Longfords Mill Residents Information Sheet Spring 2016, Issue 4 History of Longfords Mill 14.6 acres (5.9 hectares). Following Nature Conservation completion of the development, all The Playne family established The Longfords Mill valley has a high purchasers will become members of nature conservation interest, and is Longfords Mill in the 18th century Longfords Mill Management Company where blending, carding, spinning, Ltd (referred to as the Management weaving and finally finishing were all Company). This will own the freehold undertaken in these large mainly of the estate. The Management Victorian buildings. The manufacture Company runs the estate areas, all of woollen cloth and latterly tennis freehold and leasehold owners ball contributing to the running costs by fabric continued until 1980 accordance with a plan is reviewed every 5 years. The plan and monitored work by conservationist. programme an are independent Work is carried out either by the grounds maintenance paying an annual Estate Charge. to alternative sites within the Stroud The leasehold apartments contractors, or other more specialist valleys. flora types: broad-leaved woodland, The The development has been carried out managed by Builders Ede Ltd, an Oxfordshire Management based company, and consists of a Maintenance of the landscaped areas mixture of conversions of the old mill and the car parks owned by these Longfords buildings, and newly built properties. management be wetlands, river and streams site. There carried out by the same grounds are a number of bat species at maintenance contractors as for the Longfords Mill, estate, the costs being split between protected. Roosting species include the Greater Horseshoe, Lesser Horseshoe The area of the estate including all the buildings, woodland, and the nature conservation and landscaped area is through separate mixed woodland, marsh and rough grassland. Companies. companies Longfords Company, three are contractors. The site has four distinct The mill buildings are Listed Grade II. The Estate apartments in conservation management plan. This approx, production then being moved leasehold managed and Mill will Management the Management Companies. apartment Mill is an and important these are and Pipistrelle. Bats are affected by external lighting. It can cause them to delay emerging from their roost, change their feeding Lorem Ipsum Bats are affected by external lighting. It The Administration of the can cause them to delay emerging from their roost, change their feeding habits and ultimately meant they desert their roost entirely. The need to install lighting close to bat flight areas and roosts should be questioned but if required, the main guidelines with regards to bats and lighting are: the lights should be hooded and point downwards, the use of low pressure sodium lamps, the beam of light should not extend over bat flight paths. Apartment owners should note that they are not allowed by the terms of their lease to install external lighting. Should you be planning to fit external lighting, please contact us for a copy of the recommendation, prior to having the lights installed. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is illegal to kill, capture, injure or disturb bats, obstruct Managers Ltd emergency service on the number below: Management Companies ARMA MaintenanceLine - 0845 604 The Directors are members of 9732 Builders Ede’s permanent staff. The Company Secretary is The Flat Useful Contacts Managers Ltd. Cotswold District Council: Main The Flat Managers Ltd is the number 01285 623001 managing agent acting for the estate and apartment building management Council Tax companies. Their contact details are: 01285 623033 Stroud District Council: The Flat Managers Ltd, Maple House, Main number Bayshill Road, Cheltenham, Glos. 01453 754217 GL50 3AW 07738 788860 Tel: 01242 210908 / Fax: 01242 210905 Email: Council Tax 01453 776321 "admin@theflatmanagersltd.co.uk" For disposal of bulky items etc that Repairs the refuse lorry cannot take, request access to bat roosts or damage/destroy bat roosts. Please report any maintenance or a special collection by contacting the Other species frequenting and feeding management issues relating to the Environmental Health Dept of your across the site include Daubenton’s and apartments and/or the estate to The District Council (a charge may be Serotine. White-Clawed Crayfish are an Flat Managers Ltd as soon as you made), or take to the nearest public important species on the site. With become aware of them; they can refuse site: located at Pyke Quarry, regard to birds unusual species such as then advise and arrange to deal with near Horsley and Hempstead, near Dippers, Kingfishers, and Grey Wagtails them on behalf of the relevant Gloucester can be found. management Helpline - 01242 680010). Also, otters and water voles have been present on the site. company as appropriate. The main protected species at Longfords (Waste Management Walking on the Estate With regard to access to the grounds Mill are the White-Clawed Crayfish, the In the event of an emergency relating the aim is that residents can safely bats, otters and water voles. For more to the apartments and/or the estate enjoy them. information, http://www.english- outside the hours of 8.30am to grounds, young children should be nature.org.uk. It is an offence to harm or 5.30pm Monday to Friday, and on supervised by a parent or responsible remove protected species. bank holidays, please contact The Flat person. The person supervising the visit When playing in the 3 runs along the base of the dam to the children should have made stream below the spillway, and repaired Dogs the spillway. There is a large pipe that themselves aware of any safety goes from the winch and small sluice on considerations and of the seasonal Dogs should be kept under