Pupil Premium Report 2014-16 Introduction Pupil Premium funding is received by all schools for pupils whose family income falls below a level that would enable the family to access a range of state benefits. Evidence shows that children from such families and those whose lives might otherwise be in turmoil are less likely to make age appropriate progress than those from more generous family circumstances. Schools are required to direct funding received for the benefit of those children and to provide support and interventions to children and sometimes their families. This support must close the educational gap between the progress and attainment of disadvantaged children and those that are not disadvantaged, both in our school and against national norms. This spending must be reviewed and scrutinised carefully by the governing body. They are required to make sure that money is spent on support that demonstrably improves the educational attainment and progress of the Pupil Premium children, proportionate to the amount of money spent on particular initiatives. The governing body is also required to review the effectiveness of all interventions we try and discontinue those that are not delivering appropriate educational benefits. How we have chosen the interventions and initiatives The school has developed a strategy of making evidence based, informed decisions as to what initiatives are likely to be most effective. We have used the Education Endowment Foundation toolkit and the research of John Hattie to guide us. Further information can be found at http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/ and http://visiblelearningplus.com/ We have focussed on reducing class sizes by employing extra teachers and on providing 1:1 maths tuition in Year 5 and 6. Kenmont Primary School Pupil Premium Plan 2015-2016 Funding received and spent 2014-15 87 children @£1300 = £113,100 1:1 Maths tuition 0.2 Teacher 0.5 Teacher Teaching Assistant 0.5 Teacher Supply fte Total spent: £110,241 5000 13906 25497 13788 15000 37050 2015-16 84 children @ £1320 1:1 Maths tuition 0.8 Teacher 0.5 Teacher 0.5 Teaching Assistant 0.4 Teacher Enrichment subsidy Total: £110,880 = £110,880 8400 36,800 25751 13788 22000 3341 Progress Summer 2 2015 Assessments Y6 TA Reading FSM 17 81 69 44 4+ 4b+ 5+ Writing FSM 17 81 75 38 Non 12 85 69 46 Maths FSM 17 75 69 38 Non 12 92 85 54 Non 12 77 62 23 Year 6 combined 4+ 4b+ 5+ Whole 29 86 69 34 Year 6 Progress 2+ 3+ Y2 TA 2c+ 2b+ 2a+ FSM 17 76 59 35 Non 12 100 83 29 Reading Whole FSM 90 82 28 42 Reading Whole 30 90 87 60 FSM 7 86 86 71 Non 100 25 Writing Whole FSM 97 94 31 29 Non 23 91 87 57 Non 100 33 Writing Whole 30 90 73 53 Maths Whole FSM 86 82 28 35 FSM 7 86 71 43 non 92 25 Non 23 91 74 57 Maths Whole 30 90 87 70 FSM 7 86 86 71 Non 23 91 87 70 3+ 43 42 43 17 0 22 13 14 13 Year 2 combined 2b+ 2a+ 3+ whole FSM 73 71 47 43 0.5 non 78 48 Year 1 Phonics Screening 83% pass 25/30 Effectiveness of interventions so far We are very pleased with the progress we have made so far. We continue to build on the foundations laid so far to underpin continuing development and further rapid progress for Pupil Premium children. Initiatives/projects under scrutiny All our interventions and initiatives are evaluated on a half termly or 6 week cycle and adjustments made accordingly. Plans for next year Our plans for next year are outlined in the budget projection above. We will continue selectively splitting classes into 2015-16, using data to identify where this is required. We are carefully considering the needs of different cohorts and how to focus our interventions more specifically on Pupil Premium children. In 2015-16 we will have a Reading Teacher with specific responsibility for Phonics in Early Years and Key Stage 1. We will also continue to offer 1:1 maths tuition to Pupil Premium children in Year 5 and 6. Objectives for 2015-16 Narrow the gap between pupil groups non pupil premium: pupil premium Ensure a language rich Early Year Foundation provision ensures pupils who are PP and EAL close the language gap Identify and address pupils with language delay and implement Language for Thinking so that additional speech and language needs are met All staff to implement the speech and language strategies developed through additional speech and language hours so that the needs of pupils with speech and language are met Ensure phonics teaching enables most children to pass the test and a secure grounding in phonics is the basis for children to close the gap with national results in KS1 reading assessments