Paper 14 Mr. Sameer Hoodbhoy

A viable Intelligent Transport System (ITS) for Urban Mass Transit
in 21st Century Pakistan
Samir A. Hoodbhoy
MD Data Communication & Control System (Pvt) Ltd.
The Metrobus Services in Lahore, Islamabad, and the impending Bus Rapid Transit
Services in Multan and Karachi are unlike earlier failed attempts at Mass Transit in
Pakistan. These rely on Information & Communication Technology tools to fulfill public
expectations. ITS provides on-line monitoring and control of all aspects of operations,
scheduling, revenue generation, bus emissions, surveillance and security. Additionally,
Information generated has the potential for medium and long term planning, employee
training and maintenance purposes.
The ITS system, however should be affordable and sustainable. By building in softwareenabled features on low cost distributed embedded controllers, and engaging indigenous
software development, an unprecedented level of sophistication, capabilities and
customization to the local environment, will be possible at marginal cost for the Intelligent
Transport System of Pakistan’s BRT. This paper outlines the principal features of the ITS
and suggests an implementation program based on software driven solutions that can be
provided locally.
Though the envisaged Bus Rapid Transit BRT may provide relief to commuters for 5-10
years, a longer-term strategy needs to be expounded. At current rate of population
increase, the population of Karachi shall conservatively exceed 35 million by the year
2030; the projected combined maximum ridership of the 5-8 BRT lines within 5 years shall
approach maximum 4 million riders. Hence the demand for more public transport will be
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unremitting. Subway transportation is an alternate though expensive mode that must be
explored as a long- term solution.
Features of ITS
1. Communication Data Network
The backbone for Intelligent Transport Services ITS, is the communication media or “data
highway”; this shall be based on a combination of optical fiber laid along the bus corridor,
and cellular wireless. The suggested wireless technology will be a mix of Wi-Fi and
3G/4G/LTE. At the depot and terminals, Wi-Fi will be the primary mode of communication
whereas mobile cellular network operator services can provide a cost effective way for
the wireless communication link without requiring investment for private wireless
2. Operations Control Center
This is the hub for overseeing the current situation of fleet. In case of deviation in
destination arrival/ departure timings, correction speed messages would be autogenerated by the system and dispatched to the affected drivers. The Control Center will
send automated messages to the adjacent bus drivers to speed up or slow down to
maintain the controlled interval between bus arrivals.
Current status of buses, terminal stations, CCTV images along the corridor may be
selectively displayed at the Command & Control Center which will have several display
and analyses features that are software based. These may be replicated at other
designated stations with different display sizes e.g. video walls, large and medium sized
LCD displays.
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3. On Board Intelligent Black Box -OBIB
This will be the primary link of each bus with the Intelligent Transport System. It acquires
and processes signals related to bus engine states, fuel and rpm gages, passenger counts,
proximity sensors, bus driver operations, passenger information displays, GPS signals and
voice communication. The On board device can be used for communicating over the data
highway with the external nodes including Traffic Signal controllers, CCTV cameras and
with the Command & Control Centers. A log of bus motion dynamics will provide analysis
of the driving habits of drivers. The on board controller is capable of exchanging video,
voice and data over the data network.
4. Simulation model
A computer generated simulation models intelligent transport system and will provide the
ITS operators with a useful tool for simulating vehicle traffic load patterns, passenger load
analyses and training tools for better traffic management, emergency handling conditions
e.g. road accidents, road blocks and alternate traffic plans.
5. Electronic Fare Collection
Public convenience and integrity of fare collection and ticketing is a crucial aspect of the
BRT revenue generation. The smart prepaid cards used for multiple rides of the Bus
services or tokens for single journey would be purchased at remote sites such as
convenience stores or at the terminal stations. An ICT based Automated Fare Collection
AFCS system with electronic readers and intelligent turnstiles decode the content of smart
cards / tokens and transport this information on the data network. Thus besides providing
entry/ exit control for bus passengers, this is also useful for revenue tracking, audits and
for revenue sharing between multiple Bus Operators.
