FLA outline

Grade 9 French Language Arts
2014-2015 Course Outline
Mme Fanning
Email: efanning@hrsb.ca
Course Description
Grade 9 French Language Arts (FLA) is divided into four different strands of outcomes –
Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, Writing and Representing and Culture.
Throughout the year students will have multiple opportunities to meet the French Language Arts
General Curriculum Outcomes:
 Students should be able to demonstrate a positive attitude toward the French language and
francophone communities in Canada and around the world.
 Students should be capable of recognizing and respecting cultural diversity.
Speaking and Listening:
 Students should be capable of demonstrating their understanding of a range of oral texts, in
order to satisfy their communicative needs according to the situation.
 Students should be capable of speaking to meet their communicative needs according to the
 Students should be capable of planning and managing their listening and speaking by
applying strategies that meet their communicative needs according to the situation.
Reading and Viewing:
 Students should be capable of demonstrating their understanding of a range of texts in order
to meet their communicative needs according to the situation.
 Students should be capable of planning and managing their reading and viewing by applying
communicative strategies according to their needs and the situation.
Writing and Representing:
 Students should be capable of writing and representing to meet their communicative needs
according to the situation.
 Students should be capable of planning and managing their production by applying
communicative strategies according to their needs and the situation.
Units of Study:
Throughout the year students will be working on different units of study. Examples include, but
are not limited to: reading and writing workshops, reading and writing strategies, independent
reading, fictional narrative, debates, persuasive writing, theatre and poetry.
Assessment and Evaluation:
The structure of the class will allow students the opportunity to work both independently and in
groups. Students will be assessed and evaluated in various ways, including, but not limited to,
reading and writing responses, presentations, projects and written assignments expected learning
outcomes. Assessment will be ongoing throughout the year. Students will be assessed on a 4point rubric:
4 Student has demonstrated a complete and thorough understanding of the outcome being
3 Student has demonstrated an expected understanding of the outcome being assessed
2 Student has a limited/developing understanding of the outcome being assessed
1 Student has not demonstrated an understanding of the outcome being assessed
Contact Information
I look forward to a rewarding and successful year teaching your student. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I may be reached most effectively
by e-mail: efanning@hrsb.ca. You may also contact me at the school: 902-832-8952.
Erin Fanning