Quiz 14 Ch 14 Name________________________ Remote # ____________

Quiz 14
Ch 14
Remote # ____________
1. Structures that may differ in function but
a. early embryonic development is
that have similar anatomy, presumably
because of descent from common
b. ancestral vertebrates possessed genes
ancestors, are called ______.
that directed the development of tails and
a. analogous structures
gill slits, and all of their descendants still
b. homologous structures
retain those genes
c. vestigial structures
c. genes that modify the developmental
pathways in vertebrates arose later in
2. Structures that serve no apparent
purpose but are homologous to functional
d. all of the above
structures in related organisms are called
5. Which of the following is a basic
a. analogous structures
requirement for natural selection to be an
b. homologous structures
effective evolutionary force?
c. vestigial structures
a. Mutation must occur frequently.
b. Individuals reproduce at a rapid rate.
3. Which of the following lines of evidence
c. Each population is limited to a small size.
support(s) the idea that evolution occurs?
d. A population exhibits some genetic
a. the fossil record
b. genetic and biochemical analyses
e. all of the above
c. comparative anatomy and embryology
d. artificial selection
6. What does the idea of "uniformitarianism"
e. all of the above
suggest about the geological record and the
age of Earth?
4. All vertebrate embryos resemble each
a. Earth was only 6000 years old.
other during the early stages of
b. Species were evidence of acts of divine
development. For example, fish, turtles,
chickens, mice, and humans develop tails
c. Earth's species were created initially but
and gill slits during early stages of
many were destroyed by successive
development. This suggests that _________.
d. Natural processes (e.g., sedimentation
due to river flow) occurring over long
d. Mutations that are favored by selection
stretches of time accounted for the thick
are more likely to occur.
layers of rock where fossils are found,
rather than cataclysmic events.
10. Body parts that serve a similar function
in unrelated organisms are:
7. Which of the following would be
a. analogous structures
considered to be an example of analogous
b. homologous structures
c. Both the first and fourth answers are
a. molar teeth in a vampire bat
b. superficially similar structures in
d. evidence of convergent evolution
unrelated species
e. evidence of divergent evolution
c. internally similar structures (e.g., of birds
and mammals) that are used for many
11. Natural selection acts on ____________,
different functions
while evolution occurs in ________________.
d. Both the first and third answers are
a. individual organisms; populations
b. separate organisms; populations
c. single cell organisms; species
8. Charles Darwin was NOT influenced by
d. individual organisms; families
which of the following people in formulating
his ideas about natural selection?
a. Thomas Malthus
b. Charles Lyell
c. William Smith
d. Gregor Mendel
9. Which of the following is an incorrect
statement about mutation?
a. Mutation introduces variation into a
b. Mutations can be inherited from parents
to offspring.
c. Mutations may have no effect on the