Posters – Infectious diseases and Vaccines NAME OF THE PROJECT NAME OF THE MAIN CONTACT ORGANISATION NAME Technology An integrated translational research platform for conducting vaccine trials Hilde Revets University of Antwerp - VAXINFECTIO Platform for conducting vaccine trials (Vaccine trials (Ph I-IV), epidemiological studies & ID monitoring , diagnostics & health economics Pharma and Biotech companies involved in the development of vaccines Customers / Target market Diagnostics & Medical Device companies Research Institutes involved in research on vaccines Industry : Pharma and Biotech Industry Industry and competitors Competitors : currently uniquely positioned as multidisciplinary platform Financing need / Commercial opportunity Looking for: - fee-for-service activities - research contracts IP – Patent situation N/A Future steps / Milestones N/A Further reading N/A Contact person Dr. Hilde Revets, Research and Innovation Manager, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO) – University of Antwerp,