control, nature constraints, and messes on mown areas, near particularly not to remove or harm paths and on the Reservoir Dam water to flow. There is a slight flow all White-Clawed Crayfish, and not to embankment the time. The only time that the sluice disturb bats. Access to the grounds is scooped. Please ensure Dogs are not given to residents, their families and allowed to roam unaccompanied. guests on the defined paths on the Fishing conservation understanding that all should be poop-a- the dam edge under the main building where there are valves that allow the and valves should be fully opened is when repairs are carried out to the spillway (once every 20 years or so), so that there is no water on the spillway. Every time persons that the sluice opening is adjusted, the exercise a duty of care towards The bed of the stream running lake owner, fishing club and adjoining themselves, family members and through the estate is owned as part owners have to be consulted beforehand. guests. If anything is found that of Longfords Mill. There is a general Their use of the reservoir may be affected requires repair or making safe, this rule of “No Fishing” for the time should be communicated to the being, Managing Agents as soon as possible. development progresses, probably on by the Consulting Civil Engineer, Nick the basis of all fish being returned to Reilly. For continued Reservoirs Act The Management Company can make the water. compliance, Mr Reilly makes an annual its own regulations in respect of brown and rainbow trout, and some access over the Estate, and the hybrids. Trout breed on the site, and by the Management Company. On the Transfer Deeds to owners do not it would be valuable to not to over top of the dam the 300mm lower section include a right to roam. Meanwhile, fish so as to keep the wild stock. of dam by the turbine sluice is to allow access is of course be reviewed as the There is a mixture of not light bonfires or barbecue on the estate areas. section of the dam embankment; this is restricted to the adjoining owners. We are sure that owners understand that they should for their own safety keep away from areas, which are currently occupied by Builders Ede as was approved, supervised and signed off visit and prepares a report every 10 years (next due May 2015), the cost being met Water will run to a French drain and ditch The Reservoir The reservoir was constructed in 1806. There is no access to the fenced off the dam, spillway, sluice and outlet pipe overflow along part of the dam face. permitted. However, we ask that residents do part of the building work. to by changing the water level. The work to The Management Company along the bottom of the dam face, which connects to the main overflow outlet at the bottom. Whilst the dam embankment is designed to cope with an overflow of water down it, the vegetation own and maintain the dam and and topsoil would get partially washed spillway (but not the lake). The dam out. Therefore, it is suggested that if the is 150 metres long and 5 metres high. water level reaches 6 inches (150mm) of The capacity of the reservoir is 60,000 the top, the parties mentioned above should be contacted, and the sluice cubic metres. Builders Ede, to comply opened, (the amount by which it is with the Reservoirs Act, provided the opened to be agreed with the parties stones along the bank, widened and involved). Three Longfords owners hold a heightened the dam, and provided key for the pump room where the valves the ditch and piped French drain that are situated: Don Clark, Roy Brayne and Chris Montacute. The mesh in the water runs along the base of the dam to the at the top of the main sluice, was put stream below the spillway, and there repaired the spillway. There is a large Lorem Ipsum There by fishermen and is maintained by them. It stops fish The Estate Charge WE are in the process of reviewing the fire safety arrangements. Residents getting through. The Consulting The Estate Charge is calculated by are recommended to have a small fire Engineer expects the dam face to the preparation of an annual budget extinguisher and fire blanket inside be kept mown and all and allocated between the their apartment. treess/shrubs should be cut individual properties on a floor area back, particularly on the Services basis. The Estate Charge is payable reservoir side of the dam. by the freehold houses on 1st The gas meters are in brown boxes Residents are given permission January each year and the Annual adjoining ground level on the exterior of by the Management Company to Accounts are made up to 31st the building. Water and electric meters walk along the dam, excluding December in each year. The the part of the dam adjoining leasehold apartments have a The Dye House and Mill House separate service charge which is where there is no access beyond invoiced twice yearly on the dates the wicket gate. stated in the leases and this service In addition to the above, in buying a charge includes their share of the property at Longfords Mill you agree to The Satellite Systems estate charge. including Loom Cottage, and Brook Cottage. The dish is located on the Old Warehouse and the head end equipment is found in the external store accessed from the courtyard. Spinners Cottages are not on the Fire Alarms of personal belongings. comply with the requirements of your Lease (apartments). The obligations are in The alarms in the three apartment pleasant, peaceful and attractive place to buildings are maintained on a regular live basis by an independent contractor. In requirements relevant to the day-to-day the event of a fire: use 1. Operate the nearest fire alarm; 2. Leave the building by the nearest exit; for of all your residents. property The are principal briefly summarized below and are intended as guidelines only - you should ensure that you