Principal [Yours] School Address School Address Date: Re: Student: [child’s name] (d.o.b. x/xx/xx) Letter Stating Beliefs Opposed to Immunization (Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 120335(g)(1) Dear [Principal of your child’s school], We are writing this letter in compliance with California Health & Safety Code section 120335 (g)(1), which requires parents seeking to exempt their child from the requirements of the new mandatory vaccination law (California Senate Bill 277) to submit, “a letter or affidavit with his or her school (any public or private school) stating their beliefs opposed to immunization” prior to January 1, 2016. This letter is to inform you and/or the administrator of any future school my child, [child’s name], may attend ,that the administration of each of the ten enumerated vaccinations made mandatory by the new law (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and chicken pox) conflicts with our personal health care philosophy and our religious beliefs and practices. Specifically, we have strong religious convictions which find the development of modern vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines morally reprehensible—a practice we cannot condone, support, or in any way participate in. In addition, we note the following issues: Manufacturer Issues: Federal law recognizes that vaccines injure and kill some recipients yet vaccine makers enjoy immunity from consumer lawsuits: Per Federal law many years ago, we cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer directly if we are harmed by one of their vaccines. Vaccine makers are required to contribute a nominal amount less (than a dollar per vaccine) to a federal vaccine injury fund, and that is not the same as being able to hold them directly liable for their mistake nor is it accessible via a court of law. They have no legal liability to you or me for negligence. While federal law recognizes vaccine injury and death, no one can tell us in advance if our child is susceptible. Large clinical trials no longer required: Per Federal law passed this summer, large clinical trials are no longer required before the CDC approves a vaccine for use in the general public. Financial pressure as publicly traded companies: Most pharmaceutical companies are publicly traded, and are therefore under intense quarterly and annual pressure to increase profits in order to make the stock price go up. Status quo does not do. Vaccines are projected to be a $100 Billion industry by 2020. This is not a good combination with complete lack of legal accountability and clinical trial testing as described above. Pharmaceutical ad space ownership impacting news media: Pharmaceuticals were not allowed to advertise when we grew up. Now they own over 50% of the ad space on television. What news show is going to run a negative story about one of their major advertisers? So how will we know if there are problems with vaccines? Vaccine Issues: Personal protection and Ineffectiveness: The mandated vaccines are either for personal diseases, ones that do not spread person-to-person, or are ineffective. The following article is attached with this letter for your convenience: Harm caused: There is significant proof worldwide now of the increasing harm caused by vaccines. Real reason for drop in disease mortality: The real reason for the drop in disease mortality historically has been the improvement in sanitation and nutrition not the introduction of vaccines. CDC and Doctor corruption: The vaccine approval process is corrupt at the CDC, and cannot be trusted with the public health. No research on cumulative effect: There has been no research conducted on the effect on young bodies of 26 doses by age 1, 48 doses by age 6, and 69 doses by age 18, and the number of doses can grow as there is no cap/limit. Legal Issues: Bribery of legislators: Sacramento Bee 2015 reported on the $90K Pan got from the pharmaceutical companies to pass SB277 in California this year. Right to Privacy: To force injection of something into a US citizen’s bloodstream is unconstitutional. In addition, vaccines routinely contain aluminum, formaldehyde, disinfectants, antibiotics, surfactants, preservatives (one of which is mercury and no it has not ALL been removed from vaccines), anti-microbials, foreign species DNA, and viral and bacterial DNA, all of which have significant negative health effects, neurological damage and death being the most severe effects. Lastly, in February of 2011 the Supreme Court strengthened the pharmaceutical industry’s immunity from any responsibility for vaccine reactions/injuries. For these reasons, we have executed the Personal Belief Exemption (PBE) affidavit form put out by the California Department of Public Health, which is already on file with [name of your school]. We request that you add this letter to [your child’s name] file immediately as well. According to the explicit provisions of Health & Safety Code section 120335 (g)(1), the submission of this letter prior to January 1, 2016 along with the PBE affidavit already on file will ensure that [your child’s name] is “allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, [or] child day care center […] within the state until [he] enrolls in the next grade span.” As a [x] grade student, [your child’s name] next grade span begins in [x] grade. Furthermore, because the new vaccine law also allows physicians and nurses to come onto school campuses for the purpose of administering vaccinations, we want to be clear that AT NO TIME DOES ANY PHYSICIAN OR NURSE HAVE OUR PERMISSION TO ADMINISTER ANY VACCINATIONS TO OUR MINOR CHILD [your child’s name] FOR ANY PURPOSE. Should the bodily integrity of [your child’s name] be violated in this manner, we will not hesitate to pursue any and all legal remedies available to us under California law. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Your Name Your Spouse’s Name Your Address Your Phone Number