8.6 Cell Model Assignment The Task: Create a physical or digital cell model to accurately represent either a plant or animal cell. Physical Digital 3D model, poster, Powerpoint, webpage, picture book, popup prezi, etc book, etc Where 1. 2. 3. to start? Follow these steps: Watch weebly video for ideas on models. Choose either a plant cell or an animal cell. Create your model, poster, or digital representation of your chosen cell type. It should: Contain all the relevant organelles. Each organelle should be clearly labelled. The organelles should clearly represent the organelle ie the nucleus will not be square. A written description of the function of each organelle should be included as either part of the model or on a separate document. This needs to be in your own words. Cell Model Rubric Criterion Product Presentation and Creativity Digital or physical representation of a cell Cell Understanding Plant or Animal Cell Cell Structure Relevant organelles Labels Function of Organelles Written description Communication Used a variety of resources Correct spelling and grammar In own words A Project stands out from the rest, shows evidence of considerable effort. Extremely creative design with a clever use of materials not often seen in most projects. Excellent understanding of cell structure shown through both the physical and written representation of a cell and its organelles. B Model is neat, with a creative use of materials that shows evidence of organisation, planning and a thorough effort. C Cell model clearly represents either a plant or an animal cell. Minimal creativity used; project is a poster or basic 2-D model. D Model is a generalized cell with no distinction between plant and animal cells. Thorough understanding of cell structure shown through both the physical and written representation of a cell and its organelles. Lack of understanding of cell structure. Inaccurate written and physical representation of a cell. All relevant organelles and cell parts are accurately detailed and clearly represented. Indicates an understanding of specialised cells Functions of all types of organelles are correctly described in detail. All relevant organelles and cell parts are clearly represented with all labels containing no spelling errors. A clear understanding of the difference between plant and animal cells. Accurate written and physical representation of a cell. Most relevant organelles and cell parts are clearly recognisable. Functions of all organelles represented in the model correctly summarized. Functions of organelles in model contain errors. Appropriate language used to communicate relevant scientific information. Scientific ideas about a cell, its structure and function not presented in a clear manner. Scientific information presented in a clear, logical and sequential manner. Correct use of spelling and grammar. Functions of all types of organelles correctly described with minimal spelling errors. Effective presentation of relevant scientific information. Correct use of spelling and grammar. An inaccurate representation of a cell. Multiple organelles and cell structures missing or mislabeled.