Sabella Larkin OGL 498: Pro-Seminar I February 2, 2015 Core Assignment #1 Part I: COURSE OGL 200: Introduction to Organizational Leadership KEY LEARNING – CONCEPTS, THEORIES, SKILLS, BEST PRACTICES, APPLICATIONS, CASES, ASSIGNMENTS, DISCUSSIONS, SIMULATIONS / ACTIVITIES, TEAMWORK INITIATIVES, READINGS, ANALYSIS, OTHER PROJECTS, ETC. Motivational Style Assessment Manager’s Workshop-practice effective management, motivational theories, how to apply leadership theories in real life situations PROFESSIONAL (OR PERSONAL) APPLICATION. AS A RESULT OF YOUR ACADEMICS: HOW DO YOU THINK DIFFERENTLY? HOW DO YOU BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY? WHAT CAN YOU DO MORE EFFECTIVELY? HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED AS A PERSON? I particularly really enjoyed OGL 200 especially for the Manager’s Workshop simulations. The concepts of effective management and leadership theories were able to be applied to real life situations. I am able to motivate peers, coworkers, and employees more effectively. This class especially helped to determine which leadership style was most effective for specific types of personalities. OGL 220: Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations Concepts addressed through discussions and reading quizzes: Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, and Humanist perspectives on personality Stress management fundamental attribution error perception of the world and others internal and external barriers to listening gender differences in communication goals affect listening style high-context and low-context communication instrumental and affective communication nonverbal communication dual-conflict model The concepts that I learned in OGL 220 were concepts that I could apply to my every day personal life. The material helped me to understand and evaluate behaviors, communication styles, and different perspectives regarding behavior and communication styles. This class was extremely effective in being able to enhance my communication skills to listen and communicate more easily. OGL 240: Introduction to Project Management Through weekly papers and a team project I learned the following concepts: Project management vs. operations management Life, personally and professionally, is full of multiple projects. After completing OGL 240, I had grasped the concept of the project life cycle and how to effectively manage the project throughout the Project life cycle: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing. how organizational culture and structure, stakeholder management, project management maturity levels, and enterprise environmental factors can influence a project effective approaches to forming a project team Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Risk Management lifecycle. I am a very organized person and so the concept of a work breakdown structure and responsibility assignment matrix was easy for me to understand. The most difficult portion of a project is risk management. Because of this class, I am now able to identify scope creep more effectively and utilize specific skills related to managing risk. Trait Approach Skills Approach Technical skills Human skills Conceptual skills Style Leadership Theory Situational Leadership Theory Contingency Theory Path-Goal Theory o Path Goal Leadership Questionnaire Leader-Member Exchange Theory Transformational Leadership o Transformational Leadership vs. Transactional Leadership questionnaire (Week 4). Servant Leadership Strategic Management Task vs. Relationship Oriented SelfAssessment WEAA Case Study Final Paper I have a deeper understanding of the different approaches to leadership. From this class, I was able to learn the history of leadership theories and apply these theories to a Harvard Business Review Case Study on the leadership style of a leader at WEAA radio station. Throughout the course, there were several assessments and questionnaires that helped me to determine my leadership style in regards to the specific theory or approach learned. Through these assessments, I was able to determine that I am nearly equal in terms of relationship oriented and task oriented leadership styles. However, I am slightly more relationship oriented. Through the simulations completed on the Harvard Business Publishing Account, I learned the following concepts: Practice making decisions by managing project behaviors, parameters and outcomes Demonstrate the ability to manage an unexpected mid-project problem Practice project human resource management when faced with staffing challenges Identify different leadership strategies I really enjoyed completing the simulations on the Harvard Business Publishing Account. These simulations helped me to not only understand the concepts, but apply the concepts learned in the class to project simulations. I have a better understanding of how to be prepared for scope creep. More importantly, I am now able to manage projects more effectively should surprises arise. OGL 300: Theory and Practice of Leadership OR PAF 410: Building Leadership Skills OGL 321: Project Leadership, Strategy and Scope in managing and directing staff Demonstrate the ability to make tradeoffs when project targets are unrealistic Weekly module papers summarize these concepts learned. BIS 345: Organizational Ethics BIS 343: Social Processes in Organizations BIS 350: Diversity and Organizations Business ethics (Discussion) o Kantian Approach o Aristotelean Approach -- Virtue Ethics o Utilitarian Approach o Pragmatic/Deliberative Approach Ethical Reasoning (Discussion) o Consequentialism o Deontology Profession Ethical Analysis Paper: pharmaceutical sales participative leadership and empowerment on teams team design team mental models group decision making process types of conflict on teams and conflict interventions Through weekly module papers the following concepts were addressed: Organizational Diversity and Identity Diversity Management Discrimination and Prejudice Socialization & Social Class Interview- individual of a different culture Acculturation Intercultural Competency & Team Development Organizational Conflict Intercultural Leadership As a result of this class, I am able to understand how to have an ethical