are familiar with the detailed obligations contained in your Transfer or System 2 serves Blocks J, K, L, M, N 3. Report to the appropriate Assembly and O, Gig Mill, Teazle Cottage, Yarn Point; Store, The Wool Loft, The Mill House 4. Dial 999 for the fire brigade; Lease. If you let your property, please ensure that your tenant is aware that they must also comply with those obligations, which affect their use of your property. located on the garden of No 2 Mill 5. DO NOT stop to collect personal House and the head end equipment belongings; is found within the basement store of the Wool Loft. must NOT be used by residents for storage place to ensure the estate remains a satellite system. and The Dye House. Their dish is communal areas. The meter cupboards Transfer (freehold properties) or your System 1 serves Blocks B, C and D, Weavers, The Old Warehouse are usually in the cupboards in the 6. DO NOT re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so. 5 House Owner Obligations 1. Your share of the cost of managing the estate is due on 1 st January in each year and you will be sent an invoice around this time. 2. You must maintain your property including those walls or fences, which are your responsibility. 3. You must comply with any regulations imposed by the Management Company in relation to the wildlife area. 4. Anyone wishing to sell their home is requested not to display a For Sale sign. This requirement stands until the last plot on the estate is sold. If in doubt please contact The Flat Managers Ltd before allowing your agent to put up a sign. 5. Hoardings or advertisements must not be displayed on your property. 6. No caravans, boats or similar should be kept on your property. 7. No lorries or other commercial vehicles are to be parked on your property or on your estate, except for those making deliveries or repairs to buildings. 8. Please contact The Flat Managers Ltd before cutting down or topping any trees or hedges as prior written permission may be required from the management company. 9. You must not obscure any sight lines imposed by ay local authority or obstruct any accessways. 10. There are restrictions on building on properties at Longfords Mill. Again, if in doubt please contact The Flat Managers Ltd. 11. Residents are also asked not to do anything on their property which may cause nuisance or annoyance to their neighbours or the general public, neither should their property be used for business purposes. 12. No structure, except boundary fences should be erected within 1.5 meters of any sewers, drains or pipes. Lorem Ipsum Apartment Owner Obligations 1. 1.You must pay your service charge (which includes your share of the estate charge) when invoiced. The payments dates vary between the apartment blocks and you will receive an invoice at the appropriate time. 2. You must maintain those parts of your property, which are your responsibility and notify The Flat Managers Ltd of any repairs, which are the responsibility of the management company. 3. Apartments should be used a private dwellings only. 4. There are restrictions on alterations or building works to apartments. If in doubt please contact The Flat Managers Ltd. 5. You cannot sublet part only of your apartment. 6. Owners are required not to do anything which causes nuisance, damage or inconvenience to other residents. With this in mind, televisions and musical equipment should be kept to a reasonable noise level and all reasonable precautions taken to deaden the sound of dishwashers and washing machines. 7. You must not do anything, which will render the Longfords Mill insurance policies void or voidable. 8. Parking spaces are for private motor vehicles only with current tax and MOT certificates. Vehicle repairs must no be carried out. You may use visitors’ parking spaces provided for the use of your apartment block on a first com first served basis. 9. You may place a dustbin in the bin store allocated for the use of your apartment block, for the disposal of normal domestic rubbish suitably and hygienically wrapped. You may also store a bicycle in your bin store. 10. Ballgames are prohibited. 11. No signs or notices must be displayed, including For Sale signs, except those approved by the Management Company. 12. No external radio or television aerials or satellite dishes should be installed. 13. You cannot hold any meetings to which the public is invited. 14. No clothes, linen or furnishing should be hung outside the apartment block and all windows must have curtains, except bathroom or kitchen windows. All interior lights should be suitably shaded. 15. Flooring inside apartments, apart from kitchens, bathrooms and WCs, should be covered with good quality carpet and underlay or wood flooring laid over suitable underlay. The use of nails to fix flooring is prohibited. 7 Apartment Owner Obligations cont’d 17. Flooring inside apartments, apart from kitchens, bathrooms and WCs, should be covered with good quality carpet and underlay or wood flooring laid over suitable underlay. The use of nails to fix flooring is prohibited. 18. Dogs or other domestic pets must be kept under control and not allowed to become a nuisance to other apartment owners. Any damage caused by them must be made good and any fouling around the estate disposed of hygienically. 19. Rubbish should be disposed of properly both within the apartments and in the bins provided around the estate and communal areas. No obstructions such as furniture, bicycles or packages should be left in communal areas. 20. In using the Longfords Mill estate owners and their visitors should not to cause an obstruction to other users and should not pick, cut or maim any flowers, shrubs or trees. Owners and their visitors should not make unnecessary noise having regard to the wildlife at Longfords Mill. Thank you for your cooperation.