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6. Energy Auditing and provision of renewable energy sources
An on-line energy metering system for terminals and depots is a valuable tool for
implementing energy conservation policies. This provides energy consumption analysis
and current status of electric power demand including usage of auxiliary power supply
sources such as backup generators and solar panel sources of electricity for surveillance
cameras and traffic signals along the bus corridor.
7. Safety, Security and Surveillance System
Each bus will be equipped with surveillance cameras that upon demand will provide the
view to the central control room. CCTV cameras will also be installed at every station to
monitor activities at vantage points along the transit ways, terminal stops and depots. All
of these cameras will be networked to the central operations room and to the Security
monitoring desk. An emergency call mechanism will be provided to the driver and support
personnel onboard each bus to generate alarms at the nearest Disaster Assistance Center.
8. Voice Communication Public Address System
The PA system shall be at each bus stop terminal. An semi-automated computer
generated announcement within the bus and /or terminal station shall be synchronized
with approach to each location.
9. Advertising Bill boards
To augment revenue collection, the buses will display electronic advertisements at bus
stops, within the bus and externally on the sides of the bus. Advertising and public
messages and time of arrival of next bus will be displayed at dynamic electronic billboards
that are mounted at convenient locations. Message contents are changed electronically
over the data network thus allowing possibility of customizing message to adapt to time
of day and event.
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Inventory Management & Tracking
The system will keep track of condition of fixed assets and consumables. It would also
monitor rolling stock. Auditing of current status of primary components shall be possible.
The databases will also include pictorial representation of assets.
Automated Passenger Counts - APCs
Electronic sensors mounted at turn styles and /or near bus doors, provide passenger head
counts for every bus. Data from the APCs will help create passenger load profiles for
planning trip frequencies and schedules during different times of days/week for more
efficient operation.
Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM):
The GPS coordinates of each bus will be available within the network for Vehicle Location.
Other vehicle centric data gathered by the on board black box should be available for
various purposes including Bus Scheduler, Travel Information System, and Fleet
Management and Bus Maintenance.
Collision Avoidance System
A semi-automated collision detection system would produce alerts for path obstruction
from the front and sides. These alerts and alarms are provided to the bus driver and
simultaneously relayed to the System Control room. Combination of video image display
for the driver, coupled with status of traffic signals will provide rear and front distant
views guidance to driver for access to bus way.
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Traffic Signal Integration
Right of way at road intersections will be based on pre-negotiated priorities. This requires
harmonization of signaling protocols among traffic signal controllers. Requests for right of
ways may be generated by the On-board Intelligent Black Box OBIB on buses.
Handling of 2-Lane to single Lane Intersections
Some parts of the corridor may have a combination of 2-lane and single lane access. A
suitable automated signaling system will assist in guiding the driver. Signal violation will
be suitably communicated to bus driver with audio alarms and may also disconnect the
bus engine through the OBIB.
Driver Performance Monitoring
The system will generate complete on-line reports of the Driver including his attendance,
schedules, driving violations e.g. accidents, breaking traffic rules. Biometric identification
of driver and attendant/ conductor (if any) will ensure that only authorized personnel will
operate the buses.
Traveler information systems
The networked electronic displays will exhibit the arrival times of the next bus at the
stations. There will also be voice based automated announcements as well as electronic
displays Inside the bus.
A website will allow users to plan their visits. It will inform about the stations, the
frequency of buses at different times of day and the connecting routes of other buses
available at each station for the visitor to plan its itinerary.
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Third party applications for smart phones for Travel related information including
schedules, route planning, fares and announcements should be entertained. These will
contribute in providing a level of public comfort and accessibility for the BRT network.
Revenue Accounting
On-line data from ticketing centers will assist in tabulating revenue collection and
correlating the same with ridership counts. The integrated on-line system will enable
current and reliable data from all nodes within the network. Data integrity during
transmission and storage must be ensured through cyber security considerations.
