Career & Family Leadership Syllabus

Career and Family Leadership
Family and Consumer Science
Angela Duncan
Contact Information:
Office Phone: 573-659-3556
Jefferson City High School
Course Description:
Career and Family Leadership
Designed to prepare students for success in family and community life by helping them:
 Develop positive personal and leadership skills
 Solve problems impacting the family unit
 Investigate career choices and impact on the family unit
 Learn to make decisions that strengthen family and community
Personal Statement:
Welcome to Career and Family Leadership. I want this to be an enjoyable learning experience
for all of us. The material we discuss and the skills we learn and work on in class will be useful
to you as you move into adulthood. I believe each student in this room has the potential to be
successful in this class and in life and that really depends on your participation in class and in
the projects we will work on. Please remember to regularly practice your leadership skills and be
respectful of others as we work together as a team this term. I look forward to our time
Supplies Needed:
3-ring binder for:
o PowerPoint/Notes
o Handouts
8 pack of dividers for 3 ring binder
Writing utensils
Course Objectives:
Unit One: Analyze personal characteristics and investigate areas for personal growth
 Analyze personal characteristics to determine leadership qualities and abilities
 Relate the six pillars of character to personal examples
 Identify personal values/goals
 Understand FCCLA – Power of One Project
Unit Two: FCCLA programs to promote personal growth
 Complete a Power of One project
Unit Three: Analyze and apply positive interpersonal skills
 Analyze qualities of positive relationships
 Practice effective communication
 Develop team building skills
 Apply decision making skills
 Practice conflict resolution skills
Unit Four: Investigate significance of family
 Investigate the work of the family and member
 Analyze the impact of family system
 Analyze strategies for coping with family crises
Unit Five: Solve problems relating to family
 Resource management
 Nutrition and Wellness
 Human development
 Housing and Environment
Unit Six: Explore community roles and responsibilities
 Investigate resources supporting families
 Identify community concerns impacting families
 Develop plan for community involvement
 Examine impact of public policy on families
Unit Seven: Investigate work, jobs, and careers in relation to self and family
 Examine work ethics
 Identify appropriate work attitudes and behaviors
 Compare the impact of career choices on family life
 Develop a plan for achieving career goals
Grading Policy/Assessments:
Grades come from assignments, participation, attendance, tests and quizzes, papers and
Questions concerning your grade can be discussed with me at any time – I will notify your
parents/guardian any time your grade falls below 70%.
Grading Scale:
= 93-100%
= 92-90%
= 87-89%
= 83-86%
= 80-82%
= 77-79%
C = 73-76%
C- = 70-72%
D+ = 67-69%
D = 63-66%
D- = 60-62%
F = 59 below
Classroom Policies:
Be on time to class!
o Be in your seat when the bell rings.
o Nothing goes on your desk/table except what we are working on in class.
Come to class prepared with paper, writing utensils, etc for each day.
Be respectful:
o Do not talk when I am talking or another student is speaking – wait your turn.
o Treat school property or others’ personal property with respect.
Be responsible for your actions and the consequences of your actions.
o No inappropriate language or conversations.
o Review your school handbook for any other disruptive and inappropriate behavior
Turn assignments/projects in on time
o All assignments are due on the due date during your class period.
o Late assignments lose 20% automatically.
o Late policy/assignment slips
 When homework is not turned in, you will be given an assignment slip to
fill out and hand back to me.
 When that assignment is turned in, the assignment slip will be returned
to you.
o Good attendance is important as participation in class is a portion of your grade.
o If you know that you are going to be absent, assignments may be turned in early.
o You are responsible for all assignments and notes even if you are absent.
o Turn in hard copies of all assignments.
o Contact me if you are concerned about the assignment due dates.
Make-up work
o When absent, you have two days from the missed date to complete an assignment
without any % loss.
o You are responsible for all assignments and notes even if you are absent.
Please be ON TIME to class!
o If you are late, you may miss important information!!
Please email or call if you know you are going to be absent prior to class.
Contact me if you find yourself in any unusual circumstances relating to an absence.
I am reasonable and happy to work with you if you let me know what is going on with your
attendance ahead of time.
Additional Information:
I arrive at school by 7:30a.m. each morning and will be in room 169 NCC. I am always happy to
visit with you regarding any questions or concerns or homework during this time. Please feel
free to stop by, ask questions, or work on projects. You and your parents/guardians are more
than welcome to e-mail me anytime for grade updates or questions about projects/assignments.