermediate ASL I
ASL A202 Intermediate ASLII
PHIL A314 Western Religions
CHEM A103/L Survey of Chemistry
PS A331 Political Philosophy
CHEM A104/L Intro to Organic Chemistry and CHIN A101 First Year Chinese I
CHIN A102 First Year Chinese II
PS A332 History of Political Philosophy I:
CHIN A201 Second Year Chinese I
CHEM A105/L General Chemistry I
CHIN A202 Second Year Chinese II
PS A333 History of Political Philosophy II:
CHEM A106/L General Chemistry II
ENVI A211/L Environmental Science: Systems ENGL A121 Introduction to Literature
ENGL A201 Masterpieces of World Lit I
RUSS A101 Elementary Russian I
and Processes
ENGL A202 Masterpieces of World Lit II
RUSS A102 Elementary Russian II
GEOG A111 Earth Systems: Elements of
ENGL A301 Literature of Britain I
RUSS A201 Intermediate Russian I
Physical Geography
ENGL A302 Literature of Britain II
RUSS A202 Intermediate Russian II
GEOL A111/L Physical Geology
ENGL A305 National Literatures in English
RUSS A301 Advanced Russian I
GEOL A115/L Environmental Geology
ENGL A306 Literature of the United States I
RUSS A302 Advanced Russian II
GEOL A221 Historical Geology
ENGL A307 Literature of the United States II
SPAN A101 Elementary Spanish I
LSIS A101 Discoveries of Science
ENGL A310 Ancient Literature
SPAN A102 Elementary Spanish II
LSIS A102 Origins: Earth-Solar System-Life
ENGL A383 Film Interpretation
SPAN A201 Intermediate Spanish I
LSIS A201 Life on Earth
ENGL A445 Alaska Native Literatures
SPAN A202 Intermediate Spanish II
LSIS A202 Concepts and Processes: Natural
FREN A101 Elementary French I
SPAN A301 Advanced Spanish I
FREN A102 Elementary French II
SPAN A302 Advanced Spanish II
PHYS A101 Physics for Poets
FREN A201 Intermediate French I
THR A311 Representative Plays I
PHYS A123/L Basic Physics I
FREN A202 Intermediate French II
THR A312 Representative Plays II
PHYS A124/L Basic Physics II
FREN A301 Advanced French I
THR A411 History of the Theatre I
PHYS A211/L General Physics I
Quantitative Skills:
MATH A105 Intermediate Algebra
MATH 121 College Algebra for Managerial &
Social Sciences
MATH A151 College Algebra for Calculus
MATH A152 Trigonometry
MATH A155 Precalulus
MATH A221 Applied Calculus for Managerial
& Social Sciences
MATH A251 Calculus I
MATH A252 Calculus II
MATH A253 Calculus III
STAT A252 Elementary Statistics
STAT A253 Applied Statistics
STAT A307 Probability
PHYS A212/L General Physics I
THR A412 History of the Theatre II
Social Sciences:
ANTH A101 Intro to Anthropology
ANTH A200 Natives of Alaska
ANTH A202 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH A250 The Rise of Civilization
BA A151 Introduction to Business
CEL A292 Intro to Civic Engagement
ECON A123 Behavioral Economics
ECON A201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON A202 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON A210 Environmental Economics &
EDEC A105 Introduction to the Field of Early
ENVI A212 Living on Earth: Introduction to
Environmental Studies
GEOG/INTL A101 Local Places/Global
Regions: An Intro to Geography
HNRS A292 Honors Seminar in Social Science
HS A220 Core Concepts in the Health Sciences
JPC A101 Media and Society
JPC A204 Media Literacy
JUST A110 Introduction to Justice
JUST/SOC A251 Crime and Delinquency
JUST A330 Justice and Society
JUST A375 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
LEGL A101 Introduction to Law
LSSS A111 Cultural Foundations of Human
PS A101 Intro to American Government
PS A102 Introduction to Political Science
PS A311 Comparative Politics
PS/SOC A351 Political Sociology
PSY A111 General Psychology
PSY A150 Lifespan Development
PSY A200 Introduction to Behavior Analysis
SOC A101 Introduction to Sociology
SOC A110 Introduction to Gerontology:
Multidisciplinary Approach
SOC A201 Social Problems and Solutions
SOC A202 Social Institutions
SOC A342 Sexual, Marital and Family Lifestyles
SWK A106 Intro to Social Welfare
SWK A243 Cultural Diversity and Community
Service Learning
URS A121 Methods of Inquiry
WS A200 Introduction to Women’s and Gender
Associate of Arts Degree – General Program
Curriculum Planning Sheet 2015-2016
Name_________________ Student I.D._____________ E-Mail Address________________________ Date__________
Written Communication Skills
ENGL A111 Introduction to Composition (3 cr.)
- ANDSelect one:
ENGL A211 Academic Writing about Literature (3 cr.)
ENGL A212 Technical Writing (3 cr.)
ENGL A213 Writing in the Social & Natural Sciences (3 cr.)
ENGL A214 Persuasive Writing (3 cr.)
CIOS A260A Business Communications (3 cr.)
Oral Communication Skills
Select One:
COMM A111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (3 cr.)
COMM A235 Small Group Communication (3 cr.)
COMM A237 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
COMM A241 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
Courses Completed
General Electives (27 Credits)
Courses Completed
Course Complete
Mathematics & Natural Science
Select from:
Math A105 or one course from the Quantitative Skills Area.
Select Natural Science (6 cr.*) from among the courses
Courses Completed Cr.
*Select 7 cr. to include one lab course for Bachelors degree link
[see back of page for course listing]
Humanities & Fine Arts ____
Select three courses with at least one course from
Humanities and at least one course from Fine Arts [see back
of page for course selections]
Social Sciences__
Select 6 credits with two different disciplines
represented [see back of page for
course listings]
20 credits of 200 level courses
_____________/ ___________/ ____________,
_____________/ ___________/ ____________,
_____________/ ___________/ ____________
Courses Completed
Courses Completed
Important Information
Courses Completed
You must be admitted to an A.A. degree prior to applying
for graduation.
Submit graduation application online at:
The graduation application fee is $50. Deadlines: Must
apply by last day of classes of semester student wants to
Complete a minimum of 60 credits at the 100 level or
above to include 20 credits at the 200 level or above.
Fifteen (15) credits must be completed in residence at
Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at UAA or better is
Course substitutions for required courses must be
approved through petition, see advisor for assistance.
If a bachelor’s degree is a future goal, see an advisor
regarding compatible course selections.
All degree requirements must be met within five years of
formal admission or the student must re-apply for
admission and meet requirements in effect at the time.