(Program Director’s Name)
Program Director
2015 Assessment in the Major
Instructions: This report should begin with an outline of your program’s objectives and an explanation of the primary methods used to assess student learning and their progress toward developing
competencies throughout your program. Methods used to assess student learning outcomes should align with or directly measure student attainment of program objectives and may include direct or indirect measures of student learning and performance. The assessment results should be from the previous fall and/or spring semesters and should include specific information on how well the students, as a group, performed on each of the assessments, and an interpretation of how the results demonstrate progress on program objectives. The plans for improvement may include proposed modifications in course content, course sequencing, changes in teaching methods or other proposed changes designed to improve student learning in the program. Also include your program’s “Program
Facts” and provide a brief description and interpretation of what the program facts say about the overall progress of your program on the objectives.
Please report your findings using the following template.
2015 Assessment in the Major
Please list your program’s objectives or desired student learning outcomes below.
Indirect Assessment Methods
Several commonly-used indirect assessment methods are listed in the table below. Put an “X” in the 2 nd column (Used in Program) for the assessment methods used in your program. Space has been provided for you to write in other indirect assessment methods not already listed. In the 3 rd column, please identify which program objectives are assessed with each method.
Indirect Assessment Method Used in Program Program Objective Assessed
Office of Career Services Annual
Placement Report
PRC Student Surveys
PRC Faculty Surveys
PRC Advisory Board Surveys
PARQ Alumni Follow-Up Survey
PARQ Alumni Follow-Up Survey
(program specific)
PARQ Alumni Follow-Up Survey
PARQ National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE)
PARQ Student Satisfaction Survey
Co-op/Internship Self-
Retention rates (program facts)
Enrollment by Segmented Groups
(program facts)
Graduation rates (program facts)
GPA (program facts)
Please explain how these methods align with/measure student attainment of program objectives.
2015 Assessment in the Major
Direct Assessment Methods
Several commonly-used direct assessment methods are listed in the table below. Put an “X” in the 2 nd column (Used in Program) for the assessment methods used in your program. Space has been provided for you to write in other direct assessment methods not already listed. In the 3 rd column, please identify
which program objectives are assessed with each method.
Direct Assessment Method
ETS Proficiency Profile
Standardized tests
Locally designed quizzes, tests, and inventories
Portfolio artifacts
Capstone projects (research papers, presentations, theses, dissertations, oral defenses, exhibitions, or performances)
Team/group projects and presentations
Oral examinations
Internships, clinical experiences, practica, student teaching, or other professional/ content-related experiences engaging students in handson experiences in their respective fields of study (accompanied by ratings or evaluation forms from field/clinical supervisors)
Service-learning projects or experiences
Authentic and performance-based projects or experiences engaging students in opportunities to apply their knowledge to the larger community
(accompanied by ratings, scoring rubrics or performance checklists from project/experience coordinator or supervisor)
Formative and Summative Coop Student
Evaluations by Employers
Online course D2L discussions analyzed by class instructors
Used in Program Program Objective Assessed
2015 Assessment in the Major
Please explain how these direct methods align with/measure student attainment of program objectives.
Present the results of your assessment methods in this section. For each method assessment method described, identify sample size, level of students, descriptors of rating scales (where applicable). Graphically illustrate results using tables, graphs, charts, etc.
Provide an interpretation of the results in this section. I dentify strengths, weaknesses and data trends for each program objective.
Where comparison data is available/collected, how does the program compare to other programs within the college or to national data? What do the results say about achievement of program objectives?
Description of how results were (or will be) shared with key instructors and other stakeholders.
Identify program, curricular or assessment changes based on assessment data from previous years. How have you addressed recommendations from evaluation of previous AIM reports?
Identify and include any future program, curricular or assessment changes based on assessment data collected this year. If possible, provide a general timetable for implementation of these plans.
Please insert the most recent Program Facts for your program, or the link to this document. These can be accessed on the Information Portal. Also, please provide a brief description and interpretation of this
data. What does this data say about the overall progress of your program?