approach to leadership. It seems easy to do what is right. However, leaders face many ethical dilemmas in which they need to make a decision that may not produce the best consequences for all parties involved. Leaders are responsible for making ethical decisions in light of the customers the organization serves, the employees, the investors, the shareholders, etc. Because there are multiple perspectives, it is difficult to determine what is ethical. This class enlightened me by teaching me different ethical approaches to leadership and ethical reasoning in order to make the most ethical decisions possible. BIS 343 taught me the internal dynamics of a team – the tasks, the people, and the processes. I learned optimal team design is dependent on the type of work to be accomplished and the structure of the organization. I learned the importance of team mental models and how to build cohesion. Because of this class, I am able to understand how to create and effectively manage a great and successful team. This course was one of my favorite courses of my major. Each module explored the different elements of diversity in organizations. The course helped to enhance my cultural intelligence and increase selfawareness of my own personal culture and identity. I am able to examine and assess the impact of culture on individual values and behavior and recognize bias and discrimination more readily. The interview I conducted with a person of a different culture/ethnicity than me helped to broaden my understanding of the Russian culture and her personal values that influence her decisions daily. I am able to comprehend the benefits of having a multi-cultural team and how to develop a multicultural team. More importantly, I can identify not only the opportunities of a diverse team, but the challenges that arise and how to handle those challenges. I have more of an understanding of how to handle conflict in diverse atmospheres. OGL 355: Leading Organizational Innovation and Change OR PAF 311: Leadership and Change (SB) External Analysis on Tesla Motors o An external analysis is “the process of scanning and evaluating an organization’s external environment” to determine the opportunities and threats it faces (Coulter, pg. 56). Functional & Competitive Strategies applied to GEICO Case Analysis: JDRF BIS 357: Assessment in Organizations Through weekly tests and case studies I am learning the following concepts: Awareness of why organizational assessments are important in organizations Identify main challenges of organizational assessments Explain primary modes of organizational assessments Identify general characteristics and key attributes of the Organizational Assessment Performance Framework COM 430: Leadership in Group Communication Leadership Approaches (Quizzes & Discussion) o Trait approach to leadership o Behavior approach to leadership o Contingency approach to leadership o Path-Goal Theory o Leader Member Exchange o In-groups Into Thin Air Essay o Applying leadership theories and concepts to a written account of a fatal expedition of hikers on a mission to conquer Mount From this course, I was able to learn how to create an external analysis of organizations in order to determine opportunities and threats that the organization faces. Several tools can be used to create external analyses, such as the SWOT-analysis tool, which helps to summarize the threats and opportunities determined during the analysis. I learned that external analyses are extremely beneficial in being able to help generate profits, help support change, help cut costs, and increase knowledge and support learning. Much of the class involved an analytical style of thinking and then translating those thoughts into words. This class helped me to not only comprehend data, but to understand, evaluate, and translate the data to form a strategic plan. Being able to generate a strategy from data is a difficult task, but has helped me to think deeper and initiate a more creative style to my thinking to generate strategies and solutions based on data. BIS 357 enabled me to perform assessments of organizations and determine why assessments are needed. I am able to identify the life cycle stage of organizations, perform assessments, and determine a strategy for the business to continue successfully. Like OGL 300, COM 430 explored different leadership theories and approaches. This course emphasized the theory and process of leadership in group communication specifically. Being able to communicate is an essential skill for every leader. Understanding which type of leadership theory can be applied in terms of communicating is helpful to understanding how to effectively communicate and embrace the leadership approach. Everest. Table 2: Plus / Delta – Significant Learning Experiences – Structure and Transfer Pick one of your most significant learning experiences from Table 1. Take some time to deeply reflect on the experience. Respond to the following questions / sub-questions as explicitly as possible. Use your imagination and creativity here – this is really all about making connections, and seeing what you can learn about your learning style (and yourself) from the experience! Describe the task / assignment? What, specifically, did you learn? Be sure to address both declarative forms of knowledge (things you learned – concepts, theories, ideas, models) as well as procedural forms of knowledge(things you learned how to do – skills). Why is it important to you? What connections can you make between this learning and other things you have learned (in school – and beyond)? What connections can you make between what you learned and your life roles and goals? What worked for you? In terms of process, was there something about the assignment structure that appealed to you? How did this task / structure of this assignment differ from other assignments? Was it similar to other assignments / tasks that were meaningful to me? What strategies, skills, procedures proved effective in the completion of this assignment / task? Do you see any patterns or connections in this regard to your preferred approach to learning – such as following an outline, keeping to deadlines, other learning or OGL 355: Leading Organizational