Impact of PP 2012 - 2013 Report on Spending of the Pupil Premium and impact 2012 – 2013 Pupil Premium 2012/2013 Number of pupils eligible 366 Amount received per pupil 600 TOTAL PP received £219,600 Key expenditure: One to one tutors: Maths £24,037 English £24,296 SLT secondment Pupil Premium Research £3154 Partial funding of mentors Counselling £18,312 Nurture Mentoring Mentoring Part LSA funding £20,179 £20,133 £20,011 £24,478 £154,600 Total The three key objectives: 1. Transition: to improve transition outcomes for FSM students to bring attainment in line with expected levels of progress 2. Literacy: to establish a reading scheme to improve the reading age of students whose reading age is below national average 3. Engagement: to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for FSM and CIC students Pupil Premium £65000 Objectives: 1. Transition: to improve transition outcomes for FSM students to bring attainment in line with expected levels of progress 2. Literacy: to establish a reading scheme to improve the reading age of students whose reading age is below national average Year 6 Summer School Appointed intervention teachers for English and Maths to work 5 days per fortnight with target cohort across all keystages Used LSA to deliver before and after school intervention with year 7 and 8 weak readers. Y7 reading scheme Year 6 Summer School – 37 students accepted invitations for the Summer School (54 had been invited). The school ran as a Core Summer School, led by HOF of English, Maths and Science. The students took part in a variety of activities to promote engagement and attainment. The effect of the Sumer School can most clearly be seen in English with 59% of the cohort achieving 2 levels of progress in comparison to the 44% achieved by those who did not attend, this is in comparison to the 74% achieved by non FSM students. In English and mathematics the intervention teachers worked successfully with the target cohorts, however in math the teacher had to assume a fulltime teacher of maths role due to staffing issues. In English 69% of the targeted cohort in year 7 achieved a minimum of one level of progress as a result of the intervention, in year 8 75% of the targeted cohort achieved a minimum of 2 levels of progress as a result of the intervention. LSAs were used to support before and after school reading intervention (paid for additional hours out of PP). 100% achieved 2 +levels of progress in year 8, in relation to their end of year 7 result, with 86% improving their reading age by 6+ months. In year 7 73% achieved the minimum of 1 level of progress in English after the 1 st term of reading intervention, however the most progress was seen in term of reading ages with 77% of the cohort improving their reading age by the minimum of 9 months. Objective 3. Engagement: to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for FSM and CIC students The pupil premium was used to support and develop intervention, intervention strategies and the guidance and support, provided for students at The Heath, in order to maximise attainment and to reduce barriers to learning. It was focused on targeting students whose attainment would ultimately affect their life choices and thus focused on the core performance indicators of 5 A*-C including English and Mathematics , as well as those students in public care Science £1600 ks3 revision guides, KS4 FSM C/D borderline support DofE £1000 Mathematics £2000 revision outside the classroom KS4 Year 8 climbing wall £375 PSHE ICT £125 breakfast club History £200 Thackery Museum trip RS £400 FSM opportunities to attend a place of worship Art £450 after school Art Club Electronic products £30 for camera Graphic products £300 resource support for FSM English £700 – KS4 revision guides for whole FSM cohort Textiles £250 to improve literacy support at KS3 and aid with differentiation to support SEND FSM Food tech £593 – to ensure all FSM resources are covered to enable attainment Resistant Materials £400 KS 3 revision guides PE £1500 to support with PE kit, Revision guides for all FSM, breakfast blast club to promoted FSM engagement with sport Music £800 to purchase left handed guitars and to support FSM students at GCSE with peripatetic lessons £6000 vivos (100% of all FSM students received rewards) £6000 allocated to support CLA attainment TOTAL: £22,723 IMPACT GCSE 2011-2012 (Validated Data E6) Cohort 5 A* - C En & Ma 66% Non FSM/CLA 5 A* - C En & Ma 73% FSM/CLA 5A* - C En & Ma 48% National FSM/CLA 5A* - C En & Ma 37% Narrowing the gap National 27% English Cohort Non FSM/CLA FSM/CLA Gap Maths Cohort Non FSM/CLA FSM/CLA Gap Heath 25% 70% 77% 52% 25% 80% 83% 72% 11% GCSE 2012 - 2013 (UNVALIDATED DATA FSM only) Cohort 5 A* - C En & Ma 69% Non FSM 5 A* - C En & Ma 72% FSM 5A* - C En & Ma 57% National FSM 5A* - C En & Ma Narrowing the gap Heath 15% National English Cohort Non FSM FSM Gap Maths Cohort Non FSM FSM Gap 76% 79% 67% 12% 77% 66% 80% 14% Narrowing the gap 2012 - 2013 By effectively targeting support and intervention in English and mathematics for FSM students alongside integrated school systems designed to benefit all students The Heath has improved levels of attainment for all students, whilst at the same time narrowing the attainment gap – although all GCSE data is unvalidated. The strategies outlined above are only a sample of the work undertaken last year as The Heath strives to ensure that every student makes sustained progress. 2011 2012 2013 Cho Sch Nat Diff Coh Sch Nat Diff Coh Sch Nat Diff All pupils 209 57 65 -8 206 66 64 2 210 68 67 1 CLA/FSM 60 38 65 -27 60 48 64 -16 71 56 67 -11 Non CLA/FSM 149 65 65 0 147 73 64 9 139 74 67 7 WSG -27 -25 -18 Pupil Premium 2013/2014 Number of pupils eligible 373 Amount received per pupil 900 TOTAL PP received £335,700 Pupil Premium 2013/2014 Pupil Premium will directly reflect the planned proposed spend brought to governors April 2012 and will address:The four key objectives: 1. Transition: to improve transition outcomes for FSM students to bring attainment in line with expected levels of progress 2. Literacy: to establish a reading scheme to improve the reading age of students whose reading age is below national average 3. Engagement: to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for E6 and CLA students 4. Attendance: to implement strategies addressing the attendance gap between for PP and CLA and non PP students Pupil Premium £140,000 Pupil Premium Existing projects £140,000 for above projects (see Pupil Premium Plan ) £195,700 As part of the school’s commitment to narrowing the attainment gap, research was undertaken in school with a focus on managing intervention strategies for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils. This was part of a wider National College project (Test and Learn), considering how the gap was being narrowed in other schools nationally and trialling commercial strategies to evaluate which has the greatest impact. The research has been used to inform and will continue to inform, proposed spending and initiatives aimed at narrowing the attainment gap in GCSE outcomes for Pupil Premium students and their peers.