Alternate Summer Assignment for students NOT ON hike! Week 2 Second Unit Test (First test on Cartoon Guide 1st Week Required by all) Chaptes 8 1. Read Chapter 8 Complete the Review on page 180( Review 1-10) & know Review on page 47 (Review 1-10) 2. Research Stream Ecology online and/or read the River Continuum Article linked here. Answer the questions below on Stream Quality Assessments. You are welcome to visit another source. The Deerfield River Watershed Association (DRWA) along with many others are wonderful. Numerous factors, both biotic and abiotic, influenced the dynamics of the system. Overall, there are two ways to assess quality of streams. The most common way is chemical testing but there are many disadvantages to this method. On the mountain trip we will be using chemical water test kits to determine levels of Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Phosphate in the Cold River. The second method of measuring water quality is Macro invertebrate assessment. Understanding the biota of the stream and monitoring their health over time can offer critical information on the health of the stream. The students decided to perform water quality tests on their model system. List three water-quality tests that could be conducted and explain what information each test provides. Include in your answers a description of the impact of each factor on the health of the stream system. A. Describe the many types of Abiotic tests useful in determining stream ecology by filling in the chart below. The first column indicated the chemical test, the second column should be the information gathered from the test and the third column should contain the impact of that particular chemical test. Complete the Chart below. B. Water Quality Test Information Impact Required for aerobic respiration (decomposition), Amount of dissolved Decreased DO and Decreased viability of eggs and Dissolved Oxygen oxygen larvae Presence of chlorine, Specific to smell, rotten, decomposition, lack of oxygen, Odor H2S, sewage, etc. contaminants... Alkalinity Turbidity (Secci disk) Suspended Solids Carbon Dioxide pH Ammonia Nitrate (NO3–) (N) Nitrites (NO2–) Phosphates (PO43–) (P) Salinity Heavy Metals e.g. lead, mercury, cadmium Other macro or Micronutrients (K,S) Chlorine B Describe how the introduction of high levels of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates into the system would impact. Where might these nutrients come from? C. Different kinds of macro invertebrates have varying tolerances (or sensitivities) to pollution and/or to changes in habitat and water chemistry conditions. The different features of a macro invertebrate community (pollution sensitivity, abundance, diversity) or community metrics tell us about the quality or health of the water body. Describe the many types of organisms useful in determining stream ecology by filling in the chart below. The first column indicates the organism, the second column should be the information on the type of environment in the stream where the organism is found and finally, the third column should contain the stream reach they are most commonly found. Read the article. Complete the Chart below. Macro invertebrate Information Stream Reach Mayfly Sensitive, requires clean well oxygenated water headwaters stonefly caddisfly (true flies) dipterans nematodes cranefly dragonflies crayfish dobsonfly