PSSC minutes Dec 1 2014 Approved

PSSC minutes (Approved)
December 1, 2014
In attendance: Mike Belong (Principal), Anne Marie Picone Ford, Joe Woodford, Adriana Campbell,
Megan Campbell (Student Rep), Colleen Landry, Lise Bellefleur-Jonah, Scott Agnew, Brian Pond and
Shawna Downey. Regrets, Denise Owens, Patricia Crowell, Sheila Cameron, Mary Boucher, Dr. Tim
Wallace (DEC rep) . Anne Marie called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and welcomed all.
Anne Marie welcomed Mario Leger the EA for Minister Cathy Rogers and Kelsey MacDonald the EA for
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chris Collins. They were presented with a number of concerns regarding the new
school. Mr. Collins arrived and provided input on several areas and assured us our concerns would be
brought forth and he would follow up. (Questions posed were circulated to all members)
Approval of the agenda – JW/CL MSC
Approval of the November minutes – BP/LB MSC
Correspondence –N/A
Business arising from minutes:
Air quality testing – it is not being done . Since past testing has not shown any concerns it has been
dropped. Follow up will be done with the District and the Dept.
Principal’s report: (was provided) Mr. Belong reported.
Mr. Belong spoke of the tragedy that was experienced at MHS. 12 councellors were present for
the students and the staff. School administration are still working with those in need.
The staff will tour the new MHS on Dec 12th
Tours for students are also scheduled
The exam schedule will be out soon
PSSC requested a tour as well
Anne Marie commented on a call she received thanking the school for the voice connects
explaining the continued counselling available and the kids help line in the event of no school.
The parent found this very proactive and reassuring.
Teachers report: (was provided) Anne Marie reported.
23 days left until exams
There have been a few interruptions, between basketball and drama, while good for the
students are a little difficult to manage
Student Report: Megan Campbell delivered the report.
The mentoring program is ongoing with 27 kids being mentored
The Christmas float was awesome. The best float in 5-6 years!
Winter Formal – trying to come up with a theme- a bin will be provided
Clothes Drive for used clothing to help with students needs
Theme week – ugly Christmas sweater
School wide fundraiser – this is presently being worked on
New business:
Send a thank you letter to Greg Ingersoll thanking Gary Wilson for his service as acting Principal at MHS
while Mr. Belong has been busy with the new school, he has been a tremendous support.
The next meeting will be Monday, January 19.
Meeting adjourned – LB/JW