To: Deans, Associate Deans, Department Chairs and Directors From: Marsha Ham, Executive Director, Lifelong & Distance Learning Date: January 2010 RE: Scalable Summer Online 2010 Building from the success and “lessons learned” in the Scalable Summer Online 2009 Pilot, we invite you to participate in Scalable Summer Online 2010. To recap last summer’s program, following are the program goals, highlights, and primary scalable features used in the program last summer: • Goals Maximize enrollment of continuing OHIO students, Increase enrollment of nondegree visiting students, Schedule sufficient space for all audiences to self-register • Highlights 23 sections of Athens classes scheduled with 20 faculty members and 8 facilitators 300 additional enrollments generated approx $360,000 revenue 57 new students applied at Athens campus for summer quarter • Scalable 2009 Program features Tested use of scaled faculty pay based on enrollment not section Developed facilitator training and modeled use of facilitator/coach assisting faculty Launched use of online nondegree application process Tracked registrations of target-marketed audiences by degree codes Expanded advertising campaign Returned $35,350 to Athens departments and colleges with profit-sharing system The goal for Summer 2010 is to expand Scalable Summer Online providing many more course opportunities for continuing OHIO students from ALL campuses and to increase enrollment of nondegree, visiting students from all over the world. To reach these goals, we plan to: • Encourage ALL online classes to run as Scalable In consultation with his/her department chair or campus, each online instructor will determine to what extent their class will be scaled. Each will have the option to scale to maximum size of 50, 75, 100, 125, or 150 spaces. A form is attached to indicate this. On an individual basis, a faculty member may make the case that it is not appropriate to scale a particular class. • Bill appropriate tuition rates for each audience Classes originating from Athens Campus will be scheduled using the DL section code through Lifelong and Distance Learning with the tuition rate of $153/credit hour for Online Bachelor Completion and External Degree-Seeking students AND also scheduled with regular departmental call numbers with the tuition of $292 for continuing OHIO resident undergraduate students and nondegree, visiting students. Classes originating from the Regional Campuses will be scheduled with their regional call numbers and campus codes with the tuition rate of $153/credit hour for continuing OHIO resident undergraduate students and nondegree, visiting students or $144/credit hour for Eastern and Southern Campus classes. Targeted audiences will include: Continuing OHIO students from all campuses Non-degree, visiting students transferring credit to a home institution OHIO students who have stopped out Independent & Distance Learning students High School students seeking dual credit Online Bachelor Completion & RN-BSN students Nontraditional students new to college or contemplating a new career Community college students and graduates Military and homeschooled students • Schedule enough scalable class spaces between multiple Athens call numbers To help determine what maximum demand may be in each previously offered online class, a spreadsheet is attached showing enrollment from Summer 2009 in online sections, on-campus sections, and also what we know to be unmet demand. A recommendation is also provided suggesting the expected total 2010 demand. Based on that recommendation, suggestions will be provided for how many spaces should be scheduled with the Athens departmental call number by the academic department and the DL call number through the Lifelong and Distance learning staff. This is somewhat tricky because ALL students will self-enroll and the goal is to have sufficient space for all students. Please note that most classes will be scheduled at a max enrollment of 50 and that actual enrollment will come in at 35-40 students. Relatively few classes (probably only 8-10) will end with enrollment of greater than 100 students. • Use facilitator system for enrollment of more than 50 students Facilitators will be used for all classes with enrollments of more than 50 students as follows: 5075 registrations will use 1 facilitator, 76-100 registrations will use 2 facilitators, 101-125 registrations will use 3 facilitators, and 126-150 registrations will use 4 facilitators. Most often, facilitators will be TA or GA students already known to departments, but may also be adjuncts, visiting instructors, or others and should hold a master’s degree. Facilitators will be recommended by Instructors and approved by department chairs for Athens classes and regional associate deans for regional classes. Facilitators will be hired when combined enrollment in all sections exceeds 50 students. Their responsibilities generally will include leading discussions, managing email and daily student communications, and grading based on the instructors grading rubric. The instructor is responsible for developing the course including the syllabus and the grading rubric for all assessments and for providing oversight and direction to the facilitators assigned to his/her course. Facilitators will work with groups of 20-25 students, participate in facilitator training prior to the start of the quarter, and will be paid $2,000. • Budgeting the scalable online program All Summer budgeting is based on call numbers used. Regional campus call numbers will be used for all online classes and Regional campus summer budgeting will remain separate from Athens. As has been the case for many years, each Athens Campus college will receive a Summer budget from which to fund all departmental summer offerings. Each scaled Athens online class will be scheduled with a departmental call number AND a Lifelong and Distance Learning DL call numbers. The amount of instructional pay associated with the enrollment generated from departmental call number will be budgeted and paid from your total departmental Summer budget. The amount of instructional pay associated with the enrollment generated from the DL call number will be paid from Lifelong and Distance Learning accounts. Because the majority of enrollments will be generated from departmental call numbers, the department will be responsible to cover the facilitator instructional pay from their summer departmental budget as well. • Use scalable instructional pay formula by enrollment, not by section A Scalable instructional pay formula will be implemented for all Scalable Athens Campus classes based on total combined enrollment from all sections of the course. Regional campuses are encouraged to use this system also. Instructors will be paid using Summer 2010 pay rates based on enrollment as of the third day of class for enrollment of 10 to 25 students. For enrollments of greater than 25 students, the following additional pay system will be used. Enrollment of 26-28 29-31 32-34 35-37 38-40 41-43 44-46 47-49 = additional pay 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Enrollment of 50-55 56-61 62-67 68-73 74-79 80-85 86-91 92-97 and so on… = additional pay 100% 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 170% For example: Enrollment of 48 = payment of $5400* + $4860 = $10,260 Enrollment of 62 = payment of $5400* + $6480 = $11,880 (*based on Summer ’09 assoc prof pay rate for 4 credit hours) Note: Enrollment of less than 10 will be paid at a rate of 10% of regular pay multiplied by the number of students registered on the third day of class. For example, regular summer pay for assistant professor 09-10 ($1172 x 4credits) is $4688. If only 7 students enroll, payment would be $3282 (70%). Because total pay is based on enrollment as of the third day of class and may be split from two different budgets, all contracts for Athens Campus SCALABLE Summer ONLINE CLASSES will be processed by OU Online staff. • Reward Colleges and departments for DL enrollments Athens campus colleges AND departments will each receive 30% of net profit generated from enrollments in Lifelong and Distance Learning’s DL call numbers. Because this tuition comes directly to Lifelong and Distance Learning and we couldn’t generate it without departmental support, we will share the profit with you! • Expand faculty training AND facilitator training offered ALL faculty participating in Scalable Summer Online 2010 will be encouraged to participate in an online Blackboard survey and Quality Matters course self review process and to complete a training session on teaching online in a scaled format. Some will also be asked to participate in a day-long, fullscale Quality Matters seminar to revamp their online course content. A training session will be required for all those serving as Facilitators assisting Instructors. For each of these levels of training, appropriate levels of compensation will be provided. • Expand marketing to include traditional and alternative methods A full-scale marketing effort advertising all online offerings will be launched in April as registration begins and will include several on and off-campus plans. Online advertising, social networking publicity, print advertisements in other Ohio university newspapers, direct mail and promotional events will be used. A Scalable Summer Online 2010 Approval form is attached. These forms should be returned, with signatures, no later than February 1, 2010. This program is designed to provide you with an additional opportunity to help your students and others fulfill their educational goals. We look forward to working with you to create this expanded access to OU Online summer courses.