Complaint Center
The ITS also cater for Customer relations and houses a telephone line Help Call Desk. This
software-based system will have on-line access to updated status of buses schedules as
well as latest conditions of the transit way for operators of the Help Desk. Routine text
and audio messages will be auto generated and transmitted in response to SMS queries.
Architectural Design Considerations of ICT services
Selection and placement of a variety of automated sensors for voice, images and
data along the transit route and on buses
Utilize maximum localized distributed processing (on board buses, traffic signals,
bus stations) using intelligent controllers
Reliance on software to produce meaningful analyses and outputs that would
serve interests of BRT ridership and management.
Build Operations Command & Control Centers that display on-line current status of
all data nodes representing terminals, buses, traffic signals and CCTV images along
the transit way.
Ensure redundancy, integrity and security of network data.
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Underground Subway for Karachi by 2030- A viable option?
Population Dynamics
While BRT is valuable to the mass transit needs of the city, the compounded annual
population growth of 14.2% (natural and migration) will clog the city arteries and make
BRTs inadequate to serve the future mass transit needs of the city. Every workday, 224.2
million person-trips are taken in Karachi today; of which buses provide 60 percent (14.5
million) of all trips. At current levels of growth, by the year 2030, the projected city
population is expected to be well over 38 Million. With this explosive growth and travel
demand, envisaged BRT system comprising of 8 lines, would serve a maximum capacity
(Boarding per day) of only 34.1 million per day whereas current demand is more than 3
times greater. This therefore does not provide a long term solution. As per JICA report
2010-11, current demand of Passengers Per Hour Per Direction (PPHPD) at peak times for
blue and brown line is 27,000 and 21,500 respectively - served partly through designated
underground sections, as there are commercial and residential building with other hard to
realign structures. Current Red and Green Line maximum PPHPD are limited to 10,000 and
15,000 whereas requirement for all modes PPHPD is respectively 24,000 and 32,000; this
therefore caters to less than 50% demand at peak times. On the other hand Heavy Rail
subways can serve 425,000 PPHPD at normal capacities.
The existing traffic demand and potential increase in urban mobility as presented in this
paper, makes a strong case for dedicated subterranean high capacity passenger rail
systems. It is noteworthy that Karachi Orange Line BRT, which is largely elevated
structure, is expected to reach $60 million per km, while the cost of subway systems in
KIDCL, Feasibility & Technical Study and Preliminary Design for IITS. The Karachi Mass Transit plan
Karachi Mass Transit cell Feb 2012 Report
Karachi Mass Transit cell Feb 2012 Report ( table Summary of Corridors)
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countries with low land acquisitions is between
$65 million to $170 million per km.
While capital costs for BRT systems might be high, 6operating costs $0.3 - $0.5 per
passenger mile of running subways is lower than BRT operating cost of $0.4 - $0.6.
In comparison, the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) and its extension with at grade and
elevated section is estimated to cost $ 2 billion for 57.6 km ($34.7 million / km) (JICA Feb,
2012 Feasibility Report). However, KCR subjects many residential buildings and squatter
buildings to demolition and resettlement.
Why metro subway is an attractive alternative today?
Today, game changing new technologies for underground subway construction, present
exciting opportunities. Horizontal tunnel boring machine with 14 feet diameter and
excavation speeds of 1,200 feet / month (2.5 miles per year) are used for burrowing 80120 feet under existing settlements and structures. With these remarkable machines it is
possible to plan and build a new underground transportation layer for the mega cities of
Karachi and Lahore with minimal dislocation of the surface activities.
The entire subway system requires an extensive infra structure of subway terminals,
utilities and construction facilities. Detailed study, evaluation and planning of this mega
project, should include a maximum local design, manufacturing and construction
component. The studies could be undertaken over a 2-5 year period to assess its farreaching economic and social benefits and consequences. This is imperative for the future
survivability of the mega cities.
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