Ecology - Cobb Learning



Unit 8 Test Review Sheet


Chapters 14, 15, 22.3 & 31.1

Test Structure:

(37) Multiple-choice questions

Major concepts covered on test:

1) How do fossils show evidence of evolution?

They compare actual changes

2) How is relative dating used to determine the age of a fossil? If fossils are in older layers of soil that we can date, then we can assume the fossil is the same general age.

3) What is the endosymbiont theory (endosymbiosis)? That prokaryotes evolved into euks by engulfing another prok that lived symbiotically instead of dying.

4) List the evidences of the endosymbiont theory. Mitochondrial DNA,

5) What was the first organism on Earth (type of cell)? Prokaryote

6) How did Lamarck explain the development of new traits in organisms (which is not true)?

They could acquire them in their life time and these would then be passed on.

(ex – straight teeth acquired from braces. Crooked teeth will be passed on.)

7) Which scientist is credited with developing the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

8) On the Galapagos islands, what did Darwin notice about the finch beaks ? They evolved from the slight variations they inherited in response to their food sources.

9) What is natural selection? List four main points. (ex. Natural variation, ….)

When nature chooses the most fit individual for the environment

10) What does “survival of the fittest” mean?

Which ever individual is able to survive a particular condition is called the fittest.

11) Explain the relationship between natural selection and evolution.

Natural selection leads to evolution of a species

12) What are homologous structures? Give examples.

Structures, like arms, that are similar and came from a common ancestor.

13) What are analogous structures? Give examples.

Structures that are similar, but have no common ancestor

14) Which term homologous or analogous structure implies that the organisms descended from a common ancestor and are related? Homo = same

15) Which term homologous or analogous structure implies that similar features can develop in similar environments (and NOT that the organisms are related)

16) What are vestigial structures? Give an example.

Structures that are present/reduced since they are not used currently. ( v egetable that just sits there – ex. appendix)

17) We discussed several types of evidence for evolution. Which is considered the most effective or reliable today? DNA

18) What is biochemical evidence of evolution?

Common enzymes (chemicals) in different organisms.

19) The chart below compares the amino acids between several organisms. Which is MOST closely related to the gibbon? How do you know?

Lemur has 9 common amino acids with the lemur

20) Organisms that have more amino acids in common (biochemical evidence) are________________ ( more or less) related to each other.

21) Define convergent evolution. Give an example.

Two species that evolve from similar circumstances/niches even though not related. Ex. Flying squirrel

22) What is biological resistance? Give an example.

When bacteria is able to resist medications like antibiotics due to excessive exposure. ex MRSA

23) How can antibiotics contribute to biological resistance in bacteria?

Excessive use and exposure

24) Explain the differences between gravitropism, phototropism, and thigmotropism in plants.

Plant response to gravity, light, or touch

25) What is camouflage? Give an example. Adaptation to blend ex- white polar bear in white snow

26) What is mimicry? Give an example. species ability to copy another ex – viceroy butterfly and monarch, Bird calls, etc
