Knowledge Area Who we are (K1): Concepts Form (CF1): Skills Thinking skills (ST): Attributes Appreciation (AA): Commitment (AC1): Function (CF2): Where we are in space and time (K2): Confidence (AC2) Social skills (SS): Cooperation (AC3): Causation (CC1): How we express ourselves (K3): Courage (AC): Change (CC2): Creativity (AC4): Communication skills (SC): How the world works (K4): Curiosity (AC5): Connections (CC3): Empathy (AE1): How we organise ourselves (K5): Self-management skills (SM): Enthusiasm (AE2): Perspective (CP): Independence (AI1): Sharing the planet (K6): Responsibility (CR1): Integrity (AI2): Research skills (SR): Respect (AR): Reflection (CR2): Tolerance (AT): Mid/Short Term Scheme of Work Subject: Geography Autumn 1 Number of Sessions: 10 Title: Weather and Climate By the end of this unit; NC Curriculum References: Most children will be able: Define what weather and climate. Understand what causes weather, the water cycle and how we read weather maps. Some children who have not made much progress will be able: Will be able to draw and label the water cycle. Some children will have developed further and will be able: Students will have an understand of the different instruments used to measure weather and how to use them. IB Foci: Learning Objectives: Lesson 1 Week of Nov 8th To be able to define weather and climate and explain the difference between both. Planned Learning Experiences: Lesson 2 To be able to explain what causes weather. Lesson 3 Week of Nov 22nd To be able to draw and label the water cycle. Lesson 4 To be able to describe and explain the different formations of rainfall. Look at a series of pictures. Discuss what is in each picture. Define key terms. To draw some small diagrams showing how the suns rays hit the earth and how air is moved around the earth. Students guess which definition connects with each term and write down the key terms and definitions. Watch and discuss a video explaining the causes of weather. Handout with a diagram of the water cycle for each student. They must then organise the statements into the correct order to match the water cycle. Watch the water cycle song. Quiz to revise the key terms. Pupils produce annotated diagram of the three types of rainfall Play interactive game online to revise the types of rainfall. Watch a video to help students understand what they have just learned. Assessment Opportunities of Learning Outcomes: Success Criteria: Cross-Curricular Links: Questioning - check students understanding of key terms. Students can tell the difference between weather and climate. English – use of descriptive words Peer assessment Students can describe how air moves around the earth. Assessment through questioning and quiz Self- assessment Students are able to explain the water cycle using key terms. Students must be able to explain the different types of rainfall. Links with science. Assessment Lesson 5 Week of Nov 29th To be able to define how we measure weather and know what the different instruments are. Starter: Various images of items used to measure weather. Think – pair – share. What are they and how are they used? Students to complete the grids describing how we measure weather. Peer assessment Grids must be fully complete NATIONAL DAY Lesson 6 Week of Dec 6th Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Week of Dec 13th Lesson 10 To be able to describe and explain the different types of clouds. To be able to identify and explain what a depression and anti-cyclone are. To explain how we read weather maps. To understand the different climatic zones around the world. Complete the worksheet to categorise the different types of cloud. What type of weather can be found with each type of cloud? Powerpoint with animation of a depression and anti -cyclone. Students draw and annotate a diagram of each. Students will study a series of weather maps as a group and must make conclusions as to what type of weather can be found in each location. Students will use an atlas and blank map to colour in the different zones around the world and annotate it will a brief description of the area. Key Words: Weather, Climate , Atmosphere, Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Ocean Currents, Prevailing Winds, Climatic Zones, Temperature, Precipitation, Evaporation , Condensation, Surface Run-off, Air Mass, Depression, Anti-cyclone Questioning Questioning Teacher assessment – have each group completed the task. Self -assessment Links with Art.