PSSC minutes Jan 19 2015 Approved

PSSC minutes (Draft)
January 19, 2015
In attendance: Mike Belong (Principal), Anne Marie Picone Ford, Joe Woodford, Adriana Campbell,
Megan Campbell (Student Rep), Colleen Landry, Denise Owens , Lise Bellefleur-Jonah, Sheila Cameron,
Mary Boucher, Dr. Tim Wallace (DEC rep) and Shawna Downey. Regrets, Patricia Crowell, Scott Agnew,
Brian Pond. Anne Marie called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and welcomed all.
Anne Marie welcomed Monique LeBlanc and Gary Wilson. Gary Wilson gave us an academic update.
Anne Marie then welcomed Mr. Speaker, Chris Collins and his EA, Kelsey MacDonald. Mr. Collins
provided us an update following our last meeting. He said he had a meeting with the Min of Education
and EA, Minister of Finance and EA, Director of Transportation and MLS Monique LeBlanc. The sports
fields will not be ready for the spring. He explained there is not any money for an artificial field and
there has not been anything put into motion regarding the auditorium as had been indicated by the
former government. With regards to the “off-hour” transportation needs, since Codiac Transpo does
not have it in their budget to add a run to the new school for the co-op times and also for after the
“after school” activities, that possibly a school bus can be allocated to run a loop to help with this
situation. The outside “quad area”, the Dept does not have any money set aside for this either. He
suggested putting a plan together for funding from the feeder MLA’s to help offset the costs associated
with this project. He suggested coordinating with Monique LeBlanc, our local MLA for help putting this
together. With regards to the French Immersion plan, there are resources needed and the roll-out is
coming soon for the 10yr French immersion plan. He again suggested working with Monique LeBlanc to
put together a presentation for the High School involvement with the French immersion program.
There was some discussion about the use of the old MHS and the use of the auditorium but nothing
planned at this point.
There was some discussion about the field at the old MHS. The DEC has decided to keep the field for
MHS use while the new fields are being completed.
Our guests then departed and Anne Marie continued with the meeting.
Approval of the agenda – LBJ/DO MSC
Approval of the December minutes – JW/CL MSC
Correspondence – Anne Marie read the letter received from Tamara Nicol the DEC Chair from the
Minister of Education with regards to the sports fields and the quad area.
Business arising from minutes: The letter was sent to Gregg Ingersoll thanking Gary Wilson for a job well
done in Mike Belong’s absence as he prepared for the new school. Anne Marie thanked Colleen for
drafting the letter.
Principal’s report:
Since Gary Wilson gave us an update at the start of the meeting, Mr. Belong deferred for any questions
in lieu of another report.
It was commented that the feeder schools should be targeted to get them ready for academics at MHS.
ie feeder school days. MHS should endeavor to be “the school”. MHS is looking at screeners for the
middle schools.
Teachers report: (was provided)
Teachers are very busy getting ready for exams and also getting ready for the new school
The ELPA’s are being written now
Marks are due on Friday
Course selections and second term
Student Report: Megan Campbell delivered the report.
Exemptions are new this year, in trying to improve attendance. Only one subject is allowed.
The stats will be reviewed to see the results. There was some confusion about exemptions at
the start, they students were not sure if it was a rumor or not.
o This will be better communicated to the students and parents in the future
Jan 31 – Feb 7 the Chinese students arrive
Feb 5 – Spirit Dance is scheduled at the new school. No charge for students who have paid their
student fee
School name of Moncton High School was confirmed
Media for the first day of school was questioned
o District approval is required
Looking at activities for the official Grand Opening, perhaps a march to the new school etc
Questioned about being a “closed campus”
o As of now, it is not a closed campus but will be reviewed as time goes on
Mental Wellness Week, there will be a carnival and talent show
The “Girls Night Out” is being planned again this year in support of girls and abuse
New business:
In lieu of time, the items brought up under new business were only brought up to discuss at the next
meeting. They were:
Knight Rider /Transportation – the status of getting a new vehicle
The CBC story about UNB and the athletics departments initiative regarding bullying and sexual
In conclusion, Dr. Tim Wallace provided a brief DEC report, pertaining specifically about the immersion
issue. There has been an Ad-Hoc committee formed of the DEC to define the expectations of second
language. This is not a discussion on when it should start, however, it will look at how students are
treated throughout the process. Defining the issue.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 10 at 6:30pm.
Meeting adjourned – SC/JW