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Orientation 2015
Committee (O-Comm) & Group Leader (OGL) Application
Application Due Date: Tuesday April 21st, 5:00 PM – DOS Office (Level 4)
Yale-NUS Orientation is a dynamic opportunity to welcome the class of 2019 to the community and support
them in their transition to college. Working closely with Dean’s Fellows and other DOS staff, the Orientation
Committee (O-Comm) will lead a group of Orientation Group Leaders (OGLs) in conceptualising & implementing a set of programs and events that help build community among first-year students. Creativity, organisational skills, effective communication, and a desire to welcome incoming students are crucial to both the OComm and OGL role. Students may apply for either or both roles. Please check the dates of your summer programs/internships and any semester 1 study abroad schedules prior to applying.
Personal Information
Name: ___________________________________________________ Class Year: ______________________
RC: _______ Phone #: ____________________ Email Address: _____________________________________
Where will you be spending your summer? (Note: Students are eligible regardless of where they are spending the summer):
Do you intend to study abroad during semester 1 of the upcoming academic year? ______________________
Please review the descriptions below & indicate the role(s) you are interested in. You may indicate one or both options.
____ Orientation Committee (O-Comm)
_____ Orientation Group Leader (OGL)
Orientation Committee Members (4-6 students):
 Responsible for recruiting and selecting OGL’s in preparation for the orientation program.
 Regular communication and collaboration with DOS staff in creating orientation programming.
o O-Comm members must have reliable internet connections for the duration of the summer. Residing in Singapore over the summer, while ideal, is not required.
 Coordination and planning of specific orientation events & programs (i.e. Amazing Race, etc.).
 Responsibility for O-Comm budget & financial resources.
 Planning and leadership of OGL training in late July (refer to dates/calendar below).
Orientation Group Leaders (15 students):
 Responsible for working with, mentoring, and leading a group of 15-18 incoming students through orientation programs & events.
 Collaborate with Dean’s Fellows and Vice Rectors to provide support and assistance to incoming students during orientation. Alert DF’s and/or VR’s to any specific student concerns or issues.
 Assist O-Comm and DOS staff with running orientation programs & events (i.e. Amazing Race).
 Desire to serve as an informal advisor and mentor throughout students’ first year at Yale-NUS.
 Participation in OGL training & pre-orientation preparation (refer to dates/calendar below).
Student Studying Abroad in Semester 1:
Students studying or planning to study abroad during semester 1 are eligible to participate as an OGL or OComm member so long as they are on-campus from 17 July through 8 August. Every effort will be made to
provide on-campus accommodations for the duration of orientation, but flexibility will certainly be required as
we adjust to a new campus and set of facilities. Specific details about accommodations for semester 1 study
abroad students will be provided later this summer.
Orientation Schedule:
The full academic calendar for AY2015/2016 is available online. A detailed, daily orientation schedule will be
made available later in the summer.
17 July
18-19 July
20 July
21-22 July
22-23 July
25 July
25 July – 8 August
3-4 August
4 August
6 August
11 August
17 August
Move-In Date for OGL’s and O-Comm
Orientation Programming Preparations
OGL Training Sessions
Orientation Programming Preparations
International Student Move-In (Class of 2019)
Local Student Move-In (Class of 2019)
Orientation Programming (Class of 2019)
International Student Move-In (Class of 2017/2018)
Local Student Move-In (Class of 2017/2018)
First Year Assembly (Class of 2019)
First Day of Classes (Class of 2019)
First Day of Classes (Class of 2017/2018)
Housing, Meals & Stipends:
OGL’s and O-Comm members are permitted to move-in to their rooms on July 17th. Information about picking
up keys will be made available in the summer. OGL’s and O-Comm members will be provided with a S$20/day
stipend and will have access to meals in the dining hall once incoming students arrive. O-Comm members are
also eligible for a S$750.00 stipend for their efforts in preparing & leading the orientation program.
Application Questions:
Please address the following questions in 1 page or less and attach the answers to this completed application.
Applications are due to Claire Tan in the Dean of Students’ Office (#04-12) by 5:00 PM on Tuesday April 21st.
1. Describe your interest in serving as either an O-Comm member or OGL. If applying for both roles,
which position is more appealing to you & why?
2. OGL’s and O-Comm members are mentors and informal advisors to first year students. What experiences have you had serving as a role model or mentor for your peers (formally or informally)?
3. How have your prior experiences (academic, extracurricular, athletic, etc.) at Yale-NUS shaped your
understanding of what it means to build community?
4. O-Comm Applicants Only: What weaknesses and strengths do you bring to leading and managing a
team? Please provide any examples of prior leadership roles that have prepared you for this responsibility.
Applications will be reviewed by DOS staff and members of O-Comm 2014. O-Comm 2015 will be selected first
and will be charged with selecting and recruiting OGL’s. Applications for both roles are due at the same time.
Please contact Chris O’Connell ( with any questions.