Login to Powerschool (person logging in should have admin rights

Login to Powerschool (person logging in should have admin rights…I believe each middle school dept
chair has these, also your building secretaries and registrars may have these rights.) at
Search for student (last name, first)
Be sure to add IEP Accommodations at the top of the list of accommodations (504 alerts are also being
added, this allows your teachers to tell the difference)
If student does not have accommodations in there, login to Exceed at
This will open the IEP. Scroll through the IEP until you fine the classroom accommodations. Highlight and
copy the accommodations.
Then go back to your PowerSchool window, Type in the Office Alert box “IEP Accommodations:” and
then paste the copied accommodations into this box. Click in the date box and type in 6/3/15.
Click Submit, then continue to the next student.