Innovation and Change Case Analysis: JDRF I learned the components of and how to develop the right structure for preparing a case analysis for an organization. I learned the importance of a company’s vision/mission and how it relates to the company’s goals. I also learned to identify policies and values that a company embraces. I was able to identify corporate and competitive strategies used within the company in order to achieve its goals. In completing the case analysis, I was able to also learn how to prepare an external and internal analysis in order to determine an organizations various strengths/weaknesses and external threats and opportunities. This also helps to determine positive and negative trends that may impact the organization’s performance. In preparing the analysis, I was able to practice executing the SWOT model-strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I identified strategic issues of the organization and compiled strategic alternatives in response to those issues. After completing the majority of the courses for my major, I found that I really enjoy learning about the framework and operations of organizations and the strategies developed in response to the opportunities and threats that organizations face. After graduating, I plan on applying to multiple companies in which I want to start my career. This course in particular helped me to develop skills and deepen my knowledge of concepts that I need in a position as a business analyst. This task essentially was a summary of everything that had been learned and reviewed throughout the course. I was able to use my other assignments in the class as references because the other assignments were components of the entire case analysis. For example, one of the assignments was to develop an external analysis for a corporation, which I had chosen Tesla Motors. Another assignment focused on applying functional and competitive strategies. Both the external analysis and applications of functional and competitive strategies are components which I later completed for my case analysis on JDRF. Compiling a case analysis takes time and attention to detail. I am extremely detail-oriented and very efficient in my time management skills. I enjoyed the practice of being able to switch perspectives from a very general/overview study skills? frame of mind to one that is narrow and focused on a specific topic. What can you transfer? A case study involves specific analysis of an organization’s mission, goals, values, internal and external threats & opportunities in order to be able to determine a strategy to use these aspects to its advantage and avoid threats in order to achieve those goals. This type of analysis is not only helpful for organizations, but also helpful for one’s own personal life. To be able to identify core values and goals for one’s self is the first step in the pursuit of happiness. Once one has determined those goals, analyzing the internal and external threats and opportunities will help to use one’s opportunities to his or her advantage and combat threats as they pursue those goals. The most difficult part is to develop the strategies to accomplish those personal goals. A case analysis is important for an organization’s growth and success and these same concepts can be applied on a personal level to help one pursue happiness and achieve success in life. What evidence do you have? I have my final draft for my case analysis on JDRF. I feel that sharing the knowledge I have learned exactly how I learned it, in a step by step fashion, is the best way to share the knowledge of what a case analysis entails. I believe it is meaningful to help peers, friends, and family use the case analysis structure as I had mentioned earlier as a metaphor to help one achieve life goals. Where can you apply / use these skills and knowledge? How can you apply what worked for you (above) to other learning goals or initiatives in your life? Can you connect or adapt this knowledge / skill to other areas of your life? What kinds of metaphorical connections can you make? Can you connect something that was interesting or important with respect to this knowledge / skill to something that you are struggling with? Do you have a plan for communicating your learning to others? Are there any tangible outcomes or artifacts that serve as evidence of this knowledge / skill? Assignment #1: Questions for Reflection Prompt #1: Now that you have completed Assignment #1, what were the most important aspects of this assignment? What moved you the most? Any surprises? I thoroughly enjoyed going through the documents I had saved on my laptop in the corresponding class folders and reviewing the concepts I had learned throughout my organizational leadership career at ASU. As my undergrad career is coming to an end, being able to review not only the key concepts and theories I’ve learned, but review the work I had completed applying these concepts was extremely rewarding. Prompt #2: What are your ideas in terms of how to best illustrate your growth and development over the course of your education and experiences with the Organizational Leadership program? There are a lot of papers and discussions to illustrate the concepts I had learned throughout my courses. Two of my favorite activities were the Manager’s Workshop in OGL 200 and the Harvard Business Publishing Account Simulations in OGL 321. These activities were my favorite activities to complete in reference to applying the learned concepts. Discussions and papers capture a lot of the experience, not just for these two activities, but for every concept learned throughout my courses at ASU. I am particularly fond of creating a “web portfolio” or website that illustrates the concepts I have learned in each class throughout my career in the Organizational Leadership program with a few tangible documents that I am most proud of. I did something extremely similar to this in my ENGL 102 course for just that class alone. Being able to dedicate time to review past concepts and retrieve tangible documents I created that illustrate the application of the concepts and from that creating a web portfolio almost like a web based scrapbook/timeline would be really fun